Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)

HOW INFORMATION GETS TO PRISONERS Bring Much- Learn lo from Nature of Talk, tho JBFFEHSON CITY, Jan. myfttcrimts means of communi ration between in the penal institutions of the country is simply the, result, of permitting visitors within the prison, Ihr chairman the iH-lieVfs, "Mnybt: it's trlcpnthy but the explanation appears to rile- 'a ho simp- -William. Painter, of Missouri Prison Ifoitrd said. Are Keen, "(Jossiplny nnd unnecosjuiry coo- in forbidden, of Mr. Painter "but, matter of fact, rule requiring silence IK jmt and ran not be enforced.

In prison, in most others, I'onvicls nro for runners or rtval, Increased 478,438 Californln did not' These men nro t.rUftlioH urn) have considerable accent to ex- Isaac Bradford of C'ambridRr, compiled on weather and movements of heave" 1 from secretK imparted to him by Ins valuable BOX In a I Kinnx to his father by hi lid he U. H. (iov U. S. HISTORY NEGLECTED Logion Says Student Know of Greaec and Rom Than of Coin- EACH ii.g PERSON: INDIANA POLLS, DeeJarinK that the educational lulioiiH of the; United Slules are.

rcutivo offices-, and in fuel tuminjj out graduates belter versed parts of the prison, "These men are usually convicls have hern in the instil for a considerable length of tirno and tbey soon learn to interpret meaning of nicetingH and eonferenc- of officials. They even jthruwd lo Interpret from Iho M'OH of conversing at a distance a surprisingly accurate estimate of convor.sal.ion. Are Reversed. brinjj In a Kival. amount of Information nnd JHu't any way lo prevent it unless Hie practice of permitting Convicts to receive visitors is jiloppej.

The re nnothor phase, of the fjiie.stion that is seldom discussed nn.l Unit is a more interest- sag. That is the way prinon keep ahead of whal lhc are 'up Different systems are user! in different prisons but the executives in all of them are mighfy well informed on Ihe gossip nnd doinjjf of the men. If they are not, there would ))i- more I rouble I ban can be "Our system al the Missouri prison a secret that we could not, divulge if it were known it would hecomo iVnffeclive at once, but it trouble of any kind is idmosi uriknoM'n within the prison now," NOT ENOUGH DENTISTS Many Iltu Now to the Tft'lh Are Overworking 42,000 "Toolh Tho A fuioc lilted IVe.sw.) CHICAGO, Jan. forty-two thoiiH'iiid dontl.sts lake rare of tlie teeth of One nnd five inillion porsonH? Tliia ia the (juesljon the Chicago Dental Hoolety hwi ask- cd nnd answered Ml Ihe. negative.

For this reason ono of the chief suh joe's fur consutenition nt the annual Clinic and Mouth Hygiene meeting In- held hy the Hooie.ty 27, nnd 20 here, will he niou'h liyKieno, oHpeehdly amortK children, for the prevention of nil "A far greater rcKponsihillly has been ilirown on Ihr profession in the past few yearH," according to I)r, I 1 G. PntcrlmiiKh, professor of j-hysieal dlapnosiH al' Ihe Dontnl Colloifc, "hy recent medical ili.scoverleH which utirihuh; to defects 'Die leeth many which merly wore attributed lo other cam- in the history of Greece and Home 'than in thai of I heir own country, Henry Hyan, chairman of the Amerieanistn Commission of the American Legion, ban announced Ihe start, of a Lcjjion movement, make the utudy of Ameriean history and civics compulsory in all public and private schools'. The Commission, lo Mr. Jiyan, propo.s-e.s to work out its educational program through the various stale departments. outlined by National Head rn, will be backed jn UK legislatures by the ries of this different Mr.

Hyan mud that, while Iho of American history and civics is more or Jess general, there arc- a number of schools in which the, sub jccln arc elective, nnd from which student he graduated without knowledge of their Il 4 to correct this situation that the Le- a.s acted. jn vn SOLDIRR HUYS OWN CAP IN STORE PIOUTII AM HOY, N. ,1. Jan. Jloward an Ameriean Legion member of IVrlh Amhoy, did not cast his bread upon the waters wilh Mie traditional return.

He did, however, diseard bis ou-rsem; mam- months ago in I'Vanee. The other day, Tappi-n bought a renovaled army cap in army Kood.s store here. When he fnVd '( on, he Auiful (he f.i'/o 0 be Uul. when Tltppcii looked -Hide Ihe )M he was considerably preturbed. On the lib: name, written writing.

in his own hari'l The eap was Cnrded in I'Vanee lice. one he had dis- nflor the increasus of Cars in U. S. Last Yeur Was 1,070,004 oir 21.0 Per Cent. In AKHON, v- hiclc.

rcKistralion for (be past ycai cbtaiiu'd from the various si ales by the H. F. (Joodrieh KubJmr 11 I nerc Jire cars and I nicks in use throughout, the United for every ll.H persons. 'J'his in an increnHe of or ULI) per cent, ovel Ueecmher 101!) when there were motor vchicIc.H Thfpain during tlu- year was greater ijian thai, of any previous year and is considered exceptionally remarkable by officials of the aut mobile industry in view of the adverse business- throughout the country durinjv last part of Tho largest previous wis in 11)10. Now York l-lnn Most.

Kvcry slate in Ihr Union sluiwcd during I be year. Virginia wilh fil.l per and Te will) per triiL The of states inerea.sts from 18 to per cent, hi a general way, I lie figures show agricultural slates made belter than industrial The briwi-en York and Ohio fur supremacy in tbr. number of motor vehicle'! in New York's favor. The- mid-year summer showd Oh jo by 81,000 cars and it Was Uioiitfhl it would maintain iJn lead for the' entire year. Thousands of New York ownM's registered la, ter, however, and the fin-il figures showed York wilh an! Ohio wilh Nebraska Takes Lead.

J-l rcnxtbcncd ils hold on place, from M7 to while its clo- Lndlo.s Talent Leather Shoes, Hat in nml to $4.95 at Mullen's. HlKh Kcdilfcd (201 fralses McMulIiu's TonJc ForiTubereulosis 'J. B. told me my worn nft'ectcd. Took wcnlter.

A friend advised Old ami not relief nt 01100 1 rein tny cough, JlmltH Irnprovrc) untl urnlned we! it Jit. 1 Am now reft I cheerfully McMalltn'f Tonic to everyone iuuYrlnw with lunn or mthnm." (r. When peopU My UIA thing with tuberctu bronchial troubin. liny eto. Kfit of McMutlln 1 Kf td, only by UcMullm it- KUOK1CK IJItOS, anil F.

PHONE 710 PHONK 719 ANNOUNCEMENT! AVo-lwvo Iho Collins' Feed Mill bnild'mjj; and WILL OPEN A CASH FEED BUSINESS ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, Wo a. of shelled Corn Tor our opening day! ifpeoial prioo on load lots. AVo aim io oarry a line oi' ail kinds oi' foods. dolivor lo any of oily. It will'pay you (o call us you buy anyihim- 1 in food line.

Noel Son, Props. 110 East Coates Street (In Iho between Kuty mul Wubitnh trnckn) PHONE 719 PHONE 719 4th St Theatre "The Houac LAST TIME TODAY A MAtST "WHO CAKE BACK, THE HBKOJ screen power and Irtmcncki fasctnalwtt, itiasti titw ofmiuttc hyJMEWATHlS from treat novel THE TLBMPLB OF DAWN otid Jby DALLAS JS1.HTZOBRA1JDI Also a 2-reel feature comedy "HOT tlie wonder as great jv numcricnl the othor I rulers this fift plncc. firmly C90. An analysis of slnlc-s show Ouil within the huv their 550, e- individual confines the entire continent t-f These York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, ni 'lYxiis nnd Michigan hnve eombined of more Ulan 45.

per cent of all ears registered in the nmks country, twelfth with ears, ain of 21.9 per cent over 1019 when she, hart huh 244,033 tiutomohilcs. Iowa no longer c.nn claim the honor of having- more nut.os according lo populnlioii than any stale. has dropped lo fourlh place, 8. anrl California h.Mvin^ jumped ahead. prt-nent k-itder, has one car for S.

Dakota one. for overy fi.l, mid ('nlifornia ono for every 0.2. Iowa one for evevy per NEW ZEALAND COPIES U. NEW YORK, Jan, 7 will soon ioauguralc asi plnne mail service modeh-d that in us-e by the United States Poslof- fic-e Depnrlment, to Murphy, of Timaroiu New who came here (o of various The company which he is connected hna contract to carrying the mails in New £eidnnd added Mr. ATurphy.

Sightseeing over Mount Cook jivrplane also is cnu*toniplatrcl, Murphy said Mount Cook is objective point for tourists country. a major in Hi at delivered on "hom*o of Soft, TVnter." Odd Lor of and Chitdren'a at Mullen's. OWLS CAN SEE IN DAYTIME JiO.STON, enn sec in dfiytimr and the-aticlenl belief that according Dcpnly Park imier WillijpijL Mr. Lonjv, with Morne of tin- franklin Zoo, ha.s neevral days trying to cj om: of NH-KC hird.s./>/ noctural habits lo add to the collection out at the P'irk, but owl. has had all the hej.l of tin- chase up to date.

The curator a lonjc net. and counted on the owl's supposed inability to sr.s in the daytime. Just they the, drKcenl on III.M owlshjp latter eluded the 5rap. After iirveral hours of this Ihe curator nnd Deputy Long- jjfavo il uj) a job. RAISING BETTER CATTLE TRENTON, Shurthorji Hrredcr.s' Assocliilion at a recent mooting voted InaiiKiiralo new system for soiling pure bred hn'dK in an ol'l'ott to oliminiilo the scrub bull from Grundy county.

Hrirfly plan ift to sell the to farmers and m-oivo payment in cithr.s j.s believed in w-iy lite standard In the county CMII be put on a higher plane quicker limn in any other. WHOis "BIERMAN?" Why Do Men Carry Watches? Well whnl do you Ih'ink of Oie: man wlio doesn't? Whaf. do you think of the man who offer's OXCUHCH for the. lime Jii.s watch keeps? Or of Urn fellow who pulls out the bulky old "turnip" the present generation looks on iis a. curiosity? Men are judged hy their watcbe.s.

That's why you- oujrht to carry our that's a credit to you. Come in and look at upMo-dnle watches. Our prices: are rifrhj. oll a real boor. wil Hallmark Watches $20 to $100 American in the Wad.sworth cases $15 to $160 3t4Roed Street UNDBR DIRBCTION OF JACK F.

TRUITT Quality Picture The Supromtiiit of Supreme SPECIAL SUPER SHOW MONDAY AND TUESDAY Constance Jalmadge in her latest First National hit loves Connio and Imr oxnollcnl; and lliis is ono o(: hnr host, SPECIAL! The most thriling two-reel picture ever made. Direct from it's St. Louis run and (THE SUPER HORSE) (IDOL OF CANADA) Cfi The Race off the Age cnUro is shown i'rom to end. thrill you lo chtiers. A scnHiilion! See il, will The Grand's Big Concert Orchestra ORPHEUS'' California Movie Girls 7 People -Musical comedy novelty.

Shorty Long'nce Comedian COMING WEDNESDAY ELBIE FERGUSON in "LADY ROSE'S DAUGHTER" A ParutnounL feature, nnd EDDIE POLO in "KING OF THE CIRCUS" Serial on. Wednesday irmtead of -Thursday on aeount of "Buddies" on Thursday. YOU ALWAYS SEE THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN AT THE GRAND DAY' ONLY Sfi 2 ol' Min; inoroslins ami FIGHTING FATE" Si nrri n' WILLIAM DUNCAN and This is coni-iiuuHl story of quality, a logic, intomlmj lor those people who- like -siorioa of inorii; and oj' iint.unil situations." CAPRICE I I Tito winsome star in In Walked Mary" A rbiimiKit- ilih'f: into yonv heart. ATTRACTIONS FOX tlie tost 'of all news weeklies, and "MAKING CONCRETE ROADS "-Red Cross reel THURSDAY AND FFilDAY Mary Miles Minter in "The Eyes of the Heart" GRAND THEATRE ONE tfAN. 27 Numbers.

Direct from triumphant. eng-aMfcmonjK in New York and Chicago breMkiinr weeliH j-n St. Jinn's nnd BEAUTIFUL MUSIC- TEEMING WITH ANIMATION AND LAUGHTER. Lower Floor, $1.50 and Gallery, SQe. on sale a.

m. Mail orders fillod now if eonipanied by envelope- uml chock or order, payable, to Karl Hayes, WE ARE MAKING. A SPECIAL REDUCTION PRICE IN AJ.IJ PLUMBING AND HEATING GOODS Clotting Out ft lot of Hayes Well ttig Reduction JAMES L. KEHOE North Fourth St. MUtouri A PERFECTAMUsem*nT rn-mrnrnnnrinnnnrii-irirn-i New and Used Car aiid Truck Bargains All Makes and JVIodela.

vi Agency JPor NEW AUTOMOBILES AND MAY-TAG WASHIN TIRES, PARTS AND If itaven't il in stock can get it I'o' Moberly Exchange Geo. Riding, Prop 106 4T.ll ST. 310 W. ST. Phone 483 A 1.

Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.