The Morning Report for Friday, September 02, 2011 (2024)

Friday, September 02, 2011


East Coast Areas
Hundreds Continue Working On Hurricane Recovery Operations

Hurricane Irene recovery operations continue in parks in Northeastand Southeast Regions. Today's status reports follow. As of yesterdaymorning, a total of 242 NPS employees were committed to these efforts.Here are updates from parks reporting significant issues, as ofyesterday:

Cape Lookout - The park is being assisted by theMidwest IMT (Jim Hummel, IC) and a regional assessment team. Eighty-twopeople are committed to the recovery operation. Today's update:

  • Cape Lookout lighthouse is open on a first-come, first serve basis.
  • All ferry operators were personally visited regarding the opening ofShackelford and the Cape. Community member appreciated the informationand were interested in what the NPS is doing to bring the park back tofull operations.
  • Emergency repairs to the headquarters roof were completed and 80% of electrical work completed.
  • Almost all of the horses on Shackleford have been spotted and are in good health
  • The reconstruction of the dock at Shackleford is 60% complete.
  • A total of 17 turtle nests have been found and marked to date.
  • Water testing and pressure testing of cabins was undertaken at GreatIsland. One cabin needs water and septic replacement
  • The most damage in the park was at Long Point. The dock, rangerstation, restrooms, water systems, fuel compound all need majorreconstruction.
  • Assessment teams continued their assessments at Portsmouth and werejoined by a historic architect. Assessments were completed.

Outer Banks Group - The three parks in the group -Cape Hatteras, Wright Brothers and Fort Raleigh - are being supportedand assisted by the Eastern IMT (Zeph Cunningham, IC), a SETT team, aregional assessment team and sawyer teams. A total of 112 people arecurrently committed to the recovery operation. The park has reopenedbeaches and many ramps, but access to Hatteras and Ocraco*ke islandsremains open only to residents already on the islands due to damage toroads and other infrastructure in this area. For updated beach accessinformation for the park see the latest GoogleEarth beach access maps. The Oregon inlet campground and all othercampgrounds remain, but Coquina Beach and all its facilities and manyramps have also reopened. Fort Raleigh National Historic Site and WrightBrothers National Memorial are open and have resumed normal hours ofoperation. Bodie Island Lighthouse and facilities and all parkfacilities on Hatteras and Ocraco*ke Islands remain closed, includingairports. For more information, contact 252-473-2111. Meanwhile, theincident IMT reports the following actions undertaken or completedyesterday:

  • Bodie Island - Coquina Beach opened and is fully operational.Resource management completed duck blind assessments - 12 of 20 aremissing, six are functional and two were moved a distance of 16 to 50feet from their original positions. Debris lean up and saw operationscontinued at the visitor center and started at the campground; 35hazardous trees were trimmed or removed. The lift station at OregonIsland Fishing Center was fixed. Seasonal quarters 117 and 118 wereevaluated by the electrician and can be used for housing again. Asmall fire was reported on Boneyard Road that was started due to adowned power line.
  • Hatteras Island - Another ramp was opened. The group supervisorcoordinated and facilitated transportation for an assessment team andgave a FEMA representative a tour. Cleanup was begun of the Frisco pierparking area, employing heavy equipment. Superintendent Murray conducteda site visit and held an all employees meeting.
  • Ocraco*ke Island - Debris clean up and saw operations occurred aroundthe lighthouse and visitor center. The group supervisorcoordinated and facilitated transportation for a cultural assessmentteam and is interacting with local emergency management on a dailybasis. A lighthouse assessment was conducted - cracks were observedrequiring evaluation by an engineer. A radio tech evaluated the repeaterand determined a new antennae is required.
  • Air Operations- Forty-two passengers were transportedyesterday.
  • Employee Assistance - Transition occurred to a new group supervisor.Three employee homes were checked on Hatteras.
  • Resource Advisors - Checked on tree cutting operation at WrightBrothers. Assessed cultural features around areas of flooding at BodieIsland.
  • Assessment Team - The eight members of the team flew to HatterasIsland and conducted assessments of all facilities and assets and thenbegan to process the information at the office.

Delaware Water Gap - The entire length of U.S. Route209 through the park reopened yesterday. Local, township-maintainedfeeder roads between SR 2001 and Route 209 reopened with Route 209.Since Monday, National Park Service crews have concentrated on clearingtrees, repairing damaged shoulders, and removing silt and debris to makethe road safe for travel. MetEd utility workers arrived on Wednesday toreplace a broken power pole and dangling power line that blocked onelane of Route 209 north of PA 739. On the New Jersey side of the park,Old Mine Road has reopened between Route 560 and U.S. Route 206. TheSixty-four NPS personnel are presently dedicated to managing andcarrying out the damage assessment and cleanup operations in the park.The efforts of park employees are aided by two four-person trail crewsfrom Acadia National Park (Maine) and Shenandoah National Park(Virginia) and a seven-person facility assessment team. All are making aconcerted effort to open park roads, trails, visitor centers, andrecreation sites as quickly as possible. Most closures noted inyesterday's edition still stand. For updated information on the statusof park facilities, roads, and trails, go to the park's website (, Facebook (, and/or Twitter (

Additional reports on Hurricane Irene's impacts will be posted asthey are received.
[Submitted by Bill Halainen, Editor]

Glacier National Park
Search For Missing Seasonal Employee Continues

The search continues for missing seasonal employee J."J."R.Several crews endured rainy and cold conditions as theycamped overnight in the search area. Snow was reported at approximately6,400 feet and low cloud cover limited aerial operations until later inthe day on Thursday. Ground crews, in addition to the crews that campedovernight, searched throughout the day. A small piece of red plastic wasfound in the search area, but it is has not been determined if it isrelated to J.R.. It is unclear what the plastic is or where it may havecome from. Investigators do believe that J.R. may have in hispossession, or may be wearing, a green Flylow jacket. The search area islocated between the Ole Creek and Park Creek drainages in the southernend of the park. Crews are searching in very steep and ruggedlandscapes. The search effort will continue today. FlatheadValley Search and Rescue and Flathead National Forest are assisting withthe effort. Posters with J.R.'s photo and key information havebeen posted in the park and other locations.
[Submitted by DeniseGermann, Public Affairs Specialist]

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area (CA)
Marijuana Cultivation Sites Eradicated

Rangers and the resident special agent at Whiskeytown have beeninvestigating marijuana cultivation activity in and adjacent to the parkfor many months. Investigative information led to the identification ofthe growing sites which were raided by rangers, the NPS agent, andofficers from the Shasta County Sheriff's Department and the CampaignAgainst Marijuana Planting (CAMP), with assistance from the CaliforniaNational Guard. The Grover 1 site was raided on August 10th, withofficers eradicating 104 plants. The Tahiti and Monarch sites wereraided on August 23rd, with officers seizing 5,716 plants, 42 pounds ofprocessed marijuana, and a loaded 9mm pistol. Five suspects wereseen but could not be caught when they ran from the area. OnAugust 24th, officers seized 3,000 plants at the Mad Ox site, whileothers on a simultaneous raid of the Iron Mountain site confiscated6,759 plants. Two suspects ran from the site but could not be caught bythe officers. The total estimated value of the marijuana seized from allsites came to $46,863,000. At all sites there was evidence that thecultivation activity was being undertaken by a criminal drug traffickingorganization from Mexico. Rangers and the NPS agent have also beenassisting with drug raids on USFS property within Shasta County, whichis one of the top producing counties in the nation. Additionalmarijuana cultivation activity is under investigation atWhiskeytown.
[Submitted by Jim Richardson, Chief Ranger]

North Cascades National Park (WA)
Climber Rescued From Mixup Peak

Around midnight on August 25th, rangers received a 911 call reportingthat a climber had taken a 60-foot "leader" fall near the summit on theeast face of 7,440-foot Mixup Peak. Two members of the group of sixclimbers went for help and reported that the injured climber hadsustained a potential head injury and broken lower leg. Meanwhile, thethree remaining climbers lowered the injured climber to a shallow,down-sloping ledge that was nearly 2,000 feet above the glacier below.Rangers organized a rescue for the next morning after a reconnaissanceflight determined that a helicopter short haul operation was the safestand most efficient recovery method to use. Two rangers were short hauledto the site to stabilize and package the patient, who was then shorthauled to an ALS ambulance at the closest trailhead. Kelly Bush,Wilderness District Ranger, was incident commander.
[Submitted byKinsey Shilling, Chief Ranger]

Cape Cod National Seashore (MA)
Woman's Body Found After Extended Search

Rangers working during the early morning hours of August 21st wereinformed of a missing person report that came back to a registered ownerof a vehicle that had been run by rangers earlier. The vehicle wasparked at the Nauset Light Beach parking lot overlooking the AtlanticOcean in the town of Eastham. The missing person, identified as RachelCollins, 37, had attended a local high school and grown up within twomiles of the parking lot. A two-day search took place. The NPS wasthe lead agency and received assistance from Eastham police, statepolice, and the Coast Guard. The search covered both land and oceanareas and entailed the use of helicopters, a vessel with a dive team,dog teams and ground search teams. After two days, the search wasscaled back and entailed ATV patrols along the beach, cadaver dog worknear the parking lot, and a vessel with a dive team working the water.Collin's body was found around noon by boaters on August 24th, about 11miles from the Nauset Light Beach parking lot off the town ofChatham. The Office of the Medical Examiner is conducting anautopsy to determine cause of death.
[Submitted by Craig Thatcher,Acting Chief Ranger]


NIFC/NPS Fire and Aviation Management
National Fire/Incident Situation Highlights

National Fire Activity - Preparedness Level 3

NIFC is at PL 3. Just under 200 initial attack fires were reported yesterday.

Fire Weather Forecast

A cold front will stretch from the Great Lakes to eastern Colorado while another front drops into the northern Rockies and Plains. Dry and windy conditions will continue over North Texas and Oklahoma. Widely scattered thunderstorms will develop over the central and southern Rockies. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will move across the Gulf region from the central Texas coast to the Florida panhandle. Temperatures will warm in the West and East while the central and northern Plains remain in fall-like conditions.

Predictive Services Outlook products can be found at

Fire Summary (Five Day Trend)













Initial Attack Fires






New Large Fires






Large Fires Contained






Uncontained Large Fires






National Resource Commitments (Five Day Trend)













Area Command Teams

NIMO Teams






Type 1 Teams



Type 2 Teams






NPS Fire Summaries

No updates on National Park Service fires have been received since yesterday.

Additional Information Links

Additional Information on all Fires
For additional information on all fires, check the following web sites:


NPS Law Enforcement Training Center
Ranger Honor Guard Now Accepting Applications

The National Park Service at FLETC is accepting applications for the Ranger Honor Guard until September 26th.Several positions may be filled from this applicant pool.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • The applicant must be a Type I commissioned ranger in a full time, year-round position.
  • The applicant must be in good physical condition, and must have participated in and passed a PEB within the lastsix months.
  • The applicant and her/his park must commit to at leasttwo years on the team and to any team callouts.
  • The applicant must have a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and train hard, and a dedication to the team and its mission.

In order to apply:

  • We recommend that you contact a current team member during your application process. This will allow you to ask any questions you have and will ensure that you are aware of the nature of the team and the commitment prior to submitting your application. This team member will then help you through the application process. See the Honor Guard website for names of current team members.
  • Complete the Honor Guard application, ensuring that it is filled out entirely, and that you, your supervisor, and your park's superintendent have signed the form.
  • Make sure you have a current PEB and attach proof of a passing score.
  • Attach a full-body photograph of yourself in full Class-A dress uniform.

Please submit a complete application, signed by your supervisor and superintendent, to Kent Keller at FLETC. An application and additional information can be found on the Honor Guard website at

Fax or mail your completed application to: Advanced Programs Manager,National Park Service/FLETC,Building #64, Room 222,

Glynco, GA31524 (fax: 912-267-3188).
[Submitted by Anne Petersen,, 717-334-0909 ext 13] More Information...

Upcoming Training And Conference Calendar

Please submit information on upcoming training courses to New listings and revisions are in bold face.

Please note that the calendar includes ongoing, on-line training offerings. They appear at the end of this listing.

All entries must be brief and should have the following:

  • Beginning and ending dates.
  • Name and location of course.
  • A short one- to two-line description.
  • The closing date for application or registration.
  • Name(s) and number(s) for more information.
  • Most importantly, a link to a website where full announcements or detailed information can be found.


Scheduled Training

Now - November 3 - Green Purchasing Topical Webinars. The Sustainable Operations Climate Change Branch will be hosting a series of one-hour webinars that will examine four facets of green purchasing. This training will provide participants with practical tools and techniques to make it easier to buy green products and services. Field staff will share their first-hand experience in how they have put green purchasing concepts into practice at their parks. The four topics will be repeated four times during September, October and November. To register and to see the full list of speakers, visit or contact Fred Sturniolo at 202-513-7078.

September 12 - September 16 - EMT Refresher/CPR For Health Care Providers, Wright-Patterson AFB, Fairborn, OH. No tuition. Reduced-rate lodging may be available on base. A DOI ID card or LE commission is needed to enter the base. Contact protection ranger Keith Gad by email ( or by phone at 937-681-8308 to receive more information.

September 12 - September 16 - Equipment Operator Safety, Minute Man National Historic Park, Concord, MA. This course will examine the risks of operating heavy equipment and steps required to minimize them. Learning and Development will pay a portion of participant travel. To apply:Log on to DOI Learn, click on Catalog and open Advanced Search. Uncheck all boxes except Course Code and search for "mnt7" without the quotation marks to find the Course and Scheduled Classes. For more information or questions, please contact Sarah Polzin, 301-663-8206 x 115 or Steve Hastings, 301-663-8206 x 134.

September 13 - September 15 - NPS Structural Firefighter Recertification Course (Live Fire), Glacier NP, MT. Application deadline: August 12th. This 24-hour live fire based course satisfies the refresher requirements for NPS structural firefighters as outlined in Section 14 of Reference Manual 58, NPS Structural Fire Management. The course is designed to refresh previously certified NPS structural firefighting personnel with varied live fire scenarios with special emphasis on engine company response. NPS live fire qualified instructors direct the training in compliance withNFPA 1403 and OSHA requirements. For further information, contact the Mark Gorman at 208-387-5244 or check this website.

September 19 - September 23 - EMT Refresher/CPR For Health Care Providers, Wright-Patterson AFB, Fairborn, OH. No tuition. Reduced-rate lodging may be available on base. A DOI ID card or LE commission is needed to enter the base. Contact protection ranger Keith Gad by email ( or by phone at 937-681-8308 to receive more information.

September 19 - September 23 - Defensive Firefighter Training, Gateway NRA, NY. This course is designed to provide basic structural firefighter training at the NFPA Firefighter I level. Upon completion of the class, and the associated course requirements, participants may qualify for ProBoard certification. Participants are provided with the minimum skills necessary to function safely and effectively as a member of a structural firefighting team under direct supervision. Please register by August 19th. For more information, contact Mark Gorman (208-473-8136 or or visit the structural fire SharePoint site at www.npsfamshare/structural/operations/default.aspx .

October 3 - October 7 - Equipment Operator Safety, Voyageurs National Park, International Falls, MN. This course will examine the risks of operating heavy equipment and steps required to minimize them.Learning and Development will pay a portion of participant travel. To apply:Log on to DOI Learn, click on Catalog and open Advanced Search. Uncheck all boxes except Course Code and search for "mnt7" without the quotation marks to find the Course and Scheduled Classes. For more information or questions, please contact Sarah Polzin, 301-663-8206 x 115 or Steve Hastings, 301-663-8206 x 134.

October 3 - October 7 - Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. The deadline for applications is September 7th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 10 - October 14 - Motorboat Operator Instructor Certification Course, Page, AZ. This course is designed to prepare persons who have previously completed the MOCC program to instruct others in the field of motorboat operations. The deadline for applications is September 9th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 10 - National Park Service Resource Law and Policy, Crowne Plaza Williamsburg in Fort Magruder, Williamsburg, VA. Registration deadline: September 30th. Workshop prior to the annual ANPR conference and rendezvous, which takes place from October 11th to October 14th. Have you ever wondered what the mission of the National Park Service really means, or why the NPS has so many rules and regulations in support of that mission? Understanding NPS resource stewardship laws and policies are foundational to anyone seeking or already in a career with the service. Join retired chief ranger and former ANPR president Scot McElveen at this informative workshop on what makes the NPS legally tick. There is no tuition for these workshops, but pre-registration for this training is required by contacting Rebecca Harriett at or calling (304) 535-6224 no later than September 30th.

October 10 - Interpreting Critical Issues: The American Civil War, Crowne Plaza Williamsburg in Fort Magruder, Williamsburg, VA. Registration deadline: September 30th. Workshop prior to the annual ANPR conference and rendezvous, which takes place from October 11th to October 14th. Over the next four years, the National Park Service will be commemorating the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. While this horrific national event has past, its lingering effects have not, challenging our interpreters in balancing its many compelling stories. This workshop will help interpreters gain skills in understanding the American Civil War in the full context of history. Participants will learn strategies on how to use controversial perspectives to their advantage when making these events relevant to today's generation. Join the Mather Training Center Interpretive team as they facilitate this workshop. There is no tuition for these workshops, but pre-registration for this training is required by contacting Rebecca Harriett at or calling (304) 535-6224 no later than September 30th.

October 11 - Using Oral History to Preserve and Protect NPS Heritage, Crowne Plaza Williamsburg in Fort Magruder, Williamsburg, VA. Registration deadline: September 30th. Workshop prior to the annual ANPR conference and rendezvous, which takes place from October 11th to October 14th. This workshop introduces oral history methods and provides hands-on training. Topics include planning an oral history project; legal and ethical issues that relate to oral history; digital audio recording technologies; planning for and conducting in-depth oral history interviews; preserving and managing oral history collections; and processing interviews. Participants will practice skills by conducting short interviews with fellow students. Workshop will be conducted by Lu Ann Jones and Alison Steiner. Lu Ann Jones is staff historian in the Park History Program, WASO. Alison Steiner has been a wilderness ranger/oral historian at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and is a member of the ANPR board. There is no fee for this workshop, but registration is required by emailing Rebecca Harriett at or calling at (304) 535-6224. Deadline for registration is September 30th.

October 17 - October 28 - Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Course, Glen Canyon NRA, AZ. Application deadline: September 23rd. This 80-hour class is designed to provide persons participating in National Park Service structure fire suppression efforts with technical information and primary skills essential for safe operation and proper maintenance of a fire apparatus. After successful completion of this course the individual will be certified to drive, pump, and maintain structure fire apparatus for the NPS. For further information, contact the Mark Gorman at 208-387-5244 or check this website.

October 17 - October 28 - Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Artesia, NM. The deadline for applications is September 7th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 17 - October 28 - Firearms Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. The deadline for applications is September 7th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 17 - October 28 - Firearms Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Artesia, NM. The deadline for applications is September 7th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 17 - October 28 - Use of Force Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. The deadline for applications is September 7th. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 17 - October 28 - Law Enforcement Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. The deadline for applications is September 7th.. Click on this link for the course announcement; contact Wiley Golden at FLETC (912-267-2246) with any questions.

October 23 - October 28 - Effective Interpretation of Archeological Resources (Module 440) Workshop, Presidio of San Francisco, CA. Application deadline: September 20th. Click on this link for course information and announcement; contact John Jameson (850-580-3011x243) with any questions.

October 24 - October 27 - NPS Fundamentals V: Building Trust, Teams and Leaders, Washington, DC. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Samantha Paige at 202-354-1903.

October 25 - November 3 - NPS Fundamentals II: Introduction to NPS Operations, Grand Canyon, AZ. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Haley Bercot (928-638-7985,

October 31- November 3 - Concession Management Training for Superintendents, Santa Fe, NM. The 35-hour intensive course enhances the knowledge and skills of superintendents and concession specialists on the fundamental requirements of concession management and supervision, operations, prospectus process, planning financial and legal framework of this complex and changing program of services in the national parks. Participants will gain a better understanding of contractual and operational requirements associated with providing commercial visitor services in parks. Tools and resources will be shared to assist superintendents in coordinating and communicating all aspects of management a concession contract. Interested participants must apply by September 23rd in DOILearn. For more information, please contact Lora Farabaugh at 303-987-6903.

October 31 - November 4 - Effective Oral History: Interviews, Project Management and Practical Applications, Everglades National Park, Homestead, FL. Application deadline: October 7th. This team-taught, hands-on course is designed for employees with oral history project responsibilities. For more details and application instructions see the training announcement. Registration is through DOI Learn. For more information contact Lu Ann Jones, Park History Program, WASO, at 202-354-2219 or

November 8 - November 18 - NPS Fundamentals II: Introduction to NPS Operations, Grand Canyon, AZ. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Haley Bercot (928-638-7985,

November 14 - November 17 - Interagency Regional Wilderness Stewardship Training Course, Gatlinburg, TN. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Karen Lindsey, 406-243-4627, with any questions.

November 14 - November 17 - NPS Fundamentals V: Building Trust, Teams and Leaders, Washington, DC. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Samantha Paige at 202-354-1903.

November 14 - November 18 - Equipment Operator Safety, Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, Moab, UT. This course will examine the risks of operating heavy equipment and steps required to minimize them. Learning and Development will pay a portion of participant travel. To apply:Log on to DOI Learn, click on Catalog and open Advanced Search. Uncheck all boxes except Course Code and search for "mnt7" without the quotation marks to find the Course and Scheduled Classes. For more information or questions, please contact Sarah Polzin, 301-663-8206 x 115 or Steve Hastings, 301-663-8206 x 134.

November 16 - November 17 - Federal Advisory Committee Act Training, American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC. The course is intended for federal committee management officers and their staffs, designated federal officers, FACA and ethics legal staff, FACA support staff, and managers and decision makers involved in advisory committee management and/or operations. Agency contractor staff directly involved in FACA management or operations may also be nominated by their host agency. $450 course fee. To register or to obtain further information, including the class agenda, please contact the Committee Management Secretariat Training Coordinator, Tabitha Dove, at

November 28 - December 1 - Fee Supervisors Training Workshop, USFWS-National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. Application deadline: September 30th. The overall objectives for this workshop are to standardize Recreation Fee Program training for employees collecting fees for all parks within the system. To link to the full announcement, please visit this site. Visit the Administration and Business Practices, Commercial Services and Specialty Fields (ABCS) Careers Website. For registration questions, contact Debbie Cox at 304-535-6277 or email at For questions about course content, contact Jane Anderson at 303-987-6902 or email at

November 29 - December 8 - NPS Fundamentals II: Introduction to NPS Operations, Grand Canyon, AZ. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Haley Bercot (928-638-7985,

December 5 - December 8 - NPS Fundamentals V: Building Trust, Teams and Leaders, Washington, DC. Free - all travel/tuition is paid for by Learning and Development. For more information, go to the NPS Fundamentals website and/or contact Samantha Paige at 202-354-1903.

December 5 - December 9 - Company Fire Officer Class, location TBD. Application deadline: November 4th. Using the incident command system, participants will develop technical knowledge and leadership skills essential for the command and control of structural fire emergencies. Individuals are introduced to the management skills of preplanning, communications, decision-making, fire attack strategies/tactics, and logistical support functions and will practice their skills through dynamic group sessions and video simulations. For further information, contact the Mark Gorman at 208-387-5244 or check this website.


Online Training

Cultural Resources

Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Toolkit. To help guide NPS staff on implementing the NPS nationwide programmatic agreement, which governs Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the NPS has developed a "toolkit." The toolkit is mandatory training that provides guidance to NPS superintendents and Section 106 coordinators, division chiefs, and facilities staff at region and park levels on using the programmatic agreement during Section 106 review. NPS employees may earn a certificate for their review of the toolkit through DOI Learn by taking a final assessment. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the toolkit website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The toolkit website is available online at: For more information about the NPS nationwide programmatic agreement toolkit, please contact: Jeffrey Durbin, NPS Section 106 compliance program officer, at 202-354-1816 or

Managing Archeological Collections. Learn about caring for archeological collections and help to overcome the curation crisis. The course is designed to assist those who are interested in, or need to learn more about, preserving and managing archeological collections over the long term. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the course website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The course website is available online at: For more information, contact Teresa Moyer (202-354-2124,

Archeology for Interpreters. Through this training, interpreters and anyone with an interest and need to know - including law enforcement rangers, natural resource experts, and managers -- may gain basic knowledge about archeology. The course provides opportunities to learn about archeological methods and analysis and how to encourage concern for the preservation and protection of archeological resources. A park-based case study provides practice. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the course website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The course website is available online at: For more information, contact Teresa Moyer (202-354-2124,

Interpretation for Archeologists. Archeologists and other resource professionals can take this training to gain a firm foundation in and understanding of the purpose, philosophy, and techniques of interpretation. The course encourages archeologists to frame their work for the public and to work with interpreters to integrate archeological perspectives into interpretive products and tell compelling stories. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the course website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The course website is available online at: For more information, contact Teresa Moyer (202-354-2124,

Study Tour of Archeological Interpretation. View interpretation with "fresh eyes" to evaluate choices and strategies for interpreting archeology in parks and historic sites. Download worksheets to assist in evaluating both onsite interpretation and virtual visits. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the course website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The course website is available online at: For more information, contact Teresa Moyer (202-354-2124,

Assessment of Archeological Interpretation. Use the interpretive analysis model to evaluate the effectiveness of interpreting archeological resources on the basis of visitor experience at the levels of short-term outcomes, long-term outcomes, and audience feedback. Learn more about the National Park Service evaluation strategy. Register for the course in DOI Learn, then review the contents of the course website before returning to DOI Learn to complete a final assessment. The course website is available online at: For more information, contact Teresa Moyer (202-354-2124,

NPS Fundamentals

NPS Fundamentals I: NPS Mission and History. A cornerstone for your NPS career. Learn online at your own pace about the history of the NPS, how the NPS is organized, and how the NPS fits into the federal government. Completion of this course is a prerequisite for NPS Fundamentals II: Introduction to NPS Operations. Cost: free. For more information, see the NPS Fundamentals website. Registration: DOI Learn. Contact: Judy Geniac,, 928-638-7881).

NPS Fundamentals III: NPS Career Management and Retirement Planning. Look ahead in your NPS career and eventual retirement. Learn online at your own pace about career and retirement planning, including sessions on advancing in your chosen career path, financial planning, insurance, and making healthy lifestyle choices. Cost: free. For more information, see the NPS Fundamentals website. Registration: DOI Learn. Contact: Judy Geniac,, 928-638-7881).

NPS Fundamentals IV: Managing Work Life in the NPS. What are the expected legal and ethical behaviors of NPS employees? Why should diversity matter to you? What can you do to ensure a safe work environment? Get these questions answered and more in this online course studying public ethics, diversity, and safety in the NPS. Cost: free. For more information, see the NPS Fundamentals website. Registration: DOI Learn. Contact: Judy Geniac,, 928-638-7881).


The Wilderness Act of 1964. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Minimum Requirements Analysis.Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Wilderness Stewardship Planning Framework. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Wilderness Visitor Use Management. A suite of three courses: Fundamentals, Strategies, and Monitoring Impacts and Uses. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Natural Resource Management in Wilderness. A suite of twelve courses: Fundamentals, Challenges in Natural Resource Restoration, Monitoring, Evaluating Proposals for Scientific Activity, Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Inventory and Monitoring, Threatened and Endangered Species, Air Quality, Soil and Water, Vegetation, Soundscapes, and Night Sky. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Managing Cultural Resources in Wilderness. A suite of three courses: Fundamentals, Inventory and Monitoring, and Evaluating Scientific Proposals. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.

Managing Paleontological Resources in Wilderness. A suite of three courses: Fundamentals, Inventory and Monitoring, and Evaluating Scientific Proposals. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center/Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands. Click on this link for course information. Contact: Tim Devine, 406-243-4612, with any questions.


EMS Training. The Branch of Emergency Services is announcing various levels of emergency medical services (EMS) training. This is offered to NPS employees at no cost by the Air National Guard. A list of offerings and dates are located under the "Training" link on the NPS EMS InsideNPS website. If you wish to attend one of the listed sessions, please contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or He will provide additional details about the courses and will put you in touch with ANG liaison.


Fundamentals of Financial Management (V2). After many, many months of work by a select group of experts from AOC and various parks and assistance from The Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands, the Fundamentals of Financial Management (v2) is up and running. The series of online modules covers the federal budget cycle, accounts payable and receivable, travel, payroll, year-end closing and much more. The course is built to assist GS-4 through GS-9 administrative, accounting, budget and financial management personnel understand financial processes to soundly and effectively manage the budget and finances of a park or work unit. This course does not address the upcoming move to FBMS. Please click here for more details.


Firefighter/Law Enforcement Officer Retirement Training for Human Resource Specialists, Managers and Supervisors. This course is designed to provide firefighter and law enforcement officer retirement training for human resources specialists, managers and supervisors. Cost: Free. For more information, see DOI Learn website: Registration: DOI Learn Help Desk 1-866-466-1998 or email at FLERT Contact: William (Alan) Sizemore, 208-334-1556.

FERS Retirement Training for Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers. This course is designed to provide firefighters and law enforcement officers with information on FERS special retirement provisions so that they can manage their careers in such a way that they maximize their benefits. Special retirement provisions apply to employees occupying these positions and they have specific responsibilities that are critical to know about and act upon throughout their careers if they expect to qualify for special retirement. Cost: Free. For more information, see DOI Learn website: Registration: DOI Learn Help Desk 1-866-466-1998 or email at FLERT Contact: William (Alan) Sizemore, 208-334-1556.

* * * * * * * * * *

NPS serious incident submission standards can be found at the following web site:;=8728&lv;=2&pgid;=3504

All reports should now be submitted via this automated system.

The Morning Report for Friday, September 02, 2011 (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.