Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (2025)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (1)


By Oona McGee, SoraNews24TOKYO

If you asked people in Japan to name a famous singer/actor/hearththrob, chances are they’ll mention a man namedTakuya Kimura, most commonly known as “Kimutaku."

The 47-year-old has been in the public eye since he was signed to the Johnny & Associatestalent agency at the age of 15, going on to become one of the most famous members of boy band SMAP and branching out into acting, appearing in TV dramas and box office hits to huge success.

Even now that SMAP hasdisbanded, the nation holds a keen interest in Kimutaku and his wife,Japanese singerShizuka Kudo, and recently the couple’s second daughter,Mitsuki Kimura, known affectionately as “Koki," stepped out into the spotlight as well.

With 17-year-old Koki making her modeling debut last year, the couple’s eldest daughter,Cocomi, is now following suit, by starring on theMay cover of Japan Vogue, which is set to be released on March 28.

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (2)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (3)

Fans in Japan are already fascinated by Cocomi’s photogenic features, with many saying she has the same eyes as her famous father.

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (4)

Cocomi is much more than just a pretty face, though, as she’s alsoa talented musicianwho started playing the violin at the age of three and the flute at the age of 11. She’s set to enter university this year while keeping up with her music and modelling for fashion brands like Dior, who recently appointed her as one of their ambassadors.

With so much hype around Cocomi’s modeling debut, the new issue of Vogue looks set to sell out at news stands, just like the July 2018 issue of Elle Japan did when her sister Koki debuted on the cover.

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Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (6)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (7)

Derek Grebe

Shortest book ever: "My Struggle" by Koki.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (8)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (9)


Wow. Offspring of rich and famous people becoming rich and famous because of their parents.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (12)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (13)


She was born on third base. ANY job she wanted was going to be easy to get.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (14)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (15)


Being from California hearing something like this is nothing new.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (16)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (17)


Best of luck to her, she didn't pick her parents.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (18)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (19)


She was born on third base. ANY job she wanted was going to be easy to get.

Of course, but good for her I guess...


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (20)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (21)


Wow. Offspring of rich and famous people becoming rich and famous because of their parents.

But wait, what's this?

Cocomi is much more than just a pretty face, though, as she’s alsoa talented musicianwho started playing the violin at the age of three and the flute at the age of 11

She has talent.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (22)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (23)


Cocomi is much more than just a pretty face, though, as she’s alsoa talented musicianwho started playing the violin at the age of three and the flute at the age of 11

’She has talent’

Have you heard her play?

I started playing guitar at about age 4. I can play it to a point but I don’t have any particular talent.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (24)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (25)


Correction : "She has talent"?


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (26)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (27)


At least some positive news. At least she is real, has supportive parents and can ‘Make Japan Great Again’.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (28)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (29)

Patricia Yarrow

and loads of hair on both of them.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (30)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (31)

Chip Star

All you people claiming she got this silly because of who her parents are are simple angry because you did not choose your parents correctly like she clearly did.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (32)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (33)


Why is everyone so jealous? Were you all challenging a career in modeling and couldn't get it because your parents weren't cool enough?


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (34)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (35)

Chip Star

Apparently people don’t understand sarcasm.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (36)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (37)

Vince Black

meh, shes no stunner that's for sure.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (38)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (39)


Cocomi looks more like her Mom. On the other hand, Koki looks exactly looks like Kimutaku when he was a teenager. Stunning when you see her. Koki will probably be a very popular idol/actor like her father. Cocomi should just enjoy college and do her own thing, like her entrepreneurial momma.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (40)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (41)


Why is everyone so jealous? Were you all challenging a career in modeling and couldn't get it because your parents weren't cool enough?

And what if they were? Of course people who have the talent, but struggled and perhaps failed might feel envious of someone who could basically just stroll into that very same dream job. Especially in hard times, people might resent lavish attention given to someone whose only notable talent is being born to the right parents. It smacks of a modern version or royalty.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (42)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (43)


Stop complaining about her looks! She has the Takuya look, and that is very big here in Japan.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (44)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (45)

Toasted Heretic

meh, shes no stunner that's for sure.

For some people, ugliness is not just confined to surface level.

I wish her well. She's up against a lot of jealousy. And misogyny.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (46)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (47)


she's quite pretty. good for her....


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (48)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (49)

Patricia Yarrow

Idle thoughts: I would prefer to see both of these lovely ladies on train advertising and replacing the overplayed models currently cursing my eyes.


Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (50)

Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (51)

Bugle Boy of Company B

meh, shes no stunner that's for sure.

Oh, I dunno. "stun" is defined as "to knock unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state." Seems about right.


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Daughter of former SMAP star Takuya Kimura becomes a model in Japan (2025)
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