Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (2024)

Don Kings Enaboakpe

I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380 in 2005 to 2022.In fact, the Dutch government closed several prisons. The Bijlmer Bajes prison was shut down and later reopened to house homeless refugees.Crime rates plummeted!At the same time, the prison population in the UK grew from 76,190 to 80,659 ("Prison Lessons from the Netherlands," 2023).Whenever there is a remarkable social progress, it is traceable to effects of policies and a people's culture. So, a quick look at the Dutch culture reveals some interesting pattern.The Dutch have a tradition of purposefully doing nothing, called "niksen." It promotes balance and well-being. It allows the Dutch to take breaks, relax, and simply do nothing. This approach has been applauded for reducing stress and improving mental health.Last year, the Dutch government further introduced "slow checkouts" in supermarkets for elderly people who go slowly and want to stop and talk.They also introduced "chat corners" where locals could meet for coffee and conversation.The Dutch government seems intentional about slowing down the restless pace that drains people.Drawing on the concept of grace, the more grace we offer, the more we receive it in return. Similarly, the more we stop and rest, the more we are drawn to our common humanizing goal of love, care, and a decrease in selfishness.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

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Simda Luka

Advocate for Justice & Gender Equality|Relationship Coach|Empowering Marginalized Communities


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This is quite educative.😁Thank you sir.

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Emmanuel Barnabas



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As trivial as these issues look, it is amazing how they helped in decreasing the number of in prison.This is great.

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    It is true that…Stepping out of your comfort zone to acquire new skills, even those that seem basic or beneath your current expertise, can significantly expand your influence and income potential. It can be a challenging process, but face the challenge of learning and growth; the discomfort is a small price to pay for the substantial rewards that follow.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, growth, personal development, and strategies for personal wealth.


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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    Progress steps are difficult and uncomfortable. Progress often requires us to learn something new and outside our usual area of expertise.For example, a professor may teach an upper-level course, reaching 20-50 students per class. Classroom limits will limit the reach of his knowledge and, consequently, what he can earn from the institution. Imagine again that the professor learns web design. By creating a blog, they can share their specialized knowledge with a much larger audience. They can also learn video editing and produce educational videos like Water Lewin, Michael Stevens, or Jordan Peterson. This will make their reach and impact to potentially increase tenfold, alongside their earnings.But this won't be easy. Learning these digital skills may require the professor to be a student of a high school kid or even their own student. This scenario can be quite uncomfortable. The alternative is to hire a content production team, which will require a significant financial resource.This principle applies to personal development and wealth-building journey. Stepping out of your comfort zone to acquire new skills, even those that seem basic or beneath your current level of professional expertise can significantly expand your influence and income potential. I challenge you to embrace the challenge of learning and growth, and you’ll find that the discomfort is a small price to pay for the substantial rewards that follow.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    Many well educated people are in the "prestige prison."Let me explain…After graduating from Princeton, Jeff Bezos worked on Wall Street with a few companies. At D. E. Shaw, a hedge fund, Bezos quickly rose to become the youngest vice president in the company's history. He was admired and respected by friends and colleagues until…Jeff Bezos decided to resign. He left Wall Street to sell books in Seattle. His friends back on Wall Street heard he was selling books and busy with something else called "a virtual store."His status as a Princeton graduate and vice president of an investment bank on Wall Street all seemed too good to end up as a bookseller. They thought, "High school kids sell books." Jeff Bezos lost some friends. A news piece revealed that some friends deleted his contact when he left Wall Street.Jeff did not budge to the sentiment. That virtual store eventually made him the wealthiest person in the world between 2017 and 2021.This sentiment is common with educated folks. Because they spend a lot of time and money learning, they consider occupations that challenge the mind and showcase their learning more important. This way of thinking can cause a condition called status quo anxiety. This anxiety keeps people from making a significant career change when they feel a need to do so.The condition of being hindered by this sentiment is called the "prestige prison," a metaphor for feeling imprisoned by the status and respect that comes with a high-profile job or professional occupation.In conclusion, while being in a prestigious profession can be fulfilling, it's important to remember that it's okay to pivot if you feel the need to explore new directions, without being afraid to embrace change.I will love to read your thought. Have you felt the need to pivot but find yourself stuck in the 'prestige prison,' or have you already taken that step? Share your experiences with the anxiety and social pressures from friends, colleagues and family.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (17)
    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (18)


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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    Saint Augustine restlessly searched for meaning until he read the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. Something happened…In his words, "At once, with the last words of this sentence, it was as if a light of relief from all anxiety flooded into my heart" (Confessions, 29.9).He also wrote the famous words, "Our heart is restless until it rests in you." He was referring to God. We are over a thousand years apart from Augustine, but our longing for meaning and rest is the same as Augustine's. Technology and riches are great, but they don't quench the thirst for inner rest and peace. In fact, they easily amplify it.Augustine's search for meaning was a search for rest. From his experience, personal knowledge of God brings rest to the soul. It frees one from deceit, superstitions, and an array of unquestioned dogmas associated with many religions.There is also a social dimension to this kind of rest: it frees us from the constraints of prejudices and judgments of others. So the search for rest is the search for completeness and wholeness - of the body, soul and spirit. Wo/man is restless until their bodies find rest in the Sabbath and their heart in God.My friends, this is where I draw the curtain on the subject of rest. Thank you for the comments, likes and hearts. ________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    Thank you Nora Idoko and Rejoice Iwundu for sharing your experiences about REST! 😊

    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (28)
    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (29)



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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    These men did the unthinkable…Floyd Patterson slept for eleven and a half hours the night before he fought Archie Moore for the title in 1956. Before he went to the arena, he took another three-hour nap. Then, in the dressing room, he had another brief nap. The opponent, who had exhausted himself training right up to the fight, was not too much to beat. Floyd knocked him out in the fifth round (Ryan Holiday, Discipline is Destiny, p. 81).Did Floyd ignore his training? No. He trained extremely hard, but not on the day before the fight.According to Ryan Holiday, Floyd's practice of rest was because he cared so much about the fight.Another person was Justice Louis Brandeis. He was the most famous American Jewish jurist and the first to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States. He was respected for his deep thoughts and brilliance. It is credited to him as saying, "The accuracy [of a lawyer's] facts could be a more powerful argument than the logic of his law."It is said that Louis went on a short vacation days before an important trial. The public was outraged, calling it an "ill-timed" vacation. He was viciously criticized. His response was striking: "I need rest. I find that I can do a year's work in eleven months, but can't do it in twelve."These stories remind us that strategic rest is not a sign of weakness but a powerful tool for achieving peak performance and success.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (34)
    • Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (35)


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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    These ten reasons prevent us from taking time to rest…1. Guilt: "I feel bad if I’m not working."2. Fear of Falling Behind: "I worry others will get ahead if I take a break."3. Job Security: "I’m scared I’ll lose my job if I don’t keep at it."4. Company Stability: "I worry my company will fail if I don’t keep working."5. Passion for Work: "I genuinely love what I do and enjoy working."6. Perfectionism: "I always feel like my work isn’t good enough, so I keep pushing to make it better."7. Financial Pressure: "I need to put in extra hours to pay the bills and support my family."8. Workaholism: "I've developed a habit of always working, and it feels strange to not be busy."9. Pressure from Superiors: "My boss expects me to always be available and productive."10. Fear of Boredom: "I don’t know what to do with myself if I’m not working; rest just feels boring."Except for number seven, every other reason given above is rooted in feelings and expectations. Allowing our actions to be guided by feelings or the expectations of others oftentimes hinders our own growth and progress. Just don’t let this affect your rest and overall wellbeing.________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    Does God get tired?Answering this question will lead us to a deeper understanding of the significance of rest.Apparently, God did not need to rest because physical tiredness and exhaustion do not apply to Him (Isaiah 40:28). It was not because He needed to be more productive, as He was already done creating things. This suggests that rest has a purpose beyond merely restoring energy for more work. When God rested, He blessed the day and set it apart as His own, which seems to suggest that when we work, we give to the world, but when we rest, we give to ourselves.Secondly, the pronouncement of blessing connotes gratitude and pleasure, which suggests that rest helps us reflect, so we can derive pleasure in the progress of our craft. To further extrapolate this, people who are dissatisfied with what they have will find reasons to be grateful when they pause to reflect. This is the sense in which rest is life restoring and humanizing. ________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.



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  • Don Kings Enaboakpe

    I reset mindsets to optimize personal growth.

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    The Harvard Business Review published an article meant to help improve mental and physical wellbeing. Here is a summary of the article: "Taking time for silence restores the nervous system, helps sustain energy, and conditions our minds to be more adaptive and responsive. For example, silence is associated with the development of new cells in the hippocampus, the key brain region associated with learning and memory."The article suggests four practical steps to reduce the noise around us: ↳ Punctuate meetings with five minutes of quiet time. ↳ Take a silent afternoon in nature. ↳ Go on a media fast. ↳ Take the plunge and try a meditation retreat.I wonder if you have tried any of these practices? ________________________________I am Don Kings Enaboakpe and I love to share about wellbeing, personal development, strategies for growth and personal wealth.

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Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (53)

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Don Kings Enaboakpe on LinkedIn: The number of prisoners in the Netherlands dropped from 50,650 to 30,380… (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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