Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (2024)

Chapter 1: prologue: Where it began

Chapter Text

an: before we begin. I would like to tell you. this will be me attempting to do more world building and trying to fix the lore that wizards and rise of the titans broke. As such, I will be adding my own original ideas, and also crossover stuff. this is more than a trollhunter fic, but it will follow trollhunter's plot. just heads up, expect some new faces and ideas.



Hello. I am Jim Lake Jr., Son of Barbara Lake. It's been a long time since my story unfolded, but if you're reading this, you must be seeking the truth behind the legends of the champions of Merlin and Morgana. Well, let me tell you, it's a tale woven with threads of pain, adventure, joy, hate, love, sadness, and much more.

Many assume I was the hero, the Trollhunter, Champion of Merlin. But what often goes untold is the story of my brother. This is a tale not just of adventure and duty, but also one of love, pain, burdens, and suffering.

Allow me to paint for you what it is to live under the shadows of destiny, where my brother, Y/N, stood at the centre of a storm that would shake the very foundation of our world. His journey was one of both triumph and tragedy, and it is a story that deserves to be told. So, come with me as we unravel the enigma of his existence, and uncover the secrets that lie within the heart of a tragic hero.

but it didn't start when he found his amulet but earlier.


y/n pov: 8 years old. Jim's 5th birthday

It was Jim's birthday, a day that held a bittersweet significance in the hearts of the Lake family. For it was on this day, years ago, that our father had vanished without a trace, leaving a lasting scar on our household.

I remember it clearly. the day everything changed. My keen eyes scanned the room, searching for the familiar figure of my father amidst the festivities."Where's Dad?"I asked, my voice tinged with confusion and concern. Barbara, my mother, took me aside, her gentle voice laden with sorrow as she revealed the harsh truth."Sweetheart, your father... he's not coming home," she confessed, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

A lump formed in my throat as the weight of her words settled upon my young shoulders."But... but why?"I stammered, unable to comprehend the magnitude of our father's absence.

"He... he had to go away,"Barbara explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now, you have to be strong, Y/N. You have to be the man of the house."

My heart hammered in my chest as I struggled to digest my mother's words."I don't understand"I whispered, voice trembling with uncertainty. I felt my mother's gaze soften."I know, kiddo,"Barbara replied, her hand reaching out to gently cup my cheek."But sometimes, life throws us challenges we never expected."she whispered making me slowly nod."you're strong kiddo. it's what makes you special.You have to be brave, Kiddo, For Jim's sake, and mine."

Slowly, I watched my mother leave and I stood there... alone. Emotions running rampant in my mind. why? why did he leave? what was I gonna do? What about jim?

I slowly turned only to see Mum embracing jim. I could see her whisper the words."We have to be strong together."I watched this scene and felt sad, jim was younger... this was tough... yet I couldn't help but feel... a twinge of jealousy. As I watched my mother embrace Jim, whispering words of comfort, a pang of jealousy pierced my heart. Why did she favour him over me? Why did she cling to him so tightly, while I was left to fend for myself?

I shook my head... no. I need to focus. Things were changing... and little did I know. the world was way bigger than I anticipated.


3rd pov: 6000 years ago

two figures stood face to face. a blue glowing form and a green glowing form. they were Order and Chaos, ancient entities whose existence predates even the earliest traces of human history.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (1)

Order, embodying the essence of structure and harmony, faced off against Chaos, the embodiment of unpredictability and discord. Their voices resonated through the void, echoing the weight of countless aeons of conflict.

Order, his voice resonating with the clarity of a mountain stream, argued for the necessity of structure and discipline. "Without order, there can be no progress,"he declared, his eyes ablaze with conviction."It is through a structure that civilizations rise, that life flourishes."

Chaos, her laughter like the wild winds that swept across untamed landscapes, countered with equal fervour."But what is progress without freedom?" she retorted, her gaze fierce and untamed. "Without chaos, there can be no innovation, no creativity. It is through chaos that the seeds of change are sown."

Order, his form a beacon of unwavering certainty, pointed to the intricate patterns of the cosmos as evidence of his superiority."Look around you,"he urged, gesturing towards the stars that danced in the velvet sky."Every planet, every galaxy, follows a precise path ordained by the laws of nature. It is through order that the universe finds harmony."

Chaos, her eyes gleaming with an inner fire, scoffed at his words. "Harmony, you say?"she retorted, her voice dripping with scorn."But what of the beauty that lies in chaos? It is chaos that gives rise to the unexpected, the unexplored. Without chaos, life becomes stagnant, devoid of passion and vitality."

Chaos, her voice a melodic counterpoint to Order's sternness, countered,"And you, with your obsession with control and predictability, deny the beauty of spontaneity and innovation. Without chaos, there can be no progress."

The debate raged on, each argument countered by a swift rejoinder, as the two immortal beings clashed in an eternal struggle of ideologies.

Finally, after millennia of debate, a tentative truce was reached, albeit with a caveat. "Let us test our theories in the realm of mortals,"Order proposed, his gaze unwavering."We shall each assume mortal forms and influence the world according to our respective principles. And may the outcome determine which path is truly superior."

Chaos, ever the instigator of change, accepted the challenge with a gleam in her eyes."Very well, let's play this game,"she replied, a mischievous chuckle echoed across the land.

With that, the ancient beings relinquished their celestial forms, descending from their lofty realms to inhabit mortal bodies. Thus, Merlin, the embodiment of Order, and Morgana, the avatar of Chaos, were born into the world of men, their memories of their primordial existence fading into obscurity as they embarked on their fateful journey through history.

(not perfect. but making accurate faces is a nightmare in herofroge)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (2)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (3)


For a while, things were ok. Merlin and morgana remained separate and things were peaceful. the two, with no memory of who they once were, became friends. they coexisted... or at least... they did. The once harmonious coexistence between magical beings and humanity began to fracture under the weight of growing tensions. Morgana, ever drawn to the chaos and unpredictability of magic, sought to elevate her favoured creatures above all others. Meanwhile, Merlin, with his unwavering dedication to order and progress, laboured tirelessly to guide humanity along the path of enlightenment.

Yet, despite their best efforts to maintain the delicate balance between the two worlds, conflict was inevitable. Trolls, emerging from the depths of their subterranean dwellings, clashed with humanity as they ventured further into uncharted territories. Morgana, ever the instigator of chaos, fueled the flames of war with her dark magic, sowing seeds of discord wherever she went.

till the two worlds... clashed. Magic kind and humanity met... and the tide turned to chaos. Trolls and humanity clashed first. As trolls rose out of the caves they hid from, humanity ventured across the world.

The first heartstone, a relic of immense power, the birthing heart of troll kind, began to pulse with malevolent energy as the blood of both trolls and humans stained the earth. The heartstone began to corrupt from within and From its depths emerged Gunmar, a being of pure darkness and malice, born from the very essence of corruption that permeated the heartstone.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (4)


In the aftermath of Gunmar's emergence from the corrupted heartstone, chaos reigned supreme. The once tranquil lands echoed with the sounds of war drums and the clash of steel as Gunmar, fueled by an insatiable thirst for vengeance, led his army of trolls on a relentless campaign against humanity.

For Gunmar, the world was a place of darkness and despair, where every corner held a new threat and every face concealed an enemy. Raised in the crucible of conflict, his existence was defined by rage and hatred, his only purpose to inflict suffering upon those he deemed responsible for his torment.

As he waged his brutal campaign against humanity, innocent trolls found themselves caught in the crossfire, their homes destroyed and their families torn apart by the ravages of war. Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, a flicker of defiance burned within the hearts of those who dared to oppose him.

With each passing day, Gunmar's legend grew, his name whispered in fear and awe by those who dared to defy him. His strength was unmatched, his fury unrelenting, as he carved a path of destruction across the land, leaving naught but death and devastation in his wake.

But even as Gunmar reveled in his newfound power, a shadow loomed on the horizon, a force of light and hope that threatened to unravel his carefully laid plans. For in the heart of darkness, there existed a glimmer of hope, a beacon of resistance that refused to be extinguished.

And as the war between trolls and humanity raged on, the fate of both worlds hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion. For Gunmar, it was a time of reckoning, a trial by fire that would test the limits of his strength and the depths of his resolve. And as he stared into the abyss, he knew that only one thing mattered: victory at any cost.


years later. as the war waged

Merlin stood atop a rocky outcrop, his eyes scanning the battlefield below. The air was thick with the stench of blood and decay, the ground littered with the broken bodies of trolls and humans alike. Gunmar's forces had pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, their relentless onslaught leaving devastation in its wake.

Gunmar waged war. Slowly uniting the different tribes under his command. Or crushing others. While he was a smaller force at first. The momentum of his rise was all too clear. Soon this small ripple. Would become a tsunami of destruction.

As Merlin watched, his heart heavy with sorrow, he caught sight of two figures locked in a deadly dance amidst the chaos below. Morgana, her form wreathed in shadow, clashed with a lone warrior, her movements fluid and graceful as she danced across the battlefield.

"Morgana,"Merlin murmured, his voice heavy with regret. He had once called her friend, had shared with her secrets that had long since been forgotten. But now, she had become something else entirely, a twisted reflection of the woman she had once been.

Descending from his vantage point, Merlin made his way towards the heart of the conflict, his steps faltering with each passing moment. He knew what he had to do, knew that he was the only one capable of stopping Morgana's madness before it consumed them all.

Drawing upon the last vestiges of his strength, Merlin approached Morgana, his voice a whisper in the clamour of battle. "Morgana, please,"he pleaded, his eyes filled with sorrow."This madness must end. We can find a way to peace together."

But Morgana's laughter cut through the air like a knife, her eyes alight with manic fervour."Peace?"she scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt."there will be no peace. not between US. this is perfection. chaos. destruction. do you not see? the world is beautiful now."

Merlin's heart sank at her words, the weight of her conviction pressing down upon him like a leaden shroud. He knew then that there was no reasoning with her, no hope of reconciliation. And so, with a heavy heart, he drew his sword, the blade gleaming in the fading light.

Morgana, her midnight-black hair swirling around her like a tempest, sneered."Power is not meant to be shared, Merlin. It is meant to be taken. And I will take all that is rightfully mine, even if I have to crush you to do so."

With a fierce cry, Morgana unleashed a bolt of dark energy from her fingertips, the crackling tendrils of magic slicing through the air towards Merlin. He countered with a barrier of shimmering light, the spells clashing with a deafening explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the landscape, trees splintering and rocks shattering.

"**Absum!"**Merlin chanted, his voice resonating with ancient power as he called forth a spectral wolf made of pure magic, its form shifting and ethereal. The wolf leapt towards Morgana, jaws snapping as she summoned a shield of twisting shadows to defend herself.

The clash of spells continued, each sorcerer weaving intricate incantations, the forces of magic colliding in a dance of destruction. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble as they summoned forth armies of magical constructs, illusions of warriors clashing in a chaotic ballet of war.

"**Ignis Draconis!**"Morgana roared, her eyes burning crimson as she conjured a dragon of living flames, its roar shaking the earth as it soared towards Merlin, flames licking at its maw.

Merlin raised his staff, his expression grim as he whispered,"**Gelum Custos**,"summoning a wall of ice to shield himself from the searing heat. The dragon's flames licked at the icy barrier, melting it slowly as he struggled to maintain his defence.

Morgana raised her ebony staff high, chanting in a lilting voice,"**Somnum Aeternum!**" Dark tendrils erupted from the earth, twisting and writhing as they coiled around her, manifesting into shadowy figures clad in obsidian armour. These were her constructs, creatures born of whispers and nightmares, ready to do her bidding in the coming battle.

Merlin, his azure robes billowing in an unseen wind, countered with a swift incantation,"**Lux Aeterna!**" A blinding light burst forth from his outstretched palm, illuminating the battleground and revealing his army of radiant beings, ethereal warriors shimmering with golden light and determination.

As the two opposing forces clashed, the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble, the ground cracking beneath the weight of their magical onslaught. Spells collided like thunderbolts, lighting up the sky with dazzling displays of power as Merlin and Morgana weaved intricate patterns of destruction and creation.

"**Persecre Deus!**"Morgana's voice boomed, commanding her constructs to charge forward, their eyes burning with malice as they clashed against Merlin's defenders with a ferocity unmatched.

Merlin's eyes flickered with resolve as he chanted, "**In Veritate Victoria!**" His voice echoed with ancient wisdom and unseen strength, imbuing his warriors with a renewed spirit and unwavering determination to hold back the tide of darkness threatening to consume them.

The battlefield became a symphony of chaos and order, light and shadow intermingling in a dance of cosmic proportions. Merlin and Morgana stood at the centre of this storm, their powers locked in a deadly embrace as they sought to gain the upper hand and emerge victorious in this test of wills.

With a wave of her hand, Morgana summoned a tempest of lightning and thunder,"**Fulmen Requiem!**."The sky split open, unleashing a torrent of electric energy that crackled and sizzled, striking down Merlin's forces with merciless precision.

But the sage wizard was not one to be easily defeated, his eyes flaring with determination as he raised his staff high, "**Vindicta Arcanae!**"A wave of arcane energy surged forth from his being, pushing back the storm and shrouding Morgana in a cocoon of shimmering light.

Morgana laughed as she broke free. Her form shimmering as she did. As Morgana broke free from the cocoon of shimmering light, her laughter echoed across the battlefield like a harbinger of doom."Is that the best you can do, Merlin?"she taunted, her voice carrying a mocking edge."Your feeble attempts to hold me back are laughable. You cannot stop what has already been set in motion."

Merlin's expression remained stoic, his eyes blazing with determination as he prepared to face her onslaught."I will not let your madness consume this world, Morgana,"he declared, his voice ringing with authority."I will fight to my last breath to protect the balance."

With a flick of her wrist, Morgana summoned a whirlwind of dark energy,"Tenebris Aeternum!"The swirling vortex enveloped Merlin, threatening to tear him asunder with its malevolent force. But the sage wizard stood firm, his will unyielding as he countered with a barrier of shimmering light,"Lumen Custodia!"

The clash of magic sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground trembling beneath their feet as they unleashed their full power upon each other. Spells flew like arrows, weaving intricate patterns of destruction and creation in their wake.

"Noctem Surgere!"Morgana intoned, summoning shadows to swallow Merlin whole, their inky tendrils reaching out to ensnare him. But the sage wizard was one step ahead, his staff glowing with an inner light as he chanted, "Lux Lucis!"The shadows recoiled from the brilliant radiance, unable to withstand the purity of his magic.

With a defiant cry, Morgana surged forward, her eyes blazing with unholy fire as she prepared to deliver the killing blow."Finis Aeternum!" she hissed, her staff crackling with dark energy as she unleashed a torrent of destruction upon Merlin.

But the sage wizard was ready, his mind a fortress of ancient knowledge and wisdom. "Vigilantia Arcanum!"he countered, his voice resounding with power as he erected a barrier of pure magic to deflect Morgana's assault.

The two sorcerers stood locked in a deadly embrace, their powers colliding in a dazzling display of light and shadow. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble beneath their feet as they fought for supremacy, each refusing to yield to the other's will. But morgana was winning.

(imagine morgana has her normal left hand.)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (5)

In a desperate bid to turn the tide of battle, Merlin unleashed a powerful spell, channelling the last of his magic into a single devastating strike. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground trembling beneath their feet.

And then, in a burst of blinding light, Merlin delivered the final blow."Excalibur Invictus!"he thundered, summoning forth a sword of pure light to cleave through Morgana's defences. The blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, severing Morgana's left hand from her body in a spray of dark energy.

Morgana staggered back, her eyes wide with shock as she clutched at the stump of her arm. The pain was excruciating, her very essence crying out in agony as she realized the extent of her defeat.

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"I'm sorry, Morgana,"his voice trembled with emotion, a mournful melody in the silent battlefield."But I cannot let your chaos remain unchecked."

morgana clutched her left arm. the missing hand now lay nearby. she hissed in pain and shock. Her blood stained the ground crimson.

Morgana's eyes flickered with defiance as she glared up at Merlin, her voice filled with venomous spite."This isn't over!"she spat, her words laced with bitter determination. "I'll be back. Stronger than ever. Just you wait! This world needs ME! It needs chaos. You'll see! Just you wait!"

Merlin's heart ached at her words, knowing that despite her treachery, there was still a shred of truth in her words. The world was a place of balance, of light and darkness intertwined, and without the chaos that Morgana embodied, it would be a poorer place indeed.

But there was no room for sentiment in the heat of battle, no time for regrets or second thoughts. With a heavy heart, Merlin lifted his staff, his gaze sorrowful as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

"I'm sorry, old friend,"he whispered, his voice choked with emotion."But I cannot allow your chaos to consume this world any longer."

And with that, he brought his staff down, the blow swift and decisive. The crackling energy surged through Merlin's veins as he unleashed his magic, a blinding cascade of light that thundered towards Morgana. Desperation flickered in her eyes as she raised a feeble shield, but it crumbled under the force of his righteous anger.

The clash of magic echoed through the ancient trees, a symphony of power and pain. Morgana's form wavered her defiant gaze meeting Merlin's one last time before she dissolved into a shimmering cloud of golden smoke, her essence drifting into the eternal embrace of the ether.

As Morgana's eyes widened in shock, Morgana raised her remaining hand to form some sort of shield. but a blast of magic struck her. she was engulfed in green light before her form broke down into a cloud of golden mist. she was gone.

But there was no turning back now. With a heavy heart, Merlin turned away from the fallen sorceress, his mind filled with a sense of grim determination. he picked up morgana's severed hand and walked away. The battle may have been won, but the war was far from over. And as he looked out across the battlefield, he knew that the true test of his resolve was yet to come.

Little did he know. someone was watching him. Three pairs of eyes, red, blue and green, were watching this all unfold.


merlin forges his greatest creation.

Wounded and weary from his battle with Morgana, Merlin staggered into his forge, determination burning bright in his eyes. He knew that despite his injuries, he had a task of utmost importance ahead of him – the forging of the Amulet of Daylight. With each step, he could feel the weight of destiny upon his shoulders, knowing that the fate of the world rested in his hands.

As he approached the ancient stone known as the "daylight stone," Merlin's heart pounded with anticipation. This stone, imbued with the essence of pure light, held the power to change the course of history. But it was not enough on its own. Merlin needed something more – a catalyst to bind the magic and bring forth its true potential.

With grim determination, Merlin retrieved Morgana's severed left hand, a relic of their tumultuous past. He knew that her essence still lingered within, a potent source of magic that could be harnessed for the greater good. Placing the hand into the crucible, he watched as the metals and flesh began to meld together, forming a powerful alloy capable of containing the radiant energy of the daylight stone.

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But Merlin knew that mere metal would not be enough to withstand the forces at play. He needed something stronger, something forged in the fires of ancient dragons – dragon steel. With a steady hand, he retrieved the precious metal from its hidden vault, feeling its weight and power resonate within him. he placed the ore into the mixture and watched the mixture bubble and spark.

As the clock struck noon, Merlin lifted his staff, the Staff of Avalon, a relic of his own making. With a whispered incantation, he channelled his magic through the green gem embedded within, focusing the sunlight into a beam of pure energy. With delicate precision, he etched a map into the surface of the daylight stone, a map that held the secrets of his greatest creation – and his final resting place.

(Ignore Douxie and imagine there is a window that allows the sun to shine into the green crystal)

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With the preparations complete, Merlin turned his attention to the crucible once more. With a wave of his hand, he poured the molten metal and flesh into a mold, shaping it into intricate pieces that would form the framework of the amulet.

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With each piece set in place, he spoke words of power, weaving spells of binding and protection to ensure the strength and integrity of the artefact.

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Finally, the time had come to embed the daylight stone into the heart of the amulet. With a gentle touch, Merlin lifted the radiant stone and placed it atop the anvil, the metal and flesh surrounding it like a protective cocoon. With a final surge of magic, he fused the pieces together, the daylight stone glowing with a brilliant blue light that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality.

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As the last piece locked into place, Merlin stepped back, his breath coming in ragged gasps. With a sense of awe and reverence, he uttered the ancient words, "Ad lucem gloria mea (Light my glory)!" And in that moment, the amulet was complete.

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The Amulet of Daylight shimmered with a divine radiance, its intricate metal framework encasing the glowing blue stone at its centre. Inside, the hands of a clock ticked with the passage of time, a testament to the power contained within.

When worn, the amulet would summon forth its power, granting the user the Trollhunter Armor and the Sword of Daylight – weapons designed to combat the force of gunmar and the darkest of magic. But more than that, it would serve as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, light would always prevail.

Merlin leaned against a nearby wall. exhausted. he still smiled.soon, he'd have a champion. someone to finally stand against gunmar. His... Trollhunter.


across the world:

while Merlin and morgana fought their war. there were other forces at work.

the arcane order. beings of elements and magic began their work. spreading magic across the world. along with their fellow gods, who called themselves the monarchs. Together. They shaped the magical world. Forming new races to compete with humanity. While they saw humans as annoying, for now, they found enjoying in watching them... but they also needed to forge this world.

Bellroc, Keeper of the Flame, stood at the forefront of the gathering, her fiery presence casting a warm glow upon the assembly. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned forth tendrils of flame, weaving them into intricate patterns that danced and swirled around her form.

Skrael of the North Wind hovered nearby, his icy gaze piercing through the swirling mists of the cosmos. With a mighty gust of wind, he sent a blast of frost sweeping across the heavens, freezing the very stars in their tracks.

Nari of the Eternal Forest watched from her perch among the ancient trees, her emerald eyes shimmering with an otherworldly light. With a gentle caress of her hand, she coaxed the vines and branches to life, weaving them into a tapestry of greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see.

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Drakthar, the beast sovereign, prowled restlessly at the edge of the gathering, his eyes ablaze with primal fury. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed a horde of wild creatures upon the world below, their roars echoing through the night. His beasts would populate this world. The forests and jungles now would now be filled, with life.

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Queresha, the queen of plagues, watched with a sinister smile as her minions spread disease and decay across the land. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a swarm of locusts upon the fields, devouring everything in their path. The cycle of life, death and rot would now take the world.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (15)

Thramir, the iron-body monarch, stood stoically at the center of the assembly, his form as unyielding as the mountains themselves. With a single word, he summoned forth great machines of war, their gears grinding and whirring as they marched across the land. They forged the world a new. His mastery of metals allowing him to shape the world.

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Baran, the lord of white cinder, surveyed the chaos with a sense of detached amusem*nt, his eyes alight with a fiery glow. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned forth great volcanoes, their molten lava spewing forth to reshape the very landscape.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (17)

Yogumunt, the monarch of transfiguration, watched with a sense of detached curiosity as the world below transformed before his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he twisted and warped the very fabric of reality, reshaping it to his will.

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And last but not least, Legia, the king of giants, watched with a sense of solemn pride as his children strode across the land, their massive forms casting long shadows upon the earth. With a thunderous roar, he rallied his armies to battle, their mighty footsteps shaking the very foundations of the world.

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Together, these gods of elemental power and magic set about their work, weaving the threads of creation and destruction into a tapestry of unparalleled beauty and chaos. And as they looked upon their handiwork, they knew that their dominion over the world was absolute... at least for now.

But as humanity developed... the domains of magic would see change, ones the monarchs are not ready for.


3rd pov: meanwhile.

Deep in the cavern known as the Veiled Depths stood shrouded in mystery and darkness. Its entrance was hidden amongst the gnarled roots of a towering oak tree, its thick canopy concealing the portal to a world of wonder and danger. Within its depths lurked ancient spirits and untold treasures, but on this fateful night, the only inhabitant was Morgana, the once-proud sorceress who had fallen from grace.

Morgana lay sprawled on the cold stone floor, her once magnificent robes and armour was now torn and tattered, her face a mask of pain and exhaustion. Her once vibrant aura of power had dimmed, replaced by a flickering ember of determination that refused to be extinguished. The scent of damp earth mingled with the lingering traces of her magic, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

With a groan, Morgana forced herself to her feet, her limbs shaking with the effort. Every movement felt like a battle against invisible forces, her body protesting every step she took. But she knew that she could not linger in this forsaken place, not when her enemies drew closer with each passing moment.

Her eyes, once ablaze with the fire of her magic, now held a steely resolve as she surveyed the cave around her. Shadows danced along the walls, twisting and contorting like malevolent spirits seeking to ensnare her. But Morgana was not one to be cowed by mere shadows. With a silent prayer to the elements that had long been her allies, she willed herself to stand tall once more.

As she reached out to steady herself against the rough stone wall, her gaze fell upon the stump where her left hand had once been, a grim reminder of the battle that had cost her so dearly. But the loss of her hand was nothing compared to the loss of her power, the defeat that had left her broken and alone in this dark cavern.

Through gritted teeth, she whispered a curse upon her enemies, her voice a haunting echo in the darkness. "Merlin," she hissed, the name dripping with venom and malice, "you may have won this battle, but mark my words, I shall have my vengeance. I shall hunt you through the ages, across the very fabric of time itself, until the day comes when you kneel before me. your precious order will be shattered. this world will be embraced by chaos... one day."

Determination welled up within her, a fierce and unyielding force that banished the doubts that threatened to consume her. With a trembling hand, she called upon the remnants of her magic, weaving the threads of power together with a whispered incantation that echoed through the stillness of the cave.

The ancient words, charged with primal energy, reverberated through the air, sending ripples of power cascading around her. With each syllable, the very fabric of reality seemed to bend and twist, responding to her call for one last stand against the encroaching darkness.

"By the light of the moon and the darkness of the night, by the blood that flows within me,"Morgana intoned, her voice filled with both desperation and defiance,"I call upon the forces of creation and destruction. Grant me the strength to rise once more, to defy death itself and emerge reborn."

As the final words left her lips, a surge of power unlike anything she had ever known coursed through her veins, setting her very being ablaze with raw, untamed energy. It was as if the elements themselves had answered her call, bending their will to hers and bestowing upon her a gift beyond price.

With a primal scream that echoed through the cavern, Morgana collapsed to the ground, her body bathed in the searing light of her magic. The air crackled with energy, a maelstrom of power and fury that consumed her form in a blinding conflagration of light and shadow.

And then, silence descended upon the Veiled Depths, broken only by the soft patter of ashes falling to the ground. Morgana's physical form crumbled to dust, the last remnants of her mortal shell scattered by the winds of fate. But her essence, her soul untamed and unbound by the constraints of flesh, lingered on, a spectre of chaos... one that would cover the world... in eternal night.

Perhaps. She could have a champion of her own.


an: and this is the beginning. I tried to build a base, using the info I got from trollhunters, wizards and the wiki. it's not great. but I hope I did ok. don't worry. next chapter will be the first episode. and more will be revealed... slowly.

and if you see any issues. let me know. if you have any criticisms, let me know. I always want to improve my writing. so. if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to comment.

anyway. hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter 2: new bio: y/n lake


just a bio for y/m.

Chapter Text

name: y/n lake

age: 17-18

skin: (your skin tone)

hair: your hair colour and length

eyes: e/c

height: 6ft while unarmoured.

clothing and body: (you can keep the helmet. I just have it here since y/n is a blank slate for a character)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (20)

(height compared to jim)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (21)


Competitive challenges:Y/N enjoys pushing himself to excel and thrives in competitive environments where he can test his skills.

Independence:Y/N appreciates having the freedom to make his own choices and pursue his own path, relishing in his autonomy.

Music: Y/N has a fondness for music and enjoys listening to various genres depending on his mood, finding comfort and inspiration in melodies and lyrics.

Cooking: Y/N finds joy in cooking and experimenting with different recipes, relishing the process of creating delicious meals for himself and others.

Spending time with close friends.

Exploring new places and experiences.


Being overshadowed:Y/N dislikes feeling overshadowed or overlooked, especially in comparison to his younger brother, Jim, whom he harbours some resentment towards due to perceived favouritism from their mother.

Pity and sympathy:Y/N dislikes being pitied or viewed as weak, preferring to handle his struggles privately rather than seeking sympathy from others.

Deceit:Hates betrayal and deceit in relationships.

Powerlessness:Dislikes feeling powerless or out of control.

Crowds: Y/N feels uncomfortable in large crowds or noisy environments, preferring quieter settings where he can think.

personality:y/n tends to get along with many people. he is competitive and very determined to complete the task at hand. He cares for Jim as a brother but is also envious, as their mother tends to like Jim more. he is kind and tries to help when he can. Though he tends to hide his pain and problems.


barbaraLake: Mother. due to y/n being older, she often let him practically raise himself. especially due to her job as a doctor. As such, y/n still loves her but is... spiteful. he envies her love for his brother over him.

Jim Lake jr:brothers. y/n is protective of jim. Jim looks up to y/n a lot. but y/n is also jealous of Their mother's love of jim. Y/n can be harsh at times, or brush off jim. but he does care.

claire:the two are friends, though it's often due to Jim's attempts at flirting. Claire often goes to y/n for advice on what to do when handling her younger brother. As such, y/n often mentors Claire at times.

toby:the two are good friends. often joking together. y/n often helps Toby when dealing with Steve. Toby is closer with jim, but sometimes goes to y/n for advice or to talk.

Walter Strickler:when y/n grew up, stickler often guided y/n. the two shared an almost father-son bond. something... y/n lacked. stickler could see the stress y/n went through, and as such, knew the burdens y/n carried. nicknaming him, "young Spartacus". Much like the legendary warrior, Y/N refused to succumb to the pressures of his world. Despite the expectations and responsibilities placed on y/n's shoulders.

bike: (the last thing his father ever left behind.)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (22)

(imagine it's one of those 3 wheel bikes. with the two wheels at the front)

(like this)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (23)

extra gear:


Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (24)


Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (25)

Chapter 3: Chapter 1: Becoming part 1


The beginning of y/n's story. where it all began for him.


oh yeah. I forgot to mention. this is a rewrite of the original on wattpad. but I wanted to share the rewrite here too.

Chapter Text



internal thoughts

time change

it was early morning. the sun was slowly rising. on the radio, a man spoke."Good morning, Arcadia Oaks. It's 4:30 a.m. If you're still in bed, you are missing the most beautiful sunrise, clear skies and a beautiful morning ahead. And big news..."and he was right.

A change in the world unfolds beneath the concrete bridge that spans over the canal, its dark arches looming ominously against the backdrop of the early morning sky painted in hues of pink and orange by the rising sun. the air is silent at first, only the whispers of the wind and the sound of a paper cup rolling.

Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the heavy footsteps of a dark figure emerging from the shadows. Bular, son of Gunmar, strides forward with purpose, his imposing form casting long shadows against the dimly lit surroundings.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (26)

With a menacing growl, Bular confronts Kanjigar, the Trollhunter, who stands defiantly clad in gleaming silver-plated armour. The tension crackles between them as terse words are exchanged, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of violence."yield kanjigar."bular said but Kanjigar simply growled.

"A Trollhunter never yields," Kanjigar declares, his voice ringing out with determination as he draws forth his gleaming blade. But Bular, ever confident, merely smiles, his eyes ablaze with anticipation."terms... accepted."In a swift motion, the battle ensues, swords clashing with a resounding clang beneath the bridge.

Their movements are swift and precise, each combatant striving to gain the upper hand in the dance of blades. Kanjigar's sword flashes in the early morning light as he delivers a powerful blow, but Bular, relentless as ever, evades with the grace of a seasoned warrior but the ferocity of a beast.

Kanjigar punched bular and sent bular crashing to the ground. he points his blade at the gumm gumm warrior."Your turn, Bular. Yield."he huffed, but this victory was short-lived.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (27)

The sun beams down onto Kanjigar, who stares at his shoulder as it smoulders. Bular kicks Kanjigar, who tumbles backwards. His sword slides into the sunlight. Kangigar's hand burns blue as he reaches for his sword. The glow from an amulet embedded in his chest plate flickers.

"there is nowhere left for you to run, Trollhunter. Give me the amulet!"he roars. but kanjigar refused to back down. He turned and began to run to the underside of the bridge, time was running out.

As the sun climbs higher, casting its golden rays upon the scene, Kanjigar's resolve begins to waver, his strength fading as the amulet embedded in his chest plate flickers ominously. Yet, he refuses to yield, his determination unyielding even as his energy wanes.

In a desperate attempt to escape, Kanjigar leaps onto the underside of the bridge, but Bular's pursuit is relentless. Bular smashed into the trollhunter and the two clashed steel against steel.

but, Their clash reaches its climax as Kanjigar is cornered on the edge, bular smashes into kanjigar and throws kanjigar into the pillar of the bridge. Kanjigar landed on his back as bular pinned him down, and began pushing kanjigar to the sun. Kanjigar cried out in pain, his sword falling from his grasp. Kanjigar cried out in pain as the sun scorched his skin and began to turn him to stone.

With a cruel laugh, Bular presses his advantage, his clawed hand poised to strike the final blow. but Kanjigar was quick, grabbing bular's arm, and forcing it into the sun. Bular screamed in pain and stumbled back. his hand burning from the sun's rays. Kanjigar slowly stood up, with a groan.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (28)

Bular snarled but drew one of his blades, now his left hand was no longer functional."It's me or the sun. Either way, you're doomed."he laughed. But Kanjigar, facing his fate with unwavering resolve, simply forced himself to stand. his body was weakening, yet he looked death in the eye with unwavering determination. but he knew this battle was over.

"No. The amulet will find a champion. We will stop you, and your master. I may end, but the fight will not."the wounded warrior grunts as he looks behind him.

Bular's eyes widen as Kanjigar steps back off the bridge and into the sunlight, his body turning to stone as he falls. Bular's triumphant expression turns to horror as he watches Kanjigar's transformation and body shatter below, his rage echoing off the canal walls.

With the amulet in the sun. bular stood, in the shadows. unable to reach it. he looked at his left arm, now stone... he needed to find a replacement...

Yet, amidst the aftermath of the battle, a trail of golden smoke catches Bular's attention, a knowing smile curling upon his lips. "So, the queen has found a champion,"he murmurs, his voice tinged with anticipation as a haunting laugh fills the air.

"̸̧̧̧̻̪̲́̈́̍̍̉̀͛̒̋̓̔̍̃̊̐̉̂̈͝͠s̸̛̙̭̩̪̹̿͗̓̒̍̊̔̐̚ͅő̵̯̰̩̖̙̠͝͝o̴̢̜̥͌̈́̔̽͋͋́̎̽͛̉͒̚̚ñ̷̢̗̙̟̝͈̣̆̅́̊̿́͗̐̔̿̐̀̋͐̊̍͛̋.̷̧̛̹̱̮̽̅͒̊͆͐͌̊̏̈́̈́͠ ̶͕͎͍̱̭̎̑̈́̋͊̈̏̐̈̀̒̋̔̈̚ͅM̴̧̦͍͇̥̜̹͚͖̻̳̺̻͙̭̠̼̳̟̈́̋̌̌̏͂̋̇̄̿̕ę̵̧͉̭̙̲̞̖̫͈̭̺̥͉̥̦͇̟̊́̅̌̋̔̕͝͝r̴̨̟̜̲̫̹̹̮̬̟̺͚̙͈̪̬̹̣̽͊͋̔͐̽̈̐̋͆͐͒̋̐́́̓̓̿̑͠l̸̡̢͕̥͓͚̙͓̪͈̱̱̹̦̪̬̗͚̈́̀͒̑̎̃̒̉͋̊̈́̌̔̀̚ͅi̷̛̟͔͉͉̟̣͇̠̮͉̝͐̃͌̊̂͂̌̓̚̕͜n̸̛͔̮̜͚̬̯̪̗̦̱͖̟̠̫̬͓͇̟̍̕͝.̵̢̛̛͉̣̘̺̼͉̺͖̹̰̠̩̻̫͖͇͇̼͚̓̒̋͑̎̑̃̒́̈́̊̓͐̌͜ ̸̧̡̖̙͔̱̭̟̼̝͚͎̱̃̾͒̊̀́͛͗͊͑͝ͅs̸͇̥͎͂̋̂́͐̋̏̔͋̾̔̂̿̂͘͝o̶̡̱̓̈́̇̈́͌̑͐̀̊̇̒̽̋̃̚͜͠ơ̶͔̩̙͙̰͇͖͈̗̤̞̜͗͊̋͊̔̍͛́̐̊̚̕ͅn̴̼̠̩̩̤̭̥̟̰̳̬̗͙̣̭̜̼̏̃͊̆̈́̊͂̔̔̌́͑͌͊̈́̍͐̈̕͝ ̸̟̲̩̖͓̥̎̀͑̈́̓̿͐͐͆̂̉̇͌̽̒̀̉̎̂̍̔͝y̵̧̲̗͕̞͙̩͙͈̺̱̭̥̣̮͙͆̅̒̉́̌́̄̋̿͌̍̆̐͋̉͘̕ơ̶̧̡̢̢͍͖̼̖̟͉̦̝̺̟̳̮̦̞͇̫̻͆̔͑̾̿̃̅̌̓̃̔͊̑͝͠u̷̡̞͙̬̰̻̦͖͍͎̖̜̙̣̥̲̻͒̈́͊͊̂̊͊̍̀͜͜ͅͅr̵̡̛̳͍͓̗̫͇̻̲̗̪̘̫̥̩̙̤͈̐̍̀̈́̍̿̍̏̍̌͗̔̿͠͝ͅͅ ̵͕̯̼͕̃̓̑͆̌ṕ̴̼̊̐́͠͝r̷͎̀̈́͠ę̸̠̥̬̹̦͎̦̪͉͕̫̝͔̲͈͕̗̘̈́͒̂̀́̽̎̏̈̓̀̍̌̇̕̕̚͝c̷̢̢̯͚̦̻̩̩̦͇̺͉͚̤̅̀̇̋̾̎͒̃͆̊̎̾͝ͅi̴̢̤̤̩̖̙͍̩̇̈̒͊̓̍͐̕͘͠ö̸̢̢͚͉̗̮̳̣̻͓̙̪̣̩̮̖͙̹̰̩́͗̏̀̽̑͗͛̐̐͂̓̌̚͝ǔ̷͍̹̟̙͍̤͎̞̳̻̺͈̲͙̦̼͚̔̏̉̽͆͜s̵̨̨̠̦͕̘̭̫͓̤̗̝̩̯̒̿͆̂̂̒̋̔͊͋͛̕̚͝͠ ̸̢͙͕̳̹͔̭̤̥̲̱̰̻͙̱̣̟̐̂͑̿͑͑͐͠͝d̵̢̥̗̦͇͇̼͈̣̼̈́͌̉̆͐a̸̛͈̻͖͂͆̾̐͑͘̚̚͜͝͝y̸̢̳̮͎̮͕͖̠̏l̵̡̳̪̉͛̍̔̈̊į̴̺̖͚̥͎͎̹͈͔̀̇̉̆̎̇̌̽́͂̅͂̌͛͆̉̀g̶̦͖̻̯̊̾̍͆̈́̓̾̑̇̾́́̂̿́ͅh̶̨͙̫̹͎͎̰̩̜̭̻͔͍̫̼͖̱̠̞͓̔̓̾̈́̀͑͋̊͛͂̀͒̍͆̐ͅt̵̨͓͙̭̯͍̪͔͉̺͇̥̼̦̓̾͗̄́͋̋̍͑͑͆̚̚͜͜ ̴̣͇̌͒͘͘͜w̵̺͙̭̲̼̳͌̈́̐̐̊́͂͛̆̂ḯ̸̡̛̩̳̺̩̮̲̦̟̬̔̎̍̋̂͜͝ͅͅl̸̢̝̲̙̭̭̲̙̘̉̌̒͂̉͑͊̏̀̎͆͘͝͝͠͝l̸̢̡͓̝̩͓̙͈̮͍̤̜̱̗͉͍̪̹͑̔̇̉͐̈̃̀́̚͘͝ͅ ̸̨̨̯̜͕̝̜̝̖̖̝͉̳̜͚͙͎͔͚͋̑́̈̅͐̓͑̽͊͗̕̚͜͝ͅb̷̞̬̞̮̯̗͉̬̭̣̙̾̇̈́͋̿̈́͊̋̽̉̕͜͝ͅe̷̢͇̖̟͙̙̬̩͉̰͚̮͖̮̘͉̪͚̮͈̎̈́͆͛̀͊̿͝ ̸̨̝̦̪͈͎̖͎̠͈̎̽̓̍͐̔͛̆̈̒͠͝͝e̷͕̲͈͛̑͂̋̐̀͗̈́͠͠c̶̨̢̻͓̯̥͎̰̭͔͈̣̳̹͉͕͌̉̃͂̏̾͝l̵̢̟̦͍̥͙̳̫̗̱̫͔͓͙͚̱̭̟̊̉̈́͆̓̀͊̓͘͠ḭ̵̮͇̰̖̮͈͕͙͎̮̣͙͎͍̻͙͈̌̽̏̒͆͘͜͜͜ͅp̶̢͑͊̍̌͌̓̐̂̽͐̊̐͋̽̒̍͂̎̾̓͝͠s̷̛̹̠̞̬͚̟̦̯͎͙̥͚̩͔̻̣̗̳̩̮̓̍̍͒͐͆̉͒̿̿͒̈́̃̈́̉̎͌̚͘͝e̵̢̛̗̖̤͚͙͓͍͍̯̹̘͓̝͇̖̝̾̿͑̕͜͝ͅd̵̨̥͚̹̭̳̗͙͚̗̖̰̝̺̺͋̎͛̇͂̓̎́͆̈́͋̐́̕͜.̷̧̦̟̘͓̼͖̗̮̖̣̞̪̹̥͕̳͓̟͔̍͐̂͌͐̎̉̐̓̈́̋̿̏́͑̒͒̏̀̐"̸̬̺̹̱͙̥̗͍̣̜͎̹̬̆̆͗̓̏̈̄̏̐́̆͛̈́̃̌̚̚͝͝


y/n pov: 6:00 AM

Beep. Beep. Beep. I slowly groaned and reached out. Slamming my fist down onto the clock and rolling out of bed. I rubbed my (h/c) hair, shaking out any dust and dandruff. I groaned and stretched before walking into the shower. Letting the water slowly cascade down my skin. I sighed before putting on my clothes.

I slowly exited my room with a sigh. putting on my jacket, I grabbed my bike helmet and walked downstairs.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (29)

I walked down the stairs and noticed Mum wasn't downstairs. guess she had a late night... I sigh. Can't be helped, she's a doctor after all. I walked into the kitchen to the sound of chopping.

"hey bro,"I said as I walked in. Jim turned with a smile."hey big bro, catch."he said as he chucked me a small paper bag. lunch. I smiled,"thanks. ready for school?"I ask making him nod."wait, let me give this to mum."he said as he grabbed a tray of food... I felt a tang of jealousy. but shook it away. can't be helped. he's been cooking for a while. figured he'd help our mum out. besides, I wasn't the one to cook, so it made sense.

I watched him walk up the stairs, he was always her favourite... I forced myself to shake my head. no. focus.

Jim lept down the stairs and smiled."let's go!"he said making me nod. I opened the garage and walked over to my bike."want a ride bro?"I asked but jim shook his head.

"nah. I got this,"he said before we heard the sound of a bike. I turned to see Toby and nodded."hey Toby."I waved making him smile. I said as I pushed out my motorbike.

(imagine it's one of those 3 wheel bikes. with the two wheels at the front)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (30)

(like this)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (31)

"We're late for school, Jimbo."he said before looking at me."hey y/n. how are you?"he asked as I waved."I'm good." "Sorry, Tobes. Busy with the lunches. One for me, one for bro, one for Mom, and..."he chucked the food to Toby who opened the bag and sniffed."Balsamic mushrooms, meatloaf, chunky, sun-dried tomatoes."he said with a happy sigh making jim chuckle."and cardamom,"he said making Toby chuckle."Ooh! Taking a chance there, Chef Jim."

Jim smiled before I revved my bike's engine."hey bro! I'll see you at school. don't be late!"I said making him nod."got it."he said as I road down the road. I sighed to myself as I drove. I loved my brother. but... I couldn't shake the jealous feeling. Ever since that day... mum was never the same to me. so... distant.

that's how it always was. Mum always treated me differently. but. ever since... that day. things were different... "Did she even remember my name?"I forced these thoughts away. no matter. I revved the engine and road down before suddenly...

"̶̧̧̟̤̱͖̘͍̟̭̝̭̰̲̘̩̪̈́̿͜͜ÿ̸̢̧̨̢̠͓̭̠͇̲͎̙͍̖͚̲̻̹̻̝̲̣̄̉̓̐̍͊̌̊̇̾͐̓̈́̍͘/̸̛̻̥͙̝̼̣͇̱̩̣͈͖̪̈́̄̓̂̃̓̿̋̂͛̈̍̈́̕͠ͅn̸͚͈̫͇͚͖̪̱̅̋̂̾̊́̌̎͋͊͊̑͑̐̓͗͝ ̶̼̱̣̟̺̣̹̈͊̌́̋l̷̩̯̹͓̙͎̤̩̫̫͎̬̺͔̿́͑͊̇̋̊̃͒́̆̆͐̎͜͜a̴̢̛̭̤͙͙͍̪̗͈͔͈̳̻̻̺̯̝͆̊͒͊̏̈͋͐̐͗͆̚͜ͅk̸̨̛̠̭͔͖͔̥͖͚̹͕̾̅̂̄͐͑̂̔͜͝e̸̞̰͖̝̖͔̰̥̠̾̎̈́̆̂̆̏̐͂̇̎͑͂̃̉͛̈́̑ͅ.̸̩̤̙̥̹̰́̇̊̀͊̔̅̎̃͆̈́̐́͆͝"̷̨̡̨̛͚͇̫̜̺̗̙̝̬͖̰͓̣̳̰͉͋͛͐̈͑̍̈́͒͘͜͝


"̵̰̫̹̝̯͉̼͚̜͎̗̜̰̣̎̑͌̂̀̏͐͐̃͂̈̽̿͌̀̾̐̆͝͝͝m̵̧͍̭̮̯͓̬͍̓̅̉́͗̆͂͛̐̄̾͘͝y̴̢̢̬̲̦̞̦͈͎̫͔̣͌̓̂̌̈́̕͘͜ ̸͍̟͙̱̦̟̪̜̝̙͈̞̬̭̥͑͌͊̾͆̋̃̐̾́̆̃̓͛͋͊͘͜͜͜͝c̸̢̡̩͖̞̩̗͖̥̗͖͇͇̭̥͉̙͊̐̅͐̎̉̊̂͐͂̀́̒̍̂̂͊̑̚̕͠h̶͎̪͓̽̚a̴̢̧͕̼̹͖̍́̈́͛͜m̵̼̟͙͇̤̥͎̲̖͈̳͇̌̐̇̅͊̔͆̀̇̀̐̽̓́̌͂͐͋̀͠p̶̫̭̹̞̗̹͎͇͍̤̜̮̼̳̝̝̱̣̯͉̾̆̔̀̈́͋͊̑͒͋͆͛͂̂̀̕ͅị̵̡̡͓̼̈́͆͒̓̆̾̚͘o̸̰̺͖̣͇̫̜̙̐̾̀̓̃̐͒̉͆͂͒̚͜͝͝͝n̴̨̧̛͙̻̩̜̩̯͖̟̪̩̬̝̬̫̤̖͇͑̏̊̊̓̓̆͂̏̋̾̋͊͗̋͆͋̀͜͝ͅ.̴͎̪̺̘͎̙͋̾͐̌͂̋̀̆͛̿̽͒̌̂͘̚"̶̢̨̧̼̙̥̜͈͕̪̬͈͐͑̀͊͒̇ͅ

I stopped my bike and looked around. where was that coming from? I knocked the side of my helmet."just focus. it's probably just in my head. just get to school."



I sat alone, chilling out and eating the food jim gave me. A meatloaf of sorts. but I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched...

"hello young Spartacus."a voice said as a hand landed on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I jumped and turned."ah!"

"Haha, forgive me, Young Spartacus. I didn't mean to frighten you."Mr Strickler said as I looked at him."oh, hey Mr Strickler. sorry. just thinking."I said making him frown. he sits down next to me."well. talk to me. how are things at home?"he asked concerned.

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I sighed."oh you know, the usual. Jim's doing well. he's still got his cooking skills, still waiting to save for a Vespa."I chuckled but Mr Strikler simply frowned."I meant you, young Spartacus. how have you been?"

I looked down."I... I'm fine."but he knew that was a lie. he placed a hand on my shoulder."I believe you and I both know that's a lie."he said softly making me look at him."you know how it is. mom hardly notices me. though. she does work double shifts at the hospital so, it is.... understandable..."Despite this, I frown."still. and with school nearly being over for me. well. I'll have to move out soon. I wonder if she'll even notice."

strickler looked at me, his eyes showing sadness."that isn't healthy. for either of you. I told your brother earlier that is due time I speak to your mother about this. For both your sakes."he said as he stood up.

I said nothing at first... uncertain."would it even make a difference? it's been 13 years of this."I thought but nodded, a small smile gracing my lips."sure... thank you. Mr Strickler."I replied as I slowly stood, facing him. Mr strickler nodded,"you are a strong young man, one who's carried many burdens. but remember, you don't need to carry them alone."he said before turning and walking away. leaving me to my thoughts.

"LET HIM OUT, LET HIM OUT, LET HIM OUT!"the hell?! I turned to see people chanting. I slowly walked over to see Steve getting in Jim's face. I growled and walked over.

"Friday, at noon. You and me. Tick-tock. Tick."Steve said as he placed a finger on Jim's chest only for my hand to grab his wrist."Steve. are you messing with my little brother?"I asked in a soft voice. Steve turned angrily."so what button-"his voice died in his throat. I stood taller than him by an inch, (Steve is 5ft 11inch, we are 6ft). Steve looked at me, in a fight, he was physically quite strong, but he knew facing me was a bad idea.

Steve backed up."just telling him something."he said before storming off. I stared before turning to jim."you ok bro?"I asked making him nod."yeah, thanks."he said, but before he could say more. the bell rang."welp. better get to class, Jimbo. stay out of trouble."I teased before walking off.


end of the day: on the way home.

I waited outside the school. waiting as jim arrived."hey bro. you got to see this thing I found."he said excitedly as he walked over. he handed me a metal object, making me feel it under my fingertips. it felt cold to the touch, but then, it began to shake and shake. it seemed to hum before...

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a burst of electricity shocked me, making me drop it. I hissed making Jim's eyes widen."Bro! I'm sorry, I didn't-"he tried to speak, but I raised a hand."it's fine. probably just static electricity."I said with a chuckle. Jim smiled,"well, let's head home. I'll tell you more on the way."he said as he went to hop onto his bike.

"hey bro. want a ride? it'll be easier than trying to keep up on your bike."I offered, making him nod."oh yeah, that would be great."he said before Toby came running out.

"sorry! I had to go to the bathroom!"he said making jim look at me."nah. you think you can ride slowly?"he asked making me chuckle."yeah, sure."I said as I clicked the bike. the bike hummed before I slowly revved the engine. riding alongside my brother.

As I rode, I looked around, noticing... a few figures in cloaks. with... red eyes."huh?"I muttered as I looked, only to see they were gone. but on the roof... what is that?

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but before I could process it, I heard Toby speak. Toby looked over to me."hey, Did you see how I did that chant? "Let him out. Let him out.""he asked making me smile but jim frowned when Toby looked at him."well... I mean, you probably won't live past Friday, but it was awesome. Good thing your mom's a doctor."

he said making me look at jim. (the helmet is inside the bike. no helmet right now) I raised an eyebrow, making jim sigh."Steve challenged me to a fight."he said making me frown."and you accepted?"I asked making him groan."no, but you know Steve."he said making me chuckle,"want me to knock some sense into him?"I asked but before jim could answer, the sound of a car rolling by caught our attention.

"Hey, boys,"Mum said as she rode up next to us.

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"hey Mom,"jim said while I just waved."Looking sharp, Dr. Lake,"Toby said but his bike didn't stop, so he rode past. making me chuckle."Thank you, Toby. So are you."she laughed a little making Toby roll back."Oh! Does it show?"he said proudly.

Jim looked at her,"You're going to be out all night?"he asked making Mum sigh."Dr Gilberg is out with bursitis, & Dr Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend,"she said making jim sigh."Okay, well, don't forget to bring your..."jim started only for Mum to lift a paper bag."Dinner. Thank you,"she said making jim smile.

"Right. And try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking. It takes all of the flavour & nutrients away."jim reminded but Mum simply smiled."jim, there must be a million things you'd rather be doing than looking after me."Jim smiled back,"Can't think of one."he replied softly.

I watched, feeling a tinge of jealousy. She didn't even look at me.

"oh kiddo,.... where's your helmet?"

jim suddenly nudged me, making me shake out of my thoughts."huh?"I asked making Mum frown."I said, where's your helmet kiddo? I told you, you couldn't ride your bike without it,"she said to me making me sigh."Mum, I was riding slowly."I rebutted, but Mum frowned."accidents happen cause of that line of thinking. you may go slowly, but others don't."she reminded making me sigh."right, yeah yeah, on it."I quickly said, hopping off my bike and pulling out the helmet as Mum looked at her watch."oh, got to go. love you."she said smiling.

I nod as jim waves her off. Her car rides off as I watch."You mother your mother a lot,"Toby commented making Toby chuckle.

"Ha! See you tomorrow, Tobes,"he said as he looked at me and nodded. I pushed my bike along with jim as behind us Toby called out.

"Hey, and by the way, don't use mayo on the sandwich. It's the wrong note!"he said making me look at jim with a smirk. he chuckled as we entered the house.


later that evening, about 2 hours later

I sat on a stool next to my bike. doing some mild maintenance. After all, it kept my mind busy. away from... the thoughts.

"̷̗͙̩̓̊ͅm̵̡̧̛̖̣̖̥͍̱̭̣̜̳̬̬̞͇̖̰̺̂̔͑̇̇̌̕ͅý̷̖̳͇̖̖̬͙̭̲̠͙͉͕̝͖̅̀̃̅͗́̉͂̍̓̃̈́͝ ̸̧̨͙̗͉̗͖͔̙͎̆̉̑ç̴̢̱̘̺̥̲͍̌̾̿͐̊͗͌̏̇͛͋̚͝ḩ̶̧̛̯̜̻̯̥̠̟͖̮̖͕̦͇̲̤̺͔̭̪̒̓̒̇́́͗̅͑̌̐̕à̴̛̯͙̠̹̹͂͗̃͐͒̂̆̆͘͘m̶̡̮̹͎̼̲͙͕̪̦͇͙͎̳͍̤͇̼̻͎̓̀́͋͑͑͑̽͐̈́̃́͊̀̌̇͝p̶̨̨̭͉͓̝̓͋̎͛̂͆̌͌̃͠ͅi̸͈͊́͌̆̏̅̏̒͑͘͘̚͝o̵̧̨̳̳̬̰̘̱̥͎̫͔͖̽͑͊̊̾̔̇͠͝ͅn̴̡͍̲͓̜̙̟͕̋͗̅̉̔̉͂̑͌͋̐͌̒̏͝͝.̷̨̫̯͉͙͈͕̹͈̠̪̍̎̈́̍̊̀̆̿̿͗͐͘͜͠~̸̛̝̱̟̝̻͙̪̜͈̮̦͖͈̣̣̯̦̲͌̐̎̀͐̉̑͐͆͒̋̈̌̚̕͜͝ͅ"̴̢̛̫̹̹̋̏̓̒͆̊̏́̎̕ͅa faint voice spoke."what?"I asked as I whipped around.

but the voice was gone. I groaned. It must be the stress getting to me-


I whipped around and rushed to my work desk and unlocked a drawer. I grabbed my gun from the drawer in my workbench and slotted in a magazine. mum didn't know about this, but since I had to be the "man of the house" I figured that was needed. thought I would never use it though.

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I slowly walked out of the garage."jim?"I asked as I walked out."Bro! I think racoons got in,"he said as he grabbed a broom. I nodded but kept the gun in hand. I gestured for him to stay behind me, my big brother duty kicking in as I slowly opened the basem*nt door."keep an eye behind us."I whispered as we slowly walked in.

I kept the gun ready as I walked. Jim and I began to circle about before suddenly, The light burst off, scaring Jim as he tightened his grip on the broom with a yell. I turned, facing my gun to the noise but... Realizing no one was there. Till

"Master Jim!"someone said as I turned, pointing my gun. Jim screams with a jump back crawling on all fours, bumping his head on a wheel connected to a pole. I rushed, placing myself between him and the... creature.

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"Master Jim!"it said happily as its six eyes trained on us, but I kept my gun pointed."take one more step six eyes, and I will make you like us."I hissed as I pointed the gun at his eyes. the creature quickly backed down."ah, at ease good sir! We mean no harm!"it cried out but I kept my gun trained on it.

"I am known as Blinky or Blinkous Galadrigal. and I come in peace."the creature said but I kept my gun on him. suddenly, a larger shape came walking out."Hi,"it said in a deep voice but I kept myself between them and jim. Jim lets out a scream of panic. but the large... thing simply smiled.

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"It's Aaarrrgghh. Three Rs,"it said but jim just screamed again. Aaarrrgghh looked at him with a confused look."Hmm. He says.. Aaarrrgghh ...a lot,"he said but Blinky looked at his large friend."It's more of a yelp, I believe. A greeting, perhaps."

They scream to greet Jim but it causes another scream to erupt from Jim's raw throat. As Jim gets up to run, Aaarrrgghh grabs his legs and dangles him upside down as Blinky steps closer. Jim covers his eyes as his body trembles.

"hey, put him down!"I shout as I point my pistol at the large one."please, we mean no harm, we wish to talk."blinky says, but I gesture to jim being held upside down."oh,Uh, Aaarrrgghh, my good fellow, would you mind? This is a moment of some solemnity."blinky said making the large beast tilt its head."Hmm? Solembily?

"It means serious and dignified."

"hmm. Dig-oo-nified."

"P-P-Put me down, please?"Jim said, his voice shaking. Blinky silently gestures to put Jim down. which Aaarrrgghh followed before patting Jim's head as he let out another yelp. jim rushed to my side as I kept my gaze on the two.

"Thank you. Now, where was I?"blinky muttered before Aaarrrgghh spoke.Uh, "Master Jim... found you..."

"Yes. Thank you."Blinky started again."Master Jim, you have been chosen. The Amulet of Daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices,"he said making Aaarrrgghh tilt his head."Orifices? What orifices?"

"Offices. It means responsibility. Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view."blinky slowly explained, jim slowly peeked behind me."Tro... Tr-Trolls?"he asked before I gestured for him to stop.

Blinky nodded,"Trolls. Yes, trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, Master Jim, are the Trollhunter."he said with a dignified look. it would have been almost majestic... had it not come from a four-armed six-eyed monster.

Blinky smiled. slowly taking a step only for me to point my weapon at him again. clicking the safety off."This honour is yours to accept. So, what say you?"Blinky asked but Jim never gave an answer, instead, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell to the floor, his body lying still as the two trolls that invaded his house, looking at him.

"Is that a yes?"Aaarrrgghh asked making me sigh. I slowly put the gun into safety and away."welp. I have to deal with this. listen. just. get out of here. this is... a lot to deal with. You know breaking is a crime right?"I asked making the two trolls look at me.

"ah, yes... we... we were a bit too excited."blinky said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"and you are good sir?"
he asked making me sigh."Jim's older brother. y/n lake."I said offering my hand.

blinky shook it."ah, his brother. I can see why you were the one to put yourself between us and master jim."he said but I simply stared."why do you keep calling him that?"I asked making blinky gesture to jim."your brother was chosen by the amulet of daylight-"

"you mean the amulet he found?"I cut him off making Aaarrrgghh nod."yes, amulet, trollhunter."he said loudly. blinky nodded and continued."yes, it is an ancient relic. one of unimaginable power. he has been chosen by it to be our people's protector."he said but I frowned."he's still a kid. can't this just be given to someone else?"I asked but Blinky simply shook his head."no... once the amulet chooses. it's..."

"for life"the large troll said making me growl."I... listen. this is a lot to take in. so just. get out of here for now. I'll take care of jim. but you need to leave now,"I said making the two trolls look at each other."of course Master Y/n. We shall return again later on."blinky said as he went to go upstairs."easy on the stairs, and be careful."I called before a crash was heard... dammit.

I looked down at my brother before lifting him up."oh bro, what did you get yourself into,"I muttered as I carried him upstairs.

I placed him onto his bed and then walked about to clean up the house. the cloak hanger was knocked over, and some photos on the floor... I slowly picked up a frame... it was me, jim and... mom. Jim's 5th birthday. the day everything changed...


next day:

I left a note to let jim know he fainted before I drove to school. I looked around, but nothing. I still felt as if someone was watching me. It made me so... uneasy.

but when I reached school, it went away. I parked the bike and went to walk in, only to bump into someone."oh, sorry."I quickly said, offering my hand to the person I knocked down.

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"no worries young man. no worries at all,"she said, looking at me. She slowly stood up, revealing her to be at least 7ft tall. standing over me. She smiled softly."sorry for that. I wasn't watching where I was going."she said gently.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before."I said making her nod."yes, I am just passing through. Do you know any nice places in this town?"she asked making me nod."well, there's a restaurant called,Mr. Benoit's French Bistro."I said making her smile."thank you, young man, now, I believe you should be getting to class?"she said making my eyes widen."oh, right, yeah."I stuttered as the woman began to walk away."have a nice day young man."she said as she walked away.

I nodded before running into the school, but I looked back to see the woman still looking at me before I ran inside.


at home:

I sat on the sofa chilling before jim spoke up."hey bro! so. um. what happened last night?"he asked making me sigh."trolls. as you remember. something about you having some duty or whatever."I said as I walked over.

I watched as Jim sliced his knife through the skin of the tomato, making perfect-sized slices. After smoothly sliding the pieces onto three sandwiches, he twirls the knife before nicely throwing it into its respectful holding place in the knife holder. After adding lettuce and cheese, he places the last slice of bread upon each one and finishes his cooking.

"yeah. hey, want to see what this thing does?"he asked as His eyes moved to his bag which glowed as the amulet peeked from its hiding spot. I looked at it and shrugged."sure, why not."

Leaving his house with his bag, Jim stepped into the backyard, pulling the magical device out and studying it. Suddenly, the arms of the machine started to spiral as the rim turned blue, changing the symbol to letters to words."woah,"I muttered as I looked at it."give it here."I said as he handed it over.

"looks like a clock... but what is this language?"I mutter before it sparks again, it bursts into blue light before hurling to jim, much to both our shock."huh, guess it really is bonded to you."I mutter, looking at my hand, slightly scorched by the amulet.

Jim looked at the amulet before gasping."woah, it's changing to... English."he mutters before he begins to speak the words out loud."For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command."

As Jim finished reading the words, the lights around us began to flicker... The fences shook in the wind as leaves blew. His eyes grew as he brought it closer, a blue spark appearing from the amulet, surrounding him before hiding near his heart as more sparks followed into his chest, his body floating in the air while the blue wave of magic had covered him. Armour appeared and connected to his body and shrank to his size.

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"This is so freaking cool!"jim cried out as I looked."well I'll be damned,"I mutter before sparks from his amulet appeared once again, this time falling to his hand, creating a sword. The vast sword shrinks to his size as blue smoke pours from the fun of posing and swinging it around, his confidence grows until it wedges into a rock. With the force of trying to pull it out (and rolling off) he finally gets it free, only to get it stuck in another rock behind him.

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"haha. nice one King Arthur."I teased making jim frown."hey, come here me."he groaned but laughed. I walked over before slowly grabbing the handle.

"ah!"I cried out, I looked at my hand, it was red."Bro!"jim cried out as he rushed to me."ugh, guess no one else can touch that sword of yours."I hissed, before looking at him. not noticing a faint golden glow coating my hand.

"yeah..."jim said before the sword faded. the armour soon disappeared too, leaving jim back to his regular self. he slowly stowed the amulet away before looking at me."let's get that wrapped up."he said making me nod.

"yeah, come on, I think I've had enough, magic for a few days."I joked with a hiss of pain. letting jim help me back inside, joking together as we walked into the house.

"̶̧͔̦̱̯̬̉̀͒̀͑͘͘s̷̭̞͕̺̥̎̾̅́̓͛͆̂́̊́ơ̵̢̭̻̞̺̤̝̗̥̜̻̥̬͔̯͙̯̈́̑̃̒͛̾̀͋̓̊̂̇̿̇͂́͋̇o̷̼̪͙̪̺͔̔̀̇̐́̒͋̎̊̿̕͘n̷̡̧͕̫͓̣̼͙̟̫̘͑ ̴̘̔̉͋́m̸̧̨̨͎̫͖͔͔̳͉͍͎̻̭̫̺̲̻͎̰̃̐͒̈̐͗̍̊̑̊̑̓͛̎̆̐̉̇ͅý̷̨̛̜͕̰̙̼̣͎̝͕̩̯̦͖̻̔̾̌͂̄͋̿̍́͛͛̾̈́̋̄̅͝͝ ̸͖̥̭̖̩̫̟̳͇͓̱̹̫̮͇͖̤̝͙̂̊̐͗̃̋̿̅̃̈́̉͘͜͜͠ͅc̵̱̤̠̱͘͝h̵̨̨̨̛̛͖͉͔͎̪͉̻͉̦̫͉͈͖͖̦̟̥̑́̓̇͛̓̎͗̌͌͛́͘̚͠͝ͅa̵̢̱͚̫̩̻̬̰͚̟̻̼̣̫͈͌̈̎̏̈m̸̧̡̰͍͚̲̗̲͓̟̰̳͚͆̎̏̕p̴̜̬̱̝̯͆͐͗͂̆̄̌̎̓̿̍͂̇͋ḯ̴̩̙͕̻̼̽̌͌̽̀̆͆o̵͓͚͖̼̹͍͗͑́̔̍̃̌̒̅̔́̽͒͐̓̑̾̆̽̚͘͠ṅ̵̢̢̠̦̤̬͔̪͉̰͔̑͆̊̂͂͜ͅ,̶̢̡̛̳̟̞̱̰̥̦̝̣͚̹̹͇͍͙̯͖̩̙̄͐́͜ ̵̧̘̤̫̪͕̩͎͊̊́̓̃̿̿͑̔̑͗̎̽͗͒͜͠͠͝w̴̖̮̮̭̲͓͇̙̙͇͌̐̒̏͛̀̎́̏͋̓͒͐͗̄̊̀͗̃͘͜ȩ̶̛͚͔͉͇͉̼̮̫̻͔̯̙̗͔̹̥̥̩̗͋́̂̈́̋̿́ ̷̛͙̣̖̜̺͓̜͕͇̦̊̂̒̆̓̕͠͝ͅw̸̨̭͎̞͇̰̝̮̯̘̲͚̆͑̀̔͌͛̊͂̾̈̂̈́̏̀͛͂̿̾͘͘i̶̧̜̱̞̗̬͇̬̪̘̋̈̒̈́̎̎̂l̵͍̽̂̏͒̽̓̔̇̀̓͛̿͊̃̂̄̋͘̚͝͠͠l̸̥͍̳͎̝̲̹͍͇̞̏̓̒̈́́̀͑̏͊̂̉̀͂͠͝ ̸̢̯̙̫͇̳̤͎͚̮̞͈̞̥̮̟̜͇͕̼͈̉̏ͅc̵̡͈̜͓̟̠̗͈͖͉͓͖̍̇͒̈́̋̿̉̆̆́̄̏̃͋͠l̴̡̙̬̤̻͎̥̎a̶̧̱͚̘̭͕̫̻̠̼͚̎͊̂̀̐̀̆̆̈́̒̚̕͝͝i̸͕̘͉͖̬̘̬͔͚̲̬͖̘̼̞̬̹̝̤̭̗͆͐̌͐̈͑m̵̛̛̙̹̘̪͕̗̠̪̹͈̥̭̮̤͉͊̒̒̎̀̊̃̔̍̚͘͝ ̵̛̛͈̉̃̿͛̅́̆̐̂̿̐̅̿̏̔͘͝ţ̶͙̩̥̮̰͙͈̪͕͉̘͎̞͓̭̦̟͆̅͋̅͋̓̾̐̿ͅͅh̷̼͈̙͉͔̣̝̲̙̯̘͓̀̄̈́̂̾̈̏͊͐͒͘͠͠ị̶̩͇͍͈͎͇̯͗̽̀͝ͅş̴̨̛̫̻̟̼̭͓̠͈̯̥͔̱͇̣̬̹͕͔̥́̈́̿́̃̎̉͐͛̄̀͌̎̈́͂͠ ̴̗̣̲̱̤̱̻͈͇̱̱̻͔͉̈͒̔͌̈́̍̎́̄̃̏̐̐̉̈̆͆͝ẅ̵̧̹̩͍̤̭͍̰̋̈̇̅̕̚ͅͅơ̶̡̛̙̼̦͚̏͆̂̿͊̓̈́̾̈̀̐͆͆̓̕ŗ̸̛̛͇̜̩͇͔̣̇́̓̉̋̈̈̒̉̌̑̿́̄̋̉̚͘͝l̵̼̪̂̄̿ͅď̵̡̗͇̺͔̳͈̞̥̥̙̼͖͉̓́̀́͐͗͊͋̚͠͝͝.̸̡̢͉͎̲̟̟̗͖̠͚̼̣̠̣̈̈́͗̏̒̿"̶͛̏̔̏͊̓̓̈͑̒̐́̃͆̍͝

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (42)


an: and that's the new first chapter. I hope you like it. and I hope you are ready for what's to come. if you have any suggestions, feel free to put them in.

also. yes. this is a "crossover" story. sorta. I am (as I did in the old one), expanding this world. so now it's more than just trolls in the world.

also. yes. bular's arm is now fully stone. I don't know why it changed back when he pulled back from the sun, yet kanjigar didn't. so now. his arm is now stone. he'll get a replacement... but that won't be revealed yet.

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: Becoming: Part 2


Second episode. and some world building.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

the next morning:

I sat in the living room, the soft glow of the lamp casting gentle shadows across the walls. The air was heavy with the scent of antiseptic and burnt flesh as I carefully unwrapped the bandages from my hand. Each movement sent a sharp jolt of pain through my nerves, causing me to grit my teeth and hiss in discomfort.

As I inspected the extent of the burns, a voice broke through the silence, causing me to startle."Kiddo?"My mother's voice drifted down from the top of the stairs, drawing my attention away from my injured hand. I turned to see her descending slowly, her expression a mix of concern and weariness.

"Hey, Mum,"I replied, trying to keep the pain from seeping into my voice. "Shouldn't you be resting? I thought you had a late night."But my mother paid no heed to my question, her focus solely on the sight of my injured hand as she approached.

"Kiddo... what happened to your hand?"Her voice was soft, but I could hear the worry laced within it. I glanced down at my hand, the burns stark against my skin, angry red marks marring the flesh. It looked worse than I had imagined, the severity of the injuries taking me by surprise.

(second to last one)

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"I, uh... it's nothing, just a little accident,"I replied, trying to downplay the situation. But even as the words left my lips, I knew my mother wouldn't be so easily convinced. so, I sighed."was working on my bike, but I accidentally touched the engine when I was working on it."I said making Mum frown."I told you to be careful, here, let me,"she said as she grabbed the first aid kit.

"no, I'm fine."I said but Mum still sat down."give me your hand."she said making me look at her. She looked at me before sighing."kiddo, I'm a doctor. now give me your hand."she said making me give her my hand. hissing in pain, I felt her slowly rub burn cream on my hand before slowly wrapping it up.

"there you go kiddo."she said before getting up."now, you should go rest,"she said but I simply scoffed."Mum, you're one to talk."I commented, making her... chuckle."yes. I suppose you're right."she said as she went to leave."I'll see you later kiddo,"she said as she walked back upstairs, as I watched her leave. I looked at my hand, slowly trying to close the hand with a hiss.

I looked about, the empty house always felt... empty. Jim had left to go see Toby, so I was alone now. So, I went into my bedroom and decided to go for a walk. The last few days was... way more than I was ready for. I needed to clear my head.


As I walked about, I decided to go to the canal. Jim mentioned he found the amulet in the canal. figured I might find some answers there. So, I grabbed my bag, a spare first aid kit, and some snacks.

A sharp hiss escaped my lips as I instinctively reached for the door handle with my right hand, forgetting momentarily about the searing burns that marred its surface. Recoiling, I cursed under my breath and switched to my left hand, determined to push forward despite the setback. The town bustled with its usual activity, the vibrant atmosphere contrasting sharply with the weight of my thoughts. People milled about and engaged in their daily routines, while children laughed and played in the streets. The sun beat down warmly, casting a golden hue over the bustling scene, yet even amid such peace, a lingering sense of unease gnawed at my senses. But that feeling, that I was being watched... it never left me. I felt uneasy, as I walked. Like someone was just staring at me.

but, I soon reached the canal. walking down, I approached the centre and looked about. Scratch marks, as if something has skid across it. cracks lined the floor and sides of the canal. something big had been here.


As I walked about, I suddenly felt something under my foot."huh? how did I miss that?"I muttered as I reached out to pick up... an amulet... an almost exact replica of Jim's... but it was gold and green instead of blue and silver.

(change the grey to gold)

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"what is this?"I muttered as I ran my fingers along the cold metal."Ÿ̴̰͔̰̙̣͚̱̞̩̻̘̅̋̌̐͌͒̀̃̀̈̏͗/̵̡̨̛̣͚̹̣̟̜̮̥̼̻̪̯̏N̸̨͖̱̼̬͋̇̄̽̀̽̾̽ ̷̞̠͇̳̇̆͂̃͑L̸̢̮̻͎̪̬͚̣̖͊́͆̏͊̈́͒̋̎̋̃̊̚͘͜Ǎ̵̗̗͇͉͕̰̹̂̉̈̏͒̆͜͜K̵̡̘̭̱̤̝̥̺̙͔͔̿̐̽̊̃̑͋́̐͒̒̏̂ͅĔ̵̮̮̘̰̫̬̦̮͕̩͔̳̬͓͒̈͐͗̑̾͊̋" I gasped and dropped it."what?"

Slowly, I reached back to pick it up, as it seemed to hum before I screamed. A searing pain etched itself into my right hand, I went to drop the amulet, but it wouldn't budge. I gasped in pain as a burning sensation tore through my hand. The bandages on my hand fell off, revealing what was underneath.

As the searing pain intensified, spreading like wildfire through my right hand, a strange sensation washed over me—a cold, creeping darkness that seemed to emanate from the very core of the amulet. With each pulse of energy, black tendrils snaked across my skin, weaving a sinister tapestry of ink and agony.

I watched in horror as my hand turned a deep, obsidian black, the skin crackling and blistering. while, Across the back of my hand, a circular emblem began to take shape, its edges sharp and defined against the pallor of my flesh. It resembled a solar eclipse, a dark void swallowing the light with its ominous presence. Black veins snaked upwards from the centre, branching out like tendrils of darkness as they climbed towards my wrist, their touch searing into my flesh with each passing moment.

but then, it stopped. the pain ceased... instead leaving... a mark.

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I gasped in horror and stumbled back. the burns on my hand were now gone, and replacing them, was this... marking.

"well... that was not what I was expecting."I heard behind me, whipping around, I saw the woman I bumped into. She stood there, with a surprised look.

"Who... who are you?"I asked as the woman smiled. she gestured for me to follow as she stepped into the darkness.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest as I warily followed the woman into the darkness. The air seemed to grow colder around me, and a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach as we ventured deeper into the shadows.

As we moved further into the gloom, the woman turned to face me, her expression unreadable beneath the veil of darkness. With a graceful motion, she reached up and began to pull back the hood of her robe, revealing a shock of vibrant orange hair cascading around her shoulders.

"Who am I?"The woman's voice echoed around us, her tone tinged with amusem*nt."That, my dear, is a question with many answers."

But as the hood fell away, I recoiled in shock at the sight before me. The woman's once-human features were now twisted and contorted, her skin replaced by the bleached white of bone, her eyes burning with an otherworldly blue light. She stood before me, a fusion of human and skeleton, her very presence sending shivers down my spine.

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"but. you can call me Gilles de Rais, or simply Gilles if you want,"she spoke, her voice echoing through the darkness like a whisper from beyond the grave."A necromancer, master of the dark arts,"she said with a grin."and you, have got yourself in quite the mess,"she said as she looked at me. I stared in shock, going to back up when she suddenly lunged forward, grabbing my hand, and causing me to cry out.

"yes, so, a human was chosen to bear the mantle of Morgana's champion? how surprising,"she muttered as she studied my hand. I tried to pull back, but she had an iron grip."what the hell is happening?"I hissed but she simply sighed."you've gotten yourself in quite the mess. your brother the trollhunter, and you. now bearing morgana's mark."she said the last bit with a level of darkness that unnerved me.

"How... how did you know..."I stuttered but Gilles simply let go."I felt a... disturbance. guess I was right. but now. you two are in quite the mess."she said, not even answering her question."well. I should be off."she said before turning away."I'll be watching you,"she said with a wink. but paused."oh, and do try to stay out of trouble. will you?"she asked, her eyes glowed before she turned and walked off.

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I, however, was not willing to just let go of possible answers."hey! wait!"I called out but the woman just vanished. leaving me alone, with the amulet in hand, and the silence.


back at the house

I slowly walked back, after applying the new bandages to cover the now-marked hand. I opened and closed my fingers, and the pain returned and faded. so, I slowly climbed the stairs of my home.

Sinking onto my bed, I gingerly extended my right hand. slowly, I removed the bandages to reveal the mark. Tentatively, I traced my fingertips over the surface, feeling the raised texture of the darkened skin beneath my touch. It was as though the mark had been etched into my flesh.

The mark itself resembled a tattoo, the circular emblem of a solar eclipse etched across the back of my hand with unsettling precision. But as I examined it more closely, I could feel the faint echo of pain lingering just beneath the surface, a reminder of the agony that had accompanied its arrival.

Running my fingers over the contours of the mark, I couldn't help but marvel at its intricacy, the way the black tendrils snaked across my skin with an almost hypnotic grace. But despite its mesmerizing appearance, there was something undeniably sinister about the mark, a darkness that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

With a heavy sigh, I lowered my hand and clenched it into a fist, the muscles in my forearm tensing with the effort."what did I get myself into?"I thought as I released the grip.

suddenly, I heard the door open. I knew it was jim, so I walked down."hey bro, I got something to show you."I said as I walked. he looked tired but his eyes widened at the sight of my hand.

"oh hey bro, how's your hand?"jim asked as I sighed."... that's what I wanted to show you."I said as I sat on the couch. I closed the blinds as jim walked in."what is... WHAT THE HELL!?"jim gasped as I lifted my hand.

"What happened?"he said as he rushed over."catch,"I said as I threw the amulet at him. he caught it and stared."where did you get this?"he asked making me sigh."I went to the canal you found yours. turned out. there was this there."I explained as jim inspected it."and it gave me this."I raised my hand to show the marking.

"... so. what. are you also a trollhunter?"he asked making me shrug. I took it back before getting up."shall we test it out?"I asked making jim nod."uh. sure. oh. I also called toby over. he should be here in a bit. I was gonna show him, so why don't we show him together?"jim asked making me think."sure, why not."I said as I took the amulet back.

I looked at the rim to see the runes, they began to glow, before they shifted, turning to English.

By the wrath of Morgana, eternal night bends to my will,

In the shadow of the eclipse, daylight shall stand still,

as I looked at the runes, I felt... a sense of dread. Like something was... coming. something... dark.

toby burst in as jim turned to him."Eight hours! I can't believe it takes eight hours."he complained as Toby walked in."Two molars, plus insertions, and some cleanup."toby said nonchalantly. Making me chuckle. the two walked into the kitchen to get away from the front with me slowly following.

"Okay, Tobes. You are never going to believe this,"jim said excitedly as I got up.

Toby, however, wasn't listening."My mouth still feels sore."he groaned."Do you have any aspirin?"he asked as I chucked some to him."here,"I said as I walked and leaned against the table between the kitchen and living room.

"Tobes, pay attention,"jim said but toby simply wasn't listening. I watched silently as jim pulled out his amulet."For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to-"

Jim is interrupted by Toby microwaving a pizza."Hey Toby, give me a piece will you,"I said with a chuckle. jim groaned before Toby pulled out a pizza slice."Go on."

"It worked last night."jim groaned making Toby look at me."Are you punking me right now?"he said making me shrug before the Amulet activates and equips the armour. the room shook, as the lights flickered before the armour slammed into place.

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"Holy champignon!"Toby gasped as he stumbled over. he looked over the armour in awe. Jim smiled,"Oh-ho-ho-ho! How cool is that?"he said as Toby was nerding out.

"What? Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! So cool, so cool, so cool! Dude, you know what this means, right? You have a sacred responsibility here."

"That's what they said!"jim exclaimed but I knew Toby was not talking about what jim thought he was.

"Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my- You have to use these new powers for the benefit of all mankind. You have to use this to kick Steve's butt."he said making jim drop his arms with a flabbergasted look.

"... Really? I show you a glowing sword and a suit of armour that can only be magic, and that's how you respond?"he said making me laugh.

"Seriously! It's butt-kicking time!he said as he Attempted to do a karate kick.I laughed, "and that's not all."I say as I get up. I pulled out my own amulet.

"oh! You have one too!?"Toby was still nerding out making me laugh. I went to say the words on the amulet when suddenly.

There's knocking at the back door and Blinky peers in."Wh- What- what the heck is that?! Don't open the door!"Toby shouted as he saw Blinky.

Blinky Opened the door"Aha! Master Jim!"he said making Toby cry out in terror. I sigh before looking at Blinky.

"AH! I'm calling 911!"Toby shouted as I simply watched.

"I knew it was but a matter of time before the amulet called to us."blinky said excitedly. this made jim look at him.""Called" to you?"he asked but Blinky simply laughed."Actually, no. We've been spying on you,"he said as AAARRRGGHH spoke from the doorframe."Spy on you."

Blinky sighed and admitted, "Well, keeping a close watch."he said with a sign. Blinky then noticed Toby. "You told your stout little friend about us?"

jim looked away and nodded nervously."Um, is that a problem?"

Blinky looked at his large friend."Master Jim, we troll have gone to great lengths to keep our existence secret from your kind, lest there be panic."

"Oh, my gosh, Oh, my gosh, Oh, my gosh, Oh, my gosh."Toby was freaking out, making me chuckle. as Blinky deadpanned."Like that."

Jim went to reasure his friend."It's all right, Tobes,"he said but Toby was still freaking out."They're like nine feet tall."

Jim smiled and gestured to Toby."This is my best friend, Toby D,"he said but Toby wasn't listening.

Toby kept freaking out."has like 800 eyes. We're going to die."he said but Blinky simply brushed it aside."Hardly. Your friend is the Trollhunter. His noble obligation is protective."

Toby paused,"Like "protecting"... You mean like a superhero? Oh, can I be his sidekick? With a cool superhero name like Deathblade or Snipersnake? Just wait. Who would I be protecting?"he said excitedly.

AAARRRGGHH pointed to himself as he looked at us."Us,"he said as blinky nodded."And mankind. From bad trolls... As well as goblins, gruesomes, and the occasional rogue gnome."he said as a tinking noise filled the air. he kept tapping, poking at blinky's arms and face before blinky turned to him,"Do you mind?!"he said making toby drop the ladle he was holding.

Blinky nodded before turning back to jim."The mantle of Trollhunter is a sacred responsibility, one which has never been passed to a human before. This is a momentous occasion,"he said but I was... uncertain.

"hey-"I went to ask but we suddenly heard a car pull onto the driveway

"Oh- it's my mother! Upstairs, quick!"he said as I shoved blinky upstairs."alright, everyone go upstairs, now!"I ordered as the trolls quickly were forced to go up the stairs.

They all run and hide in the bathroom, and lock the door. but the crashing draws our mother's attention. as I hide inside the toilet too.

"Jim? It's me!"she called... making a tang of guilt cut into me. but I shoved it down."She's not supposed to be home til midnight!"jim gasped as I gestured for him to calm down.

mum knocked on the door,"I forgot my phone. Are you okay in there?"she said as jim went to find an excuse."Um, I'm fine. I mean, my stomach's a little, uh."suddenly, Toby Started plumbing the toilet, trying to make noises, till I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Uh, you know, I might have a food poisoning situation."jim said making mum worried."Honey, I'll get you some medicine, okay?"she asked and suddenly, The amulet starts to glow.

"Okay, what's this going on here?"I asked as I gestured to the amulet. blinky looked at jim,"The amulet reacts to your emotional state. You appear to be in some distress."

"You think?!"jim hissed as I moved to get a better position in the bathroom.

"I have another question."Toby asked making Blinky's eyes lock onto him."Speak, Theodore,"he said making me laugh.

"It's Toby, actually. Or Tobias. If Jim's the first human Trollhunter, like you said, then who or what was the Trollhunter before him?"he asked making blinky think."The glorious mantle has been passed from troll to troll for hundreds of years."he said with grace making jim question,"So, the previous Trollhunter, what, retired?"he asked.... but I could feel that... that answer was far from correct.

AAARRRGGHH however, shook his massive head. "Was felled."


"Means killed."the giant said sadly.

"Turned to stone and smashed. Kanjigar the Courageous was his name. Brutally slain by a ruthless troll named Bular."blinky explained making the others look at him. but the name suddenly caused my hand to ache, I hissed and looked at the mark. my amulet shook in my pocket as I looked at it.

it felt... warm, now. Its surface hummed gently as I placed my hand into my pocket."what did it mean? what was happening?"I wondered before I was suddenly grabbed by AAARrrgghh and pulled into the bathtub, just as the door suddenly burst open.

jim was standing, out of his armour and in front of Mom."Whew. See, all good!"he said, as we silently listened to Mum leave. As she did, we all walked back downstairs,

"So Master Jim, are you ready? We should begin your training, immediately!"blinky asked but jim was uncertain."Uh, it's a school night,"he said making me chuckle.

Blinky looked confused,"I assure you the relevance escapes me."he said making Jim sigh."I'm fifteen. I have to stay home and study, and stuff- do homework? I can't be out y'know, Trollhunting?"

"... Because?"blinky asked obliviously."Well the whole getting killed by a vicious troll named Bular might be a deal breaker!"he said exasperated. I whipped towards them,"What?!"

blinky tilted his head."Deal breaker?"

Jim exasperated."I don't want to die!"he said making Blinky laugh."Goodness gracious, who does?"he said but jim was uncertain. he pulled out his amulet and tried to hand it over."Maybe you should take this back,"he said but Blinky shook his head.

The amulet called to you, Master Jim. It chose you. It is your-"as Blinky tried to speak, jim tried to interrupt."please don't say destiny."

But Blinky finishes."-Sacred obligation!"

Jim deflated,"Or that."

Blinky insisted, handing the amulet back."You cannot refuse it, you cannot give it back. It is yours until you die,"he said making me growl. Jim however, shook his head."And I would like to get a little further past puberty before that happens!"

Blinky looked at him understandingly."Master Jim, you are now responsible for the protection of two worlds, the human and troll alike. If you do not keep the balance, evil trolls like Bular will come into yours and wreak havoc!"he said making my fist clench.

Jim looked at Blinky."You're saying this "Bular" could hurt people?"he asked making me clench my fist. the amulet in my pocket began to vibrate and shake.

AAARRRGGHH nodded,"Like you."he pointed at jim making blinky look at him."Not helping!"he hissed at his friend.

Jim looked at blinky in confusion, "What's he talking about?"he asked making blinky nervous. he places his 4 hands together,"With the amulet now in your possession, Bular will seek you out, and you will face him one way or another."he said making jim turn pale. I placed a hand onto jim's shoulder as I spoke.

"Maybe what Jim needs is a little time to process all of this Y'know, you laid a lot of heavy stuff on him tonight,"I said making blinky nod, begrudgingly."Fine, fine. We shall return tomorrow then, to begin your training!"he said as he went to leave.

AAARRRGGHH!!! and Blinky got ready to leave through the backdoor as toby started feeding aaarrrgghh some VHS tapes."For the road big guy!"he said making the large troll grin.

As Blinky went to jim."Master Jim, if I may... destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living existences in quiet desperation, never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights! Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valour. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don't think Master Jim... become!"he said proudly. Jim looked at him with uncertainty. but I could see, a flicker in his eyes.

"Would you at least consider?"blinky asked making jim smile. He fist-bumped all of Blinky's hands, as an agreement. Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! then went to leave, as jim and Toby walked inside.

I pulled out my amulet before looking at Blinky. but before I could speak, I felt a sharp pain.

ṃ̶̺͎̜͋̆̀̌̀̍̈̐̒͆̚y̵̦̭͉̺̮͚̪̺̦̿̄͛͌͛̿͂̚ͅ ̴͍̫̳̠͉̤̾̈́̇͝c̸͇̠͍͓̀̑͌h̶̢̲͚̞̤̱̍͊̐͛̉̽̐̀̎̈̽̏́͌͠ã̸̧̹̞͕͚͍̳̣̝̟͉̼̠͋̓̀̒͠ͅm̷̛͕̻̣͚̘͉̌̓̒͘̚p̸͖̩͎̖̼̲̫̳̀͋̄̔́͐͆́̌̕ͅi̶̧̹͇͖̩̋̍͐̐̊͝o̶̧̢̰̣̼͚̗̜̫̰̯̩͛̑͗̃̃̌̈́̉̋͜͝͠n̷̢̗̥͎̱͖͍͎̲̫̈̀̾̐͝

A piercing headache hits, as I go back inside.


I lay down in my bed with a groan. looking at my marked hand. I pulled out the amulet, staring at its golden metal and green pulsing center.

I closed my eyes, letting sleep take...



my eyes snapped open... only to find myself in... a forest. I slowly stood up before feeling someone was behind me. whipping around, I saw someone approach. cloaked in green robes, a figure walked out of the woods.

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"well, this is a suprise."the woman said making me step back."don't come any closer."I hissed. the woman simply laughed,"Oooh, and some bite too,"she mocked, her steps steady as she closed the distance between us. I backed away instinctively, my hands trembling at my sides as I struggled to comprehend the surreal situation unfolding before me.

Suddenly, she reached out, her hand coming to rest gently upon my forehead. I flinched at her touch, but before I could protest, she began to mutter a strange incantation in a language I couldn't understand.

suddenly, blackness over took me, the last thing I saw was the woman's hand touching my head.


I jolted awake and slowly climbed out of my bed."what was that?"I muttered before remembering last night.

"jim."I muttered as I grabbed my stuff and got changed."what are we gonna do?"I said as I got ready. slowly exiting my room before I looked at my hand... huh?

the mark was now gone, and... now. the burn marks were back. slightly healed but... still wounded. I slowly wrapped the hand back up before walking downstaires. Jim was in the kitchen and looked at me."bro! your hand, how is it?"he asked only for me to show it was wrapped up."the marking is.. gone. guess we'll need to ask about my amulet from... the trolls."I said as I pulled out the amulet.

I hissed in pain as I felt a sting from my hand."you ok with riding your bike with your hand?"jim asked making me look at it."I... should be fine. now. LET'S GO."I said making jim nod. he tossed me a bag for lunch and nodded."how about I ride with you? just incase something happens."jim offered making me nod."sure, why not."I said as I walked into the garage.

I placed my amulet onto my work desk and looked for my keys... not noticing a trail of golden smoke coming from the amulet... flowing to one of my drawers.

I grabbed the key before gesturing to jim to come along. Jim climbed onto the back of my bike. I reached for the handle and hissed but gripped it. starting the bike, I began the ride. jim held on tightly as I drived."so, you sure about... all this?"I asked making him sigh."I... no. I don't fully know."he admitted making me sigh.

this was... a long journey.


in school: lunchtime

I sat on my own again, thinking. I looked at my hand, the bandages were a little bloodstained and messy. I sighed, undoing them and beginning to change them.

"young spartacus?"

I turned to see Mr Strickler there."what happened to your hand your man."he asked with a worried expression. I smiled before looking."oh, you know. little accident. the engine of my bike burned me when I was working on it."I chuckled as mr strickler nodded."do be careful young spartacus. you know the school isn't fond of the fact you have that bike, but you know I managed to convince them."he said making me look away.

it was true. strickler worked to let me ride my bike to school, he was the one to speak to the principal about my... situation."I know... I know... I... I'm thankful for that."I said but Strickler simply shook his head."no, it's fine."he said sitting down."how have things been with your mother?"he asked making me sigh."it's the same as all. but we did... have a nice moment with... this."I raised my right hand, the burns clear to see.

Mr. Strickler nodded,"Yes. well. she is a doctor. a pity that it had to come with you getting hurt for you two to speak."he looked at the hand but I shrugged."eh, it's not so bad. So, how have you been Mr Strickler?"I asked making him twitch for a moment.

"it has been alright. though. I must admit it has been... stressful. but that's life. things change."he said before the bell rang."ah, it seems I must go. take care of yourself young Spartacus. I'll be around."he said as he went to walk off."oh, and do tell your brother that if he wants Ms Nunez's attention, he should try speaking."he laughed making me chuckle. as I got up and walked to class.


end of the day.

I sat waiting for jim. My hand rebandaged and feeling a little better. Still... I wondered about that dream."who was that? what did she want?"I sighed as I looked at my amulet and took it out to study it.

the gold shined and glimmered while the gem embedded within pulsed."hey bro!"I turned to see jim running over."Hope I didn't make you wait too long."he said making me smile as I put my amulet away."Nah, all good. now, ready to head home?"I asked making him nod, just as Toby ran over.

"dude, you should have seen Jimbo, he did the audition and was... AWESOME!"he said making me look at jim with a raised eyebrow."my armor suddenly activated... had to pretend it was a costume for Romeo and juliet."he said nervously making me sigh."dude... we need to be a low profile, remember?"I asked as I began to slowly ride with toby cycling next to us.

jim looked away but Toby was quick to interject"but it was amazing! You were amazing! I'm amazed at how amazing you were!"he said to jim making jim smile."I can't believe that that just happened."

Toby grinned, before nudging jim."And did you see how that chiqita was looking at you? Your armour totally did you a favour!"

Jim however shrugged."I dunno, I'm still getting the hang of it."he said rubbing the back of his neck. toby however, tilted his head."The multi-eyed guy said it reacts to your emotional state. The armour turns on when you're in distress!"toby commented but jim shook his head."But I wasn't in distress back at school."he said before I stopped the bike. I locked eyes with a large black figure, with red eyes."oh sh*t."

the creature roared as jim jumped."But I am now!"

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the dark creature roared as it stared right at jim."Trollhunter, Merlins creation, Gunmars bane!"he said making me growl. so. this was bular.

Bular roared again, but as he tries to leave the shadows, his hand gets hurt

Jim saw this and points,"Look! He's afraid of the sun!"he said but I was quick to notice the setting sun."not for long, come on!"I revved the bike and went to turn.

Bular roared as he began to approach."The amulet! Surrender it, and I will give you a speedy death!"he roared as I turned and began to ride. Toby desperately trying to keep up."Doesn't know how to negotiate, this guy!"he said as we rode, quickly hiding behind a large truck as we tried to hide.

Toby turned to jim, "Armour up, Armour up. Armour up! Please! Now! FASTER!"he cried but the amulet didn't listen.

Jim looked at the amulet and kept repeating the phrase."For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!"over and over but then... we heard the truck creak and behind us, bular lifted it up with a toothy grin.

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"Centuries of Trollhunters, and I will have killed two in almost as many days!"he said as Toby screamed."HE'S GOOD AT MATH!"he shouted before I sped down the road. quickly evading as jim shouted,"Flying Truck!"he screamed as we rode. I dodged before riding down the road."jim, grab Toby!"I shouted, as jim reached out. I shifted on my bike as I moved the bike to go next to Toby.

"Toby, grab on!"I shouted as jim reached out."what!? I won't make it!"toby cried but we heard bular running after us. his roar echoed across the area."I'LL FLAY THE FLESH FROM YOUR BONES!"he screamed as Toby looked at the troll.

"I LIKE MY BONES THE WAY THEY ARE THANKS! JIMBO!"he shouted as he reached. jim grabbed him with a groan and helped him. the bike strained a little but kept going.

"Head down Delancey!"jim ordered, to which I nodded and sped down the road."Behind Stuart Electronics!"jim shouted making me turn and look at the gap in the alleyway.

Toby however, protested."You know I can't fit there!"

"You can fit!"jim shouted as we got ready."I CAN'T!" "can!" "CAN'T!"

Jim however, shouted."You've been on a diet, remember?!"he said as he sped down into the ally."I can't fit! I can't fit!"he cried as we slowed in the ally, but we shifted forward, much to toby's joy. "I can fit! I can fit, I can fit! I'm fitting! YAY, diet!"he cried out as bular roared, but he couldn't reach us.

I rode as fast as possible, crossing the canal before skidding to a stop. huffing. Toby climbed off with jim and hugged his best friend."Look at me. Look at me! We're not dead, right?"he said as we both chuckled... still. this was insane...

"Aha! Master Jim!"I turned to see Blinky as jim shouted."Bular's trying to kill us! He chased us all over town!"he exclaimed, his voice shaking and sweating. Blinky and AAARRRGGHH however, didn't seem that worried.

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Blinky however, grinned."And you're still alive! I knew you had potential, Master Jim!"he said making me groan. I facepalmed before hissing in pain. I looked at my hand, blood seaping through and sharp pain racked across my hand. I growled before looking back.

Toby and jim looked exaperated at blinky."This is why there is a Trollhunter, Master Jim. AAARRRGGHH!!! renounced the violent path ages ago!"he said making me groan. of course the giant was a pacifist... of course.

"RAAAAHHH!"A roar pierced the air as bular's dark stone body appeared. now, I could notice... one of his arms was grey instead of black... what did that mean?

Blinky turned to us."Follow me! We'll be safe in Heartstone Trollmarket!"he said as he began to run. I grabbed jim and pulled him on before AAARRRGGHH grabbed toby and threw him onto the giant's back. toby held on for life as we ran.

Blinky was surprisingly fast, able to run as fast as my bike rode."Master Jim! Don your armor!"he cried but jim shook his head."I've been trying! The amulet won't listen to me!"

"Did you speak the incantation?!"blinky shouted as jim shouted back."I've been incanting the crap out of it and it's not working!"he shouted as we rode. Weaving through trees to reach the dried up canal. Toby, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH go down but jim grabbed my shoulder."bro, drop me!"he commanded while I looked at him as if he was insane."what?!"

"just trust me!"he said as he jumped off the bike, rolling while I rode down. I tried to turn, just as I watched my brother be struck...


The amulet worked and equipped Jim with the armour, he flies across the canal just as the armour forms and locks in place. he landed like a superhero, much to my shock and draws his sword. I go to reach him when bular roared.

Jim stares before fleeding,"Ah... Nope."he said just as he runs. I ride to go reach him only for bular to block jim.

"Use your sword Master Jim!"I heard Blinky shout as toby called out."Cut him like a meatloaf, Jim!"

Bular roared as he charged."I'll drink your blood out of a goblet, made of your skull!"he bellows as he rushed jim. Jim strikes Bular with his sword, only for him to block it.

I watched as my brother and the massive troll dueled. Every strike was blocked by bular and as I went to try and ride out to help.BOOM,a shockwave of blue light causes my bike to be pushed back.

The two clash, slicing and trying to cut each other. it was then, I noticed. bular's left arm was full stone. not even the fingers moved.

"jim, y/n, come on!"I heard toby shout, turning to see... a glowing gate? but my thoughts were quickly shut down, as I heard a the clash of steel.

Bular growled as he fought jim. Jim blocked a few before Bular roared."You are not fit to wield the amulet! I'll tear the armour off you, along with your skin!"bular drawed a blade from his back as he roared.

Jim dodges one of Bulars swords, then he tried to hit Bular with the sword, but it gets stuck in his arm instead. Bular goes to strike my brother, sending him crashing to the ground. jim lay motionless, causing me to try and rush over to help him.

"use my power."a voice whispered,"use my strength, unleash it!"it screamed, I felt something form in my hand as the feeling of a handle and trigger fitted around my blistered fingers. golden smoke enveloped my hand beforeBANG!a shot rang out, a blast of golden light erupted forward, slamming into bular.

bular's eyes widened as he looked at me."this... power... morgana... YOU!"He roared, his attention now on me."the queen, chose you!?"bular charged towards me, as I pointed whatever formed in my hand... a beautfiul. golden pistol.

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I stared before pointing the gun at bular who began running at me."you are not worthy to wield that!"he bellowed as he rushed at me. I felt my heart race before... slowly pointing the gun and firing again.BOOM.the gun in my hand exploding as I did so. the shot hit its mark, right into bular's left arm. Crack and crash, bular screamed in pain as his left arm shattered.

The gun in my hand was nothing more than a mess of scrap metal now. disappearing into golden dust as I rode my bike and grabbed jim. Jim groaned, waking up as I rode towards the underside of the bridge. but just as we reached, it, the portal closed.

I barely managed to break as jim cried out."oh no!"he shouted as I turned around. suddenly, jim's amulet vanished, just as a sword nearly struck us in the head. I went to rev the engine when suddenly, I felt myself grabbed. My bike, jim and I were pulled inside, just as bular almost slammed into us.


I huffed and huffed as jim looked at me."He nearly- We nearly- He- Almost-"he huffed as I placed a hand onto his shoulder. blinky walked over with a grin,"What? Speak Master Jim."he said making jim shout,"HE ALMOST KILLED US!!"

Blinky grinned however,"Almost! A very important word! A life of almost is a life of never."he said making me growl."hey! my brother almost died!"I shouted but I couldn't help but look at my hand, where the golden gun once rested.

Jim looked to the four-armed troll in confusion."Why'd the armour suddenly shut off?"to which, blinky shrugged, with uncertainty."Master Jim, you are the first human to posses an amulet crafted for trolls. It's to be expected it's behaviour will be unexpected."he said before suddenly, the room lit up.

it was a massive stairway, of glowing crystals. I got off my bike and helped jim off as we began to walk. I looked at him with a worried expression as he nodded with me.

"This way masters, this way."blinky said as we followed him with a groan."Woah! Are you sure we're safe in here?"toby asked making blinky nod... despite the sound of a boom, as bular outside kept punching the wall.

"Indeed the incantation forbids entry to Heartstone Trollmarket by Gumm-Gumms, such as Bular. They are the most fearsome of Trolls."he explained making him rush over."Gumm-Gumms?"he asked making AAARRRGGHH look down and groan."Scary ones."he said softly making me look at the giant.

but soon... we reached the bottom of the stairs as blinky turned to look at us."This is the world you are bound to protect! This is Heartstone Trollmarket!"he said with grandiouce. it was a beautiful sight to see, to say the least.

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and from the shadows, behind us, someone walked out.

"so my suspicious was correct."

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an: and this is chapter 2 done. hope you liked it. yes. I'm adding stuff in. but that's the fun of it. anyway. hope you enjoyed it.

and also. if you see any issues. please let me know.

(before anyone asks why we have a gun. look back to the garage scene. also. more will be explained later.)

Chapter 5: chapter 3: Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? part 1


(yeah, each episode will be split into 2 parts. cause it will let me flow the story better.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

y/n POV

I wandered behind Jim and Toby, as Aaargh trudged next to blinky. Toby was freaking out and taking pictures of everything. Jim almost got attacked by a nome which made me chuckle at his antics before continuing.

gripping the broken horn in my hands, I felt a power radiating from it. Not much, but enough to feel it vibrate in my hands. Slipping it into my pocket, I began to walk after the others.

But an uneasy feeling began to appear, "soon..."a faint voice whispered as a quiet cackle was heard after. I whipped around in search of the voice but found nothing. I slowly kept walking, listening intently to Blinky.

"Trollmarket is home, and heart, and sanctuary for all good Trolls. This way my friends, there's much to see."blinky explained as we walked. I looked about, the cavern was huge. with glowing crystals lit up the area.

Toby was nerding the hell out."Dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirty plumbing."

"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before."blinky warned as we walked. I looked about, noticing that it wasn't only trolls here. the occasional human-looking being could be seen. I turned to Blinky and nudged him."um, blinky?"

blinky turned to look at me."yes young master?"he asked as I gestured to a humanoid."um, I thought only trolls resided here."I said making him smile but look a little nervous."ah, yes. magic kind is not only trolls. but many others. we have the occasional elf who comes by for trading, along with species like nymphs, druids, and others."he explained as I passed by some elves sitting together in a bar-like room.

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they look at me with a scoff. but one kept staring at me. her eyes burned like cinders as she watched me. Noticing me staring, she looked away, but I could see, she glanced at me, and... jim.

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She looked for looking down and nudged a nearby elf. the group turning to stare at me. Our eyes locked before I noticed the others had walked off. I went to run after them and dodged trolls just as I rushed up the stairs.

As I caught up, I saw the group being surrounded by trolls. who were all growling or grumbling. something about... fleshbags?

I shook my head and rushed over. just as a large troll with spikes on his back pushed past all the other trolls."what's a fleshbag doing here?"he said as he walked forward.

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"ah drall, this is the... how do I put this, He is... the new troll hunter."blinky said as drall towered over him.

Drall stared before roaring in anger."He can't be the Trollhunter! He's not a Troll!"drall shoved him. Jim stumbled back and glared at Drall. Aaargh then spoke in anger,"Amulet chose."I growled, reaching for my own amulet before I heard Toby jump up and shout."show them JIMBO!"

Jim looked before nodding and he began to incant, "For the power of Merli-""Glory!" "Right, sorry. For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!"The armour appeared, glowing brightly like the sun before slamming down. wrapping around Jim's body. Jim grinned"Pretty cool, right?"he asked but One of the Trolls in the background fainted. drall shouted in anger as he walked closer."I am Draal, son of Kanjigar, and the amulet's rightful heir!"

Jim stumbled before croaking"Uh- You're his son? He's his SON!?"Toby's face drooped,"Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem."

Draal screamed as he trudged up to him."When my Father felled, the honour should've passed to me!"Draal attempted to remove the Amulet from Jim, only for it to blast them both backwards.

Aaargh shouted as he caught Jim."Amulet chose!"the giant growled as I pushed forward, putting myself between Jim and the large blue troll.

Draal growled."We'll see what Vendel has to say about this."before drall trudged away. Slamming passed other trolls.

Blinky then Spoke up as he ushered us away."Feel free to let out some steam elsewhere. In the meantime, lots of Trollhunter business to be done! Draal, wonderful to see you as always."


Eventually, we reached this massive arena. With many statues of warriors all posted along the walls. but I had an eerie feeling... like those... weren't statues."hey Aaarrgghh, what's with the statues?"I asked before the giant looked at me."not... statues. trollhunters."he said making me pause... then I remembered bular's stone arm..."Aaarrrgghh, are those..."

"bodies."giant confirms just ahead, I heard jim ask the same question.

Jim looks around to see statues of Trolls placed upon giant pillars around them."what are these?"

Blinky then answered"Your predecessors, Master Jim. A line of heroism that reaches back to the ages of Merlin! This is the place of the final reposed, Kanjigar the Courageous. One day there will be a statue of you here, Master Jim. One day very far off into the future of course!"he said with grandiose...

Toby shrugged a little before speaking,"Yeah about that, there's just one thing I'm not getting?"I scoffed a little at Toby, "Justone?"but Toby ignored me and said, "You guys are Trolls, so"Trollhunter" sounds a little like you hunt yourselves, y'know?"but AAARRRGGHH!!! shook his head and spoke,"Hunt bad Trolls. Gumm-Gumms.|

I smiled and laughed a little."Not exactly the most terrifying name."Blinky sighed"In Troll-speak, Gumm-Gumm means "Bringer of horrible, slow, painful, and thoroughly calculated death".

We all looked at him in silence before Blinky realized what he said."But do not be too concerned Master Jim. The Gumm-Gumms were exiled to the Darklands centuries ago. Only one rose free!"

I sighed and then spoke. "And of course, he wants to kill us".

Toby shouted as he jumped up, "Wait, Bular is one of the unspeakably evil Trolls!?"Blinky nodded,"Indeed. His Father and the rest of them now remain exiled to the Darklands but they have been trying to escape for centuries! I sense ill times are upon us, hence the need for us to begin Master Jim's training now! Step back please!"

we all stepped back a few steps. Blinky nodded and placed his two right hands onto a sphere in the wall and pressed it inwards. This activates a large number of traps. Large blades sliced out and the floor began to break apart.

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Toby gasped as he backed up further,"That's a big blade!"a large blade swung down nearly catching Jim as he dodged all of the swinging blades that came his way. This made Blinky smile,
"Excellent reflexes Master Jim!"

I looked over to Blinky before pulling Jim away as he almost got cleaved in two."you know, maybe we could start easy? Like, you know, with less... grindy things?I said before another voice shouted out.

"Blinkous Galadrigal!"a voice shouted which caused Blinky to quickly deactivate the room as a tall, pale, elderly Troll walked in.

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"ah, vendal, what brings you here."blinky said before being shoved aside."I wish to meet the fleshbag supposedly chosen by the amulet."

he then turned to me, "I am Vendel, son of Rundel, son of Kilfred."he said, tilting his head, his grey eyes seemed to scan me,but I quickly moved aside."not me, my brother is the trollhunter."Jim quickly moved into view,"I think I'm the fleshbag that you're looking for."

Vendel peered closer,"Hmmm, so Draal tells me, ridiculous! However, the amulet has been known to make ill-fated choices."He then looked over to Blinky."as YOU know better than most." vendal poked at Blinky with his staff.

Jim looked worried and turned to look at AAARRRGGHH!!!,"What does that mean?"AAARRRGGHH!!! tapped his fingers together before speaking,"Blinky trained Trollhunter before you, Unkar the Unfortunate."he said as he pointed up.

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I walked up to him and asked," And why's he "Unfortunate?"AAARRRGGHH!!! shrugged before pointing at the statue, "First night out. Torn."

Jim nervously said,"Like conflicted?" but AAARRRGGHH!!! shook his head."No. torn Limb from limb."The arm of Unkar's statue fell off, almost crushing Toby. Vendel then interjected, "If the amulet chose true, the Soothscryer will reveal it." he pointed to the middle of the arena and gestured for Jim to go to it.

Blinky quickly waved his head and tried to argue, "Please, Master Jim hasn't had even an hour's of training!"but Vendel made a gesture for Jim to come over. Jim walks over and puts his feet into two feet-shaped indents in the ground. A large platform in front of him rises, revealing the Soothscryer. a large stone structure that looked like some sort of troll head rose.

Vendel then let out a loud shout,"Behold the Soothscryer! It will judge your true spirit! Insert your right hand Trollhunter."

Jim however hesitated and stared at his hand, "Um, I'm gonna get it back right?"Vendel nodded,"That is part of the test."

Jim gasped before yelling over to me and Toby,"Bro! Tobes! Come here and help me!"I nodded and ran over, putting my hands together to act as a step."if you lose your hand, you're explaining this to Mum,"I joked with a grin. but I looked at my own hand...

Jim shook his head and climbed up to reach the Soothscryer. The inside of the machine starts tuning and Jim places his hand in. It gets stuck. Jim shouted in surprise and desperately tried to pull his hand free.

I reached to help him, but as soon as my hand touched the soothscryer... everything slowed.


haunting laughter suddenly echoed in my head, causing me to whip around. but... no one was there. then, a sharp searing pain erupted in my hand as I fell to my knee and a blinding light filled my eyes.

Flashes of visions filled my head. Trolls in battle against humans. The world itself shaking and crumbling around me. A man in green armour and a woman adorned in golden armour in battle. Fire burned the world and ice froze over the oceans.

A flash, a massive wolf-like creature ran across a battlefield, elves charging into the fray alongside knights.

Flash, white fangs and blood-red eyes.

Flash, a bridge, with a glowing circle underneath

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Flash, a huge troll with blackened skin and glowing blue markings.

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Flash, the black troll facing another. a voice filling my head."ORLAGK, COME FACE ME!"A deep bellow filled the air. before I saw a stone carving of two trolls in battle.

(side note. this carving does not do orlagk justice.

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(this is what orlagk looked like. funfact. he clashed with the trollhunter known as Maddrux the Many.)

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (65)

flash, this time, the scene of a bridge, and a war waging all around.

flash, I was back. pain coursed through my hand, making me stumble in shock.what was that?I thought as I looked around. I was back in... trollmarket. but... not even a moment passed. I looked around before seeing jim still having his hand in the soothscyer.

he tried to pull it out but, the device wouldn't let go. but before his hand could be taken off, The Soothscryer spits it back out. Jim landed on Toby with a yelp. Toby groaned as he rubbed his head,"Oh, everything hurts!",Jim looked to vendal and asked."Well? What is it?"Vendel poked Jim before turning to the Soothscryer,"Inconclusive."

I walked over and helped Toby to his feet before looking to Vendel,"What does inconclusive mean?"Vendel shrugged,"It means, that there's never been a human to bear the mantle before. The Soothscryer needs more time to render its judgement. Let us all hope you live long enough to see."

Suddenly, I groaned as my head began to hurt. The world spun around me as voices whispered and echoed. Flashes of images flickered, scenes of battles and wars. Then a woman. Her emerald eyes gleamed with love, till suddenly changed to wickedness. She grinned as a jade-coloured hand reached out to me."my champion, come to me. Join me,"she whispered before the images faded.

I felt the amulet begin to vibrate before I pulled it out. the faint glow of it was enticing, it let out a gentle hum before fading in colour. I slipped it away and I shook my head and turned to see Jim removing the armour. As he finished dusting himself off, he turned and gestured for me to follow."c'mon bro, we got to get home!"he shouted as I nodded.

not noticing, vendel watching me leave before turning around."hmmm. oh? I did not expect you to be here, M'lady."



Jim, Toby and I slowly ride along as Jim groaned,"Ugh, what have I gotten myself into?"

Toby smiled and said,"Um, Trolls? A cool underground city? Indigenous gem forms? Heartstone? What you've gotten yourself into is total awesome mania, man!"

Jim however shouted in a panic,"You mean If I survive!" he lifted his arms and exaggerated. but Toby shrugged,"Come on! You're gonna get trained by the best! Blinky is-"

"the one with a student who got torn limb from limb on his first night."I said quietly, thinking back to the visions I saw while in Heartstone. my hand stung as I put it carefully on the handles.

the two looked at me before Toby exclaimed,"So there's nowhere to go but up!" he was about to keep speaking when he saw Mom's car outside the house."Oh no, looks like your mom's home. Okay quick! I was bike jacked by three- no, make it seven, members of the Bratva, that's the Russian mob, and then you broke into their hide-out to try to save me and-"

I cut him off and spoke,"or, we could just say I had to go get some more medical stuff for my hand."I said waving the bandaged hand. toby stared before shrugging."ok, why not."

with that, We waved toby good night and walked to the house. but it seemed we had an unexpected guest.

As Jim and I entered his house and tried(failed) to sneak upstairs. Mom's voice echoes through the house as she shouts,"Jim! y/n! I'm in the kitchen!"

Jim quickly tried to act normal as he walked into the Kitchen."Hey, Mom! Oh man, you would so not believe, what happened to me on the way home from-"but he froze as he saw Mr Strickler sitting in there. mum smiled and gestured to Mr Strickler,"Look who stopped by!"

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Mr Strickler smiled and waved,"Hello Jim. hello y/n,"Barbara smiled and said."Mr Strickler came by to congratulate you Jim." but Jim deflated a little, "Oh. That's really... nice!"

Mr Strickler grinned and got up,"It's a great honour that you have been chosen to wield this mantle. I have no doubt you'll prove equal to the task."I glanced at jim, as he began to sweat. Just as Mum turned to Jim and asked,"Why didn't you tell me you were trying out for Romeo and Juliet?"

Jim stuttered slightly,"Maybe we could back up a few steps?"Mr Strickler chuckled with a grin,"Why, Jim, surely you knew you'd run the part of Romeo? After your breathtaking audition yesterday?"

Jim then nodded,"Yeah, after the audition I had to run. but-"I nudged him to remind him to think about what Mr Strickler said, which caused Jim to quickly stutter, "wait a minute, I got the part?!"

Mr Strickler chuckled and turned to mom,"I was just remarking to your mother that I'm a touch concerned about your being spread so thin. In particular, in light of you and your brother's new commitment to the chess club."

Barbara gasped before turning to look at me,"And I didn't even think you knew how to play chess! Chess, acting, it's like you have this entire secret life that I know nothing about!"

I nudge Jim with a smirk,"You have no idea,".Mr Strickler then spoke,"Atlas too carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. And I am concerned, like him, that you're over-extending yourself."

Jim quickly argued back,"I can handle it!" but Mr Strickler interrupted,"A few days ago, you were falling asleep in class."he said with a deadpan look.

Barbara froze and looked surprised,"Wait what?"

Jim was quick to try and reply nervously."Yeah but-but now I am recharged and ready to go! To be or not to be, right? Right?"I flicked his head,"That's Hamlet bro."I chuckled before hissing, realizing I used my wounded hand.

suddenly, Mr Strickler looked at his watch and gasped, "Oh, would you look at the time. Thank you for the tea, I don't want to overstay my welcome. My phone Mrs Lake."He handed Barbara a piece of paper]" Mom blushed and grinned,"Please, call me Barbara."

I watched awkwardly while Mr Strickler nodded,"very well, Barbara, I am delighted to meet you."and with that, Mr Strickler walked out, passing a nod to me."see you tomorrow young Spartacus, have a good night."

Hearing the door click, Barbara whipped around and grinned,"He really likes you!"she said not noticing Jim's uncertainty. Jim shrugged,"Yeah... I guess he does."he walked over to the kitchen table and sat down in front of Mom, with me following in suit.

Barbara smiled as she reached for her tea,"I've never seen a teacher take such an interest before. And he has a point."her face switched to one of concern,"There are only so many hours in the day Jim! If your grades slip, even a little, I'm going to insist you cut back, starting with the things you do for me!"as she said this, I felt a tang of jealousy... sure. she cared about him 'over exerting' himself,

Jim defended himself,"I like taking care of you."trying to get her to understand but Mom argued back,"Except that it's my job to take care of you!"

"right, meanwhile I basically raised myself."I thought scornfully but I remained quiet and took my seat. I looked at Mum with a blank look, but what Jim said next made me freeze."Do you know when I was old enough to ask about Dad? Remember what you told me? You said "We just have to take care of each other". That's all I'm doing Mom! y/n basically raised himself!"I looked at jim, surprised he brought that up.

Barbara looked at him and me in shock, not a word passed for a few moments, she looked away, as I stared at her. Seems she wasn't able to look me in the eyes after all.suddenly, she clapped her hands, a nervous look on her face."You two must be starving. How about, breakfast for dinner? Even I can't screw up an omelette!"she said with a nervous look before turning away.

Jim looked at me as I nudged him,"wouldn't be too sure about that,"I whispered with a snicker. Mom turned with a grin,"What was that?"but I could see a pain in her eyes.


meanwhile: 3rd person

As Strickler left the house, he passed y/n only to see the golden amulet in his pocket. His eyes widened in shock before quickly exiting the house.

As Strickler headed to his car, his keys jingling but before he entered his car, his eyes caught Bular watching through the window.

Bular's face scrunched as he growled and watched Jim. Strickler walked over to him and said, "You shouldn't be here." this made Bular growl as he turned to Strickler.

Bular snarled as he approached Strickler,"Why aren't I feeling his neck snap in my hands right now? Burning his hut to the ground?"

With a sigh, Strickly dryly said,"That certainly wouldn't draw any attention."but Bular argued back, "I could take the amulet and be done with it."he said but Strickler simply looked at him. Strickler then scoffed,"Your attempt to do so earlier was not only unsuccessful, it risked exposing our agenda to both humans and trolls. First human Trollhunter. This will require finesse and patience."he said as bular towered over. Bular snarled as he towered over Strickler, "I resent your weak, devious ways, Impure. I only respect force."

Strickler scoffed as he spoke, "And I respect your father. If you want any chance of ever seeing him again, adapt." Before Strickler turned to leave, he noticed bular's missing arm."also, it seems you found someone with this, force, your so-called respect."he said, but deep down, he was shaking. someone... wounded bular.

bular reached up and touched his stump and growled."that other... flesh bag, fired out a blast of magic. only one other person had that aura around their magic."bular looked at Strickler, who in turn replied,"Indeed, it seems the queen has found her champion,"

"that... child is not worthy to wield that armour. That armour belonged to-"bular is cut off as Strickler looked at him."a human, I know. a golden human warrior who fought alongside gunmar. and then vanished at killahead. Yes yes."he said but bular wasn't finished.

"Not just any human. a human who saved my life."

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the next day,

Toby, Jim and I were in the training arena. I leaned against a nearby wall and watched as jim trained.

Jim wore his armour as he stood ready,"Wider stance. Keep your frame. No, that's good, that's good. Yes, all right, fine. That's better"Blinky ordered as he walked around Jim. Jim followed every order precisely as he moved.

Blinky nodded,"All right. Raise your sword, Master Jim."Blinky pushed the sword to a higher height as Jim stayed in the position that Blinky had guided him to reach.

Watching from the sidelines were Aaarrrgghh and Toby. Aaarrrgghh had dumped the contents of a paper bag into his mouth, burping as he swallowed.

Aaarrrgghh burped happily as he asked,"Mmm. What's this?"Toby smiled and answered,"Dander from my Nana's Persian and a couple of hairballs."

Aaarrrgghh then dropped the whole bag into his mouth and pointed with a smile to Toby. Aaarrrgghh Mm, tasty.

With Jim, Blinky was speaking,"The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules. Rule number one: always be afraid."Jim, confused, asked."Afraid?"

"yeah, fear keeps you on your toes, keeps you alive."I said, which made Jim sigh,"not gonna be a problem with that." he muttered when Suddenly a rock came hurtling towards him.

Jim ducked, before looking to its source, Blinky stood, holding a bunch of rocks in hand, "See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant. A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it."

Blinky continued to throw more rocks at Jim, who quickly avoided all the stones. Jim smiled and nodded,"Got it."before a rock hit him in the back of the head.

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he turned only to see me Whistling with a few stones in hand. He smiled and shook his head before turning back to Blinky.

Blinky then spoke, "Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy."Blinky then laughed as he threw more rocks, Jim, using his sword as a shield. After the rocks were no longer thrown another lightly hit him in the back of the head."hey!"Jim shouted as I laughed.

"Okay, Okay, enough with the rocks, already!"Jim sucked in a breath."so, Always finish the fight?"Jim was suddenly taken down by another rock, a groan escaping him as Aaarrrgghh sat with his hand still reached out after throwing the stone. Aaarrrgghh then shouted,"Kill!"as Toby pointed to Aaarrrgghh to say he had done it. while Jim stood up, his hand rubbing the sore spot forming on his head before facing Aaarrrgghh and Toby,"What the heck, guys?"

Blinky responded,"Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death."Jim looked slightly sad, "Dude, that's harsh."Blinky shook his head in understanding,"Ours is an unforgiving world," He then turned away and continued teaching,"Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the Gronk-nuks."Jim looked confused, "Gronk-nuks?"Suddenly a large blade fell near the space in between Jim's legs.

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He screamed and backed away as Aaarrrgghh let out a shiver. Jim then turned to Blinky, "So, basically, you're saying that one-third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards?!"

A voice then cut through their conversation like a sharp knife through butter, Draal entered the arena with a mocking grin."Ah! So, the Trollhunter's training begins. I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" Drall exclaimed with a smile. Blinky hesitated,"In due time, perhaps."

"Why wait? I am eager to see your charge demonstrate his mettle."Vendel stated as he appeared above them all, overlooking a ledge as Jim looked at his sword. Jim replied,"Actually, the sword's more made of, like, daylight."but I sighed and corrected him,"He means your mettle, your ability to cope in the face of crisis."Jim looked down,"Oh. Yeah, I'm still working on the whole "mettle" part. Plus, you know, SAT words."Vendel chuckled as he watched, Draal grinning evilly.

Vendel then spoke,"Let them spar."this made Drall smile as Jim glanced with shock at Draal before catching up to Blinky. Jim desperately asked,"Wait, what do I do?" "Hit him as hard as you can."blinky replied as he walked over to Aaarrrgghh and Toby. Jim quickly shook his head,"No, no. I mean, what do I do? I've never hit anyone."

Blinky turned in surprise,"Ever?" "yeah, Jim has never gotten into a fight in his entire life,"Blinky argued back,"well, You fought Bular, however briefly, and you were glorious. Your blade work was impressive."

Jim protested,"Those were just my chef skills!"but Blinky kept pushing,"Exactly! The fight is within you, Master Jim. Trust yourself. One hit! One hit and you will be changed forever."

With confidence, Blinky turned Jim around and pushed him to Draal. Vendel then shouted,"Begin!"

Draal growled and slammed his fists into the rocky surface, roaring as Jim lifted his sword. Draal ran at the boy before rolling into a sharp ball, Jim yelped as he jumped from the path of destruction. However, as Jim looked above, he noticed Draal rolling up to the ceiling before falling from his ball. fists ready. Once Draal collided with the ground, dust covered the area in a grimy blanket, and the impact threw Jim into the denser part of the fog. Not being able to see anything, Jim was suddenly tackled, the blue mist brightening over the fog as the dust cleared. He used his sword as a crutch, still not being able to stand well enough.

Repeated punches met Jim, his groans mixing with the sounds of his metal armour being pounded by a rocky hand. Draal pulled the weakening Jim up and punched him closer near the cliff. Jim's strength was declining rapidly, and his sword vanishing too. Draal lifted Jim over the edge. Draal snarled,"I've waited my entire life to inherit the amulet. I can wait until you fall in battle."He squeezed Jim, causing Jim to let out another agonizing groan before suddenly something stopped his hand. Draal turned and stared before realizing my hand was grabbing his. Black ink spread across my hand as I felt his fist.

"enough."I hissed making draal growl but as he stared at me, he slowly lowered his arm."it seems the amulet chose the wrong human, at least this one has some fight in him."Draal walked over to me and nodded before turning to Jim,"Best give up while you can,".he then walked off as I helped him up.

I looked up at Blinky, who watched as vendel left, With remorse a look of remorse. Jim sighed as he couldn't bring himself to look at his trainer.

Jim sighed as he got up,"He might be right. What the heck was I thinking? An amulet can't choose anyone. It's an amulet."Jim angrily stomped. Blinky tried to calm him,"I understand you're upset, Master Jim, but you've had not a moment's training. There's no shame in what just transpired."

Jim scoffed,"Okay. Well, then you were definitely not paying attention back there. Shame was about the only thing that transpired. Shame...and realization. I don't know if Draal should be the Trollhunter or hell, maybe y/n was the one meant to get it. either way, I don't care. I just know that I am not."as he said this I looked at him with sadness... jim was far more capable than he thought he was... but this choice was his.

After pulling the amulet free from its pocket, Jim sighed and tossed it to Blinky's feet. Once it rested, a stone hand had lifted it from the ground, Blinky holding it close as Jim continued to the exit. Blinky sighed before trying to reason with Jim,"Master Jim, despite whatever doubts you may have about the amulet's choice, it is now bonded to you. This is a mantle you cannot refuse."The glowing amulet flew out of Blinky's hands and right to Jim's. The boy caught it with wide eyes as his trainer spoke. Gathering himself together, a frown thinned Jim's lips as he dropped it back by Blinky, and continued onward, Toby catching up to his friend."Watch me,"Jim said.

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Eventually, I tried to reach out to Jim, "Jim, wait!"but Jim shook his head,"C'mon bro, let's just go home."


As we made it home, I watched as Jim desperately tried to throw the amulet away. But it kept coming back which only made Jim angrier. With a sigh, I walked into my room and looked around. The (favourite colour) walls were a welcoming sight. but... it was little comfort with everything happening.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the golden amulet and set it on my desk. As I sat down at my desk, the amulet glowed slightly. what was this thing? should I tell the others? what did it mean?

"Who are you?"I asked as I held the amulet to my face. The green glow was warm and welcoming, but I felt a cold presence as well. I watched The incantation flickered, beckoning me to speak it. Gently I picked it up and spoke.

"for the wrath of Morgana, eternal night bends to my will, In the shadow of the eclipse, daylight shall-"As I spoke, I stopped suddenly. A feeling of someone watching began to appear, I whipped around but no one was there.

With a sigh, I placed the amulet down and climbed into my bed. Letting the dark take me.


my eyes snapped open by the sound of thunder, as lightning danced across the sky. sitting up, I looked around and saw I was in a forest. Surrounded by thick trees all around.

A golden flash drew my attention, as I turned I saw a woman adorned in golden armour flying into the air. Her body was coated in a golden glow as she soared through the air. Suddenly, A Bearded man rushed forward and sent a blast of energy toward the woman.

A blast was sent my way, causing me to dive to the side. climbing to my feet, I watched as She turned and launched a blast of energy, clashing with the old man. The clash sent a shockwave, sending troops flying back. The woman let out a scream of rage, sending another blast of energy as the man sent his own wave of green energy.

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Suddenly, time froze. Leaving the two stuck, the gold and green energy surrounding them. this was... more than I expected. even frozen, the two combatants had this aura of power that made me feel so... small.

Everything remained still, as I stared up at the two combatants. Looking closer at the woman, she was... beautiful... yet... something about her... unnerved me. the... crazed look in those eyes of her...

her eyes suddenly moved, staring down at me. causing me to stumble back in shock.

Her movements unfroze as she floated down to me. She stood tall, towering over me. Her eyes burned into me, judging me. I couldn't move, frozen in fear. I felt my heart thundering in my chest as my breaths became heavier. The woman moved closer, letting me fully see her.

Her body was skinny, with a slender hourglass frame. Her armour was adorned with gold, with large pauldrons. An emerald cape flowed behind her. Her face was covered by a mask, shaped similar to a crown. in her hand, a claw-like staff rested.

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"ah, so we finally meet."the woman smiled a warm gentle smile. Her hand reached out and caressed my face, her metal claws gently moved against my skin."who...who are you?"I managed to rasp out, too scared to move. her aura was suffocating.

The woman smiled, lowering her hand, before grasping my hand and placing something into my palm. I looked down and saw it was the golden amulet, the green glow lit up my face, matching the woman's emerald eyes."I am Morgana, and you, are my champion,"she said as she released my hand. and the marking was back, the black ink seemed smokey and shifting as she let go.

"What?"I asked as morgana suddenly chuckled."ah, forgive me, I suppose I was a bit too forward. I haven't truly spoken to someone in hundreds of years. I am morgana la Faye, Mistress of Shadows, Mother of Monsters among a few other titles, and your name is?"she bowed and offered a hand. ... a green crystal hand...

I remained quiet for a moment before whispering,"Um, I'm y/n Lake, Son of Barbara."I grabbed her hand and shook it, before asking,"Wait, what did you mean, your champion?"

Morgana grinned and began to circle me. running her hands along my shoulders,"I have chosen you to be my champion. I understand what it is, to wish for acceptance from those you loved."she spoke gently, A sad look filled her eyes before she pulled my hand to follow her.

We walked through a thick forest, With Morgana continuing to speak."it's why I chose you, You and I are kindred spirits. We both wish to protect those we love, and fight for what we believe, no matter the risks."she spoke, asI followed quietly, the amulet still clutched in my palm. it seemed to hum in my palm. her voice was gentle and soft, filled with understanding and pain.

Morgana turned to me as she kept walking,"I get it, you're confused. Most of the stories depict me as a monster, the Eldrich queen. But, I am not a monster. All I wish is for magical creatures to be free. To not hide away and live in peace."she continued, her voice filled with sadness as we walked."but, things didn't go as I planned."

Eventually, we reached a clearing. With a gasp, I took in the sight. It was a bloody battlefield. knights fought trolls in a raging battle. Armoured trolls wielded spears and pushed against the oncoming knights. Led by a large man with a gleaming sword.

(ignore jim and claire)

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and then, another shout, as I turned to see a group of trolls in armour charging in from the other side. Attempting to pincer the gumm gumms.

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Suddenly, a flash, as a silver warrior charged head-on. then I realized, that was a"trollhunter."I whispered."correct,"a voice spoke. I turned and saw Morgana looking sadly at the large man."this was the final battle of killahead. The end of a mighty war between man and troll. And that is-" "King Arthur."I finished as I watched more trolls get cut down by the Man. His golden sword shined brightly, like a miniature sun.

"I wanted everyone to live in peace, but, many didn't understand my intentions. Fear and mistrust lead to all this bloodshed. I never meant for this,"morgana explained as she stood beside me.

The ground shook, as a monstrous roar echoed across the land. Turning to its source, I saw a massive troll. covered in blue markings and wielding a colossal sword. He stood atop a bridge with his sword raised high.

The troll hunter let out a battle cry and rushed forward, Leaping atop the bridge and facing the Giant troll. this was the scene I saw when I touched the soothescryer.

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I watched as the massive troll roared, grabbing a spear and running across the bridge. The troll hunter leapt into the air with their sword raised high, before another flash, as something golden came crashing down and smoke flooded the area.

the smoke began to enter my vision. forcing me to cough and look away, only to notice something. Looking down, I saw my body changing to a golden smoke."ah, it seems we are out of time,"Morgana placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face her,"I would have liked to have talked longer, oh well. Until next time, farewell my champion."she said with a smirk.

and with that, everything went dark.



an: and that's chapter 3. hope you enjoyed it. also added some lore and stuff. I hope you enjoy it. didn't need to change it much from the original. so it didn't take as long.

also. news. the rest of the monarchs FINALLY have actual names. so. throughout the book. I shall call them as such.

Baran: monarch of white flames

Rakan: Beast monarch

Sillad: ice monarch

Tarnak: iron body monarch

Legia: monarch of the beginning (giants)

Querehsha: plague monarch

Yogumunt: monarch of transfiguration

Chapter 6: chapter 4: Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? part 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

my eyes snapped open with a groan. that woman's voice still ringing in my head... what was happening? what did it all mean? I looked at my hand, the mark beginning to fade. what do I do?

I sighed and grabbed my amulet before getting ready for school. I slowly switched the bandages on my hand before slowly walking down. I saw jim in the kitchen and waved."hey bro, you make your decision?"I asked but he shook his head."I don't know... I'm just a teen. and you saw what happened. I got my ass kicked in minutes."he said but I shook my head."dude, you barely had any training. of course, you didn't beat a hundred-year-old troll."but my words fell on deaf ears as jim simply looked away.

I sighed and went to get my bike. I climbed on before starting it."Hey, Jim! want a ride?"I asked but he shook his head."uh, nah, not today. I... I wanna ride to school on my bike today."he said with uncertainty making me nod."suit yourself. I'll see yah at school."I said before opening the garage door. however, before I could exit, jim spoke.

"hey... bro... how's your hand?"he asked softly. I turned, slowly looking at my hand before to him."the mark comes and goes as it pleases."I simply replied as he looked at me."do you... do you still want to test out that amulet of yours? when you know what ... the amulet of daylight means?"he asked making me sigh. I pulled the amulet out, looking over its golden surface."I... I don't know... but. whatever choice YOU make, know I'll stand by you."I said with a smile.

Jim looked at me before walking over. Slowly, we embraced one another."remember this. it's you and me bro. us against the world if need be. you don't want to be this 'trollhunter', then I'll break the amulet for you, and if any troll comes for us, they'll deal with me."I grinned as jim leaned into my hug. I thought to my slight fight with bular... could I summon that power again?

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"Thanks bro,"jim muttered before I let go. I grinned before rubbing his head."now come on, we got to get to school, Toby's already probably outside, so I'll be seeing yah."jim smiled and rubbed his head before I went into the garage.

climbing onto my bike, I got ready and rode out of the house. the engine hummed to life as I rode, the wind against my skin was a welcoming thing. the pain in my hand had faded, and I could ride more comfortably now.

I rode happily, feeling free as I drove along. the sound of cars passing by was calming, especially after everything. but... still. this world was changing... too fast for my liking.


I arrived at school and slowly walked in. I massaged my wounded hand as I walked carefully through the school. The school felt so small compared to everything now. what was I going to do? Jim should be in school, not fighting monsters and beasts. but I guess we're not exactly in a position to change that...

"I could fix that for you."

I whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice, only look in shock. a floating golden figure stood... one that resembled the woman I saw in my dream.

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I went to speak only for the woman to place a finger to her lips... or where her lips would be."shhh, don't want anyone thinking you're seeing things do you?"she asked with a laugh. I stopped as the woman floated down."now, as you know, I'm morgana Lae Faye, but call me morgana... or Misstress if you'd like."she said with a grin.

I stumbled but frowned. I made a gesture to her to keep talking as I went to walk."I was there when the amulet was made. a thousand years ago. or rather, when it was remade. I know how to break it, and with my help, you can rebuild it. so that it will move on from your brother."morgana dropped non-chalanty.

this made me freeze and stare at her in shock. she grinned, and waved her hand, forming a spectral version of the amulet."how do you think I made mine? during a battle, I managed to break it. and decided to take a little look."she laughed but looked down sadly."that... was a mistake. I can see now. my mistakes. but then. I was obsessed with power and vengeance. which is why I want to help you."morgana slowly raised her left hand, the green crystal hand glinting as it did so. It was mesmerizing, to say the least, like a treasure in a dark hidden chest.

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(before you ask. more will be explained later. all will make sense in the end.)

"what mistakes?"I asked out loud but quickly stopped myself. morgana looked away with a sigh."I shall explain more tonight, looks like you reached your class."she said making me realize I was standing outside the class. so, I slowly walked in and sat down. I turned to look at morgana, only for her to be gone.


lunch time:

with a sigh, I walked to where I normally ate my lunch when suddenly Mr Strickler rounded the corner. We slammed into each other sending me to the ground."OH, young Spartacus, So sorry about that."Mr Strickler said, quickly helping me to my feet."Sorry Mr strickler, I wasn't watching where I was going."I apologized, brushing myself off.

Mr Strickler smiled before speaking,"It's alright, no harm done. I hope you are doing alright, sorry to have popped in unannounced yesterday.""That's fine, sir, It was just a bit of a shock,"I replied before trying to make my way past him. But Strickler placed a hand on my shoulder,"Young Spartacus, do try to enjoy yourself. You only live once after all,"I smiled and nodded to him, before Suddenly, shouts began to echo down the hall. rushing down, I ran outside and saw Jim being shoved by Steve.

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"ugh, brutes."Morgana groaned,"reminds me of Lancelot, must be some descendant. guess bullying runs in their family."I looked at her, but she was already gone. shaking my head,I rushed over only for the other students to stop me. Some shook their heads while others simply wanted to stay back.

I watched as Steve growled as he towered over Jim,"Where have you been? I scheduled your butt-whooping for yesterday, jerk face. And you didn't show. Tick-tock, remember?".Jim sighed as he tried to walk away."Steve, I am really not in the mood to do this right now."Steve scoffed and shoved Jim."Duh! Nobody's ever in the mood to get their face bashed in, but that's what's going to happen unless you want to back down."

The other Students watched with worried glances, Claire and Darci appearing behind Toby, Claire's face morphing into a worried expression. Jim stuttered,"Uh, I-I can do that?"Steve grinned,"Sure. You want to crawl away from me, on your knees, bowing in front of everybody? That's a choice."

Jim turned and locked eyes with me, I nod to him and raise a fist. "one hit,"I mouthed to him. Jim nodded and then stood tall, reaching his full height. Steve chuckled before shoving Jim into a locker. Jim let out a groan as his back collided with the metal. Jim ducked as Steve punched where he last stood, dodging each blow. Steve growled as he kept swinging,"Keep still so I can punch your face!"

Jim managed to duck from each fist sent to him but one. His body dropped as Steve stood proudly over him, Jim's eyes were not on Steve but on his amulet. Jim forced himself to his feet,"Is that all you got?"

Steve advanced and went to swing, only for Claire to appear in front of Jim, using her arms as a shield. Claire glared,"Leave him alone, Steve!" but Steve shoved her aside."Butt out!"claire was sent flying towards Darci and Toby. Jim shouted,"Claire!"but Steve laughed,"Good thing your mom's a nurse."Steve raised his fist before Jim clenched his fist.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (80)

Jim smiled before Throwing a punch underneath Steve's chin, the blonde boy flew from Jim's reckless path. His bones cracked as a tooth landed beside Steve's pained face. Jim stood over steve,"She's a doctor, actually."Toby ran to his friend's side, Claire smiled at Jim but stayed by Darci. Toby jumped up in joy,"Dude, you did it! And without even kicking him in the Gronk-nuks!"Everyone stepped on Steve's arm as they surround Jim as he looked shocked at what had occurred before smiling happily.

Jim turned to look at me, and I nodded to him."one hit Jim, one hit."I grinned, feeling proud as hell. Seemed this was the kickstart to jim's confidence... now we just had to be ready for a rematch.


Following behind Jim, Toby and I walked through trollmarket. Making our way to the bar as we saw Draal drinking a drink. Draal laughed,"It was an epic pummeling!"Draal laughed, before grabbing another drink. I nudged Jim,"Well, this is your chance,"Jim looked at me with a determined face and nodded.

draal continued laughing, slamming his fist into the table,"I was going to kill him, but I just couldn't make up my mind as to how. "Trollhunter, HA, I mean, "troll hunted" is more like it."

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Making our way over, I gestured to Jim as Draal laughed louder,"Over and over and over. It was incredible! All I want is the chance to wail on that fleshbag again."As Draal lifted the cup to his rock lips, Jim slammed it down, sending the liquid inside spilling onto the table beneath them.

"Wish granted, loudmouth. Rematch. You. Me. Name the time, name the place, and I'll be there."Jim challenged with a smirk.


later that night: y/n pov

I sat in my bed... holding the amulet in hand I thought to myself."I wonder... sure, jim was getting more confident... but a part of me still wanted him to still be a teen... maybe... maybe I can figure something out"I thought to myself as I placed the amulet down and laid into my bed.

Closing my eyes, I let sleep take me.

slowly, I found myself in the forest once more. it was night, a cold chill covering my skin. The air felt... thick, with something. A golden mist filled the air.

I slowly walked through the forest, something was drawing me to a direction. something... otherworldly. Even as a chill ran through my bones. Despite the chill, there was a certain allure to the enchanted forest, a sense of mystery and adventure that beckoned to those brave enough to explore its secrets. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant song of woodland creatures added to the enchantment, creating a symphony of sound that echoed through the ancient trees.

But as I walked... I knew something big was nearby. So, I kept walking, walking and walking till I reached a cave-like place. I slowly entered the cave before the smell of iron filled my nose...

A wet feeling squelched under my foot. I looked down before feeling my amulet begin to vibrate. so I pulled it out, the green glow lighting up the dark cave, and beneath my feet.... was that blood?

slowly I followed, the blood trail, something told me something was wrong yet... a deep instinct told me to follow it. And then, as if guided by some invisible hand, I stumbled upon it—a severed hand lying in a pool of crimson blood, its fingers curled as if in a final gesture of defiance. My heart skipped a beat as I beheld the gruesome sight, a sense of dread coiling in the pit of my stomach.

(like this, made with PixAi, couldn't get it to get the hand right, but it's pretty much this scene.)

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my heart raced as I remembered morgana's green hand. I looked at the hand before feeling a force wanting me to reach for it. slowly, I knelt down and reached for the hand-

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

I turned and I saw morgana standing before me. in her golden glory. She tilted her head before suddenly, beginning to pull me back out of the cave."now, you weren't supposed to see that... I didn't want you to see that."she said softly.

I turned to look at her only for her to remove her helmet. She smiled at me, a gentle reassuring smile but there was pain in her eyes."now we can look face to face."she said with a small smile.

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I stood staring, unsure what to do when I felt her grab my hand gently. slowly, she lifted it up, running her fingers along the palm before the black mark began to return. I looked at the mark before looking at her.

Now she was fully standing in front of me, I could see that she was way taller than me. I stood about 6ft but she was at least a foot taller... she had to be around 7ft tall. She was slender yet it was clear she was strong. the way she held herself tall and full of pride made me feel so small.

"forgive me, I didn't anticipate the mark would form so soon.. but I was so excited to finally find a champion I got... over-excited,"she said gently."I'm sorry for that,"she said as she let go of my hand. the hand falling limp to my side.

"why... why did you pick me? what does this all mean?"I asked slowly... but morgana didn't answer at first. slowly walking off and gesturing for me to follow."I saw a piece of myself in you... someone who was forgotten, who was shunned by the ones we called family, but still tried to keep them safe,"she said softly, her voice echoing through the forest, the trees rustling and shaking in the wind.

"you said you made mistakes... what did you mean?"I inquired carefully. Morgana's green eyes gazed into me before she looked away in shame."... I was... hurt. angry. Merlin, the maker of your brother's amulet, was my mentor. as a child, I grew up in a world that feared magic. that shunned those who were born of magic."she said softly, forming a flower of glowing golden smoke. it was warm, emitting an aura of warmth against my face.

"my own family feared me when my gifts blossomed... so. I went to magic kind... magic kind showed me kindness. it showed me what I could be. I wanted magic kind to be free."she said as she waved her hand, the sky beginning to become a warm orange.

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"I saw, most reside at night, the sun scorned so many... so. I thought. why not bring forth something? An eternal night.but I also knew that many needed the sun. so... I thought of-"

"an eclipse."I finished, remembering what was on the amulet. morgana nodded slowly,"Yes, a perfect balance between night and day. but... in my need to create this.. paradise I dreamed of... I made so many mistakes..."She looked away in shame. but shook her head."now, I want to help you. to try and make up for it."she said but I just stared at her.

"um...and... what does that mean for me?"I asked making morgana sigh."Merlin... my... old friend. forged the amulet of daylight long before I was born."she began as she waved her hands, revealing a smokey screen of the amulet.

"as you know, your brother inherited the mantle of trollhunter, to be the champion of Merlin... years later... I grew... jealous..."she waved her hand, summoning forth the amulet."I wanted a champion of my own... so, during a battle, broke the amulet of daylight and stole the design. but... during the end of the war, I failed... my amulet wouldn't choose anyone... and I was sealed away... but now. it chose you."she said with a smile."my champion, my herald. you have the strength to change this world. for better."

But as I went to speak, suddenly, the wind began to pick up. the air rushed around me, as my form began to fall into golden smoke... I was out of time. I looked up to see morgana looking at me sadly. her eyes showing great pain as she waved,"guess we are out of time again. I'll talk to you again soon my champion. A pity I couldn't talk more."she said as darkness overtook me.

I barely didn't notice a small smirk on her face.


meanwhile: in the sewers:

A man walked around bular, as people were seen working on something."can you not work faster impure, this disgusting human creation is foolish."bular hissed but the short and round man simply tipped his hat."appologizes, great prince, but since it is a rush order, this may be painful. but we want you back in tip-top shape. We had to pull in some favours... including from them."he said making bular sigh.

"be quick impure, we don't want any delays to my father's return."he hissed as he glanced at the work being done."besides, it is not as painful as what I will... hiss.. what I will inflict on that human... he is a disgrace to... augh. that armour."bular hissed as he looked to where his left arm was. the sound of welding and machinery moving making him grin. with every battle, he grew. this was not a setback, but an upgrade.

As he remembered the warrior who saved him. he growled as a memory flashed into his mind. a golden blade.

"let us see if you live up to your predecessor, human."

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an: and that's chapter 4. Not as long. but it was just finishing the episode. more will be explained about morgana as some things may be confusing. but it will be explained through the story. So, what do you think? Is morgana telling the truth?

but if you have any theories. feel free to add them. and with that. I'll see yah next time.sidenote: trying to fix the lore is a nightmare. wizards really broke the lore that was set before and is honestly very angering. cause it COULD have worked if we had more to work with, but they not only retconned things, and removed so much lore from the books, but didn't stick to pre-established lore from the earlier episodes either.

and let's not forget that stupid movie ending. ugh.

anyway. rant over.SEE YAH

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover) - halfknight (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.