The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

10B THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JANUARY 15, 1956 CLASSIFIED wr. RUSSELL BY FREDERICK C. RUSSELI. Unfortunately some people have, find to turn out the what car upside makes down the wheels go round. In Defense Power While become the custom to condemn the automobile er at the for, disposal of the driver, makers putting so much powwhile at the same time talking about safety.

a caretul appraisof the power situadon by these who are trying to take the or view of the subject reveals some facts that are too freely overlooked. Not the least of these is the point that the great reserve of power under the hood is now an economy, not merely in terms of gas mileage in proportion to desired performance and weight but also in point of -term service from the engine. Today's engine is virtually loafing much of the time. High gas mileage can be obtained with small engines and sinall cars but the American motorist buys weight and the com. fort and safety with it.

Ile buys performance. Od1Iv enough he obtain all this with a definite promise of better gas mileage. Engines are not being made heavler, but simply more efficient with increased compression ratio. It significant to note that the cars the highest horsepower are showing surprisingly god gas mileage. When drivers understand how to operate the newer cars more efficientlv gas mileage will turn upward.

Put any modern driver at the wheel of a car 10 to 20 years old and one to of is the inability first to things accel- he objects crate smoothly and rapidly. He is quite apt to get himself into trouble, Power is the ingredient he misses He just can't the way of trouble fast enough for his own safety. The fact that he can misuse power in the latest cars is pow- no reason for condemnation of era occurred peruse. More applying fatalities brakes have than jabbing the accelerator pedal. How to Future, the car to get For Reference traction in deep snow, and with the later type automatic transmissions, is fairly simple.

"Re- You move the selector lever to start the car moving backwards a'little, and just as the car mects resistance enough to moving forward again give the motor a little gas. Do you quickly shift "Low" and not feed enough gas to make the wheels spin, and always make the shift just as the car starts direction. Incidentally, changing, helps to kick as much snow away from the front wheels as possible. Often the real resistance to travel is at the front wheels rather than the rear. Mechanic Joe Speaking: "If I seem to be a little fusin sy an engine, don't me.

when replacing breaker points for different tension litDifferent makes of points. call tle This spring varics enough to result in of the moveable arm. trouble if the spring hasn't the right tension for the motor. the Too high tension is apt to if cause tension is too the points may acpoints to bounce, while tually hold open when the highway. car is Seventeen ounces is low for such zooming along an open spring is nearer an average of tension; 23 high.

The the range two extremes, but I don't gucss. I follow the manufacturer's specifications and ushea test- spccial spring gauge for ing." Word to the Wise Use of the newer oils which arc capable meeting the enzine's needs regardless of wide swings in temperature will be out a for blessing Southern winter resorts withto those who start out consideration for the grade oil in the engine, but if the engine is being fed winter grade oil oil level be sure frequently during check the first part of the trip because is as like- the ly to temperature start rises burning off. I well the oil remember the time the engine of my car needed four quarts of oil half way to the Southland. I caught it at a filling station. Lifters Noisy? One of the surest ways of in'd is not paying attention to the viting hydraulic valve lifter noise engine's 'important oil little level.

units Noise can in be duel these a to too much oil in the engine or too little, and the reason is If simple. there is an excess of oil there will be forming. This 19 a fancy term for saying that air gets beaten up in the oil. Air prevents the lifters from keeping filled with oil, the fail net to result bring that they maintain zero clearance and start clicking. Now if there is not oil enough oil in the sucking engine in air.

the We have pump the same situation as bestarts fore, aggravated however by the fact that the engine probably tends to overheat when the oil supply is low. This thins oil, makes the situation worse. Don't forget that if the engine driven too many short cold rung in winter the oil level may rise because of dilution. This is like over-filling the crankcase. In fact, it is even worse, than using too much because the diluted oil is too thin to do a good job.

Just for the Record Before you take some of the current advice too seriously let assure you that there is no virtue in the idca of running wAter through the carburetor remove carbon deposits from very the cylinders, The plan is not probably effective and you'll crack some of the spark plugs. Man shops today Are equipped to remove carbon without taking' off the cylinder heads, plan RIDING with clear. IN THE MOTOR MAIL Q. The battery of my car which is economical especially in the casc of V-8 engines. But if the valves need attention the heads must come off.

Three to Remember By examining the firing tips of spark plugs you can tell whether hotter or colder type plugs are needed. It is what your mechanic is trying to decide when he is in process of giving the engine a tune When throttle is wide open for top car speed the engine may be requiring anywhere from 16,000 to 20,000 sparks per minute. Carbon deposits in the exhaust manifold heat control valve is certain to lower the efficiency of this device. Camera Tells Truth You hear a lot about the modern curved windshields as causing distortion, but if you are like the conductor of this column you may not have had an opportunity to prove it. lowever, the other day he ran across something that looks like a ample proof that the newer windshields are not as safe as they are supposed to be.

Looking over a glossy photo ot a now instrument board control he observed that the scene through the side of the windshield was distorted like one of those crazy mirrors. The the door windows, however, was sharp and passes all health tests yet it is constantly running down. The generator is charging efficiently. H. L.

A. Just a case of too many electrical accessories combined with not enough steady running of the car in cold weather to give the battery normal generator charging. Should the selector lever for the automatic transmission in "drive" or "neutral" when I switch off the motor? J. N. McB.

A. It doesn't make any difference. However, I prefer to move the lever to "neutral" so that it will be in position for quick restarting of the motor if this becomes necessary. Anoth-1 er advantage in moving to "neutral" is to forestall possibility of the car starting should you accidentally press on the accelerator pedal before the ignition switched off. Q.

There is quite a noise in the speedometer of my car. I assume this is the source of the trouble because the pointer has been acting a bit erratic recently. W. L. T.

A. While there may be trouble in the head of the speedometer itself first check for a sharp or kink in the flexible shaft which runs from the transmission toe the speedometer head. You will save yourself lot of trouble by having a speedometer man do this for you the shaft should be withdrawn and rolled on a flat surface. The "kinks" are not usually obvious. Q.

Today the ammeter of my car has been showing discharge with the ignition off. Since I have used the car more than it has been parked the battery seems to be staying up, but I know something is wrong. J. M. F.

A. The circuit breaker points of the generator regulator are stuck together causing the battery to discharge back into the generator when the ignition is "off." This has doubtless run down the battery before this reply reaches you, unless you have had the good fortune of trouble clearing up temporarily. Q. After a long period of poor engine performance I have finally discovered that the trouble is due to weak spark at the plugs. coil has been replaced, even though the old one did not show any particular faults.

All electrical connections are good. Points are clean. H. H. C.

A. How about a defective condenser? (Mr. Russell will answer questions regarding the safe operation. and address care ot him your at 234 Fern West Hartford, Conn. and enclose a stamped.

self- envelope for a personal reply. Please confine inquiries to one subject and limit letters to 100 word, or less.) Facts in Your Life School Tax Burdens: State vs. Communities By ARCH A. MERCEY A larger slice of your state tax dollar and a smaller portion of your local tax dollar are, going to support public schools, according 1) a turvey of school finances by the United States Office of Education. The 18-state study by C.

D. Hutchins and A R. Munse, reveals significant changes in method of financing public schools. State burdens have climbed in 20 years from less than 30 per cent to more than 40 per cent. Twenty years ago, local funds accounted of the for schools' more than financial 70 sperm port.

By 1953-'54, this share had declined to 56.1 per, cent. As this figure goes down, state figure rises and probably will soon be nearing half the cost. The great inequality in assets and per-capita resources of the states help to account for demands for federal aid for many ures within the same state? The shift from local taxes is explained as "partially due to ditficulties with the general property taxes, and the ease with which: new state taxes are enacted, collected and distributed." The change also indicates the desire of many states to help provide ossential funds for public schools, to secure more equalization of the tax burden and to assure more acceptable foundation programs of education, according to the survcy. Thus state are recogn zing their responsibility for all their people to have a decent education, even though it means a greater state burden on taxpayers. Moreover, recent campaigns for federal aid also indicate a pressing concern for the welfare of schools.

With our booming population. we are Jikely to see substantial increases all along the line in states. But why the growing dif- to keep up and improve ference in the state and local standards. Hope to Buy Ford Stock? Henry P. McAllister, head of the trading department of J.

Clayton Flax investment brokers, says in the 'following statement. that the price at which the new Ford Motor Co. shares will sell when they are offered to the public this month and what's likely to happen to the price after the sale were the main subjects of absorbed conjecture on Wall Street last week. Both Mr. Flax and Mr.

McAllister, have been asked many questions, that have been brought to the minds of many small investors and those people who have never owned a share of stock in their lives since the registration of the 10,200,000 Ford shares. Here are some of the things that the man in the street won ders about, together with the best answers that J. Clayton Flax Co. can supply. (Q) At what price will the Ford shares be offered to the public? (A) No one knows yet.

The firms handling the sale of the issue expect to set a price a day or two before the offering now scheduled for January 18th. (Q) What usually determines the price of a share of stock? (A) Many factors. including the company's record of earnings and dividends, its future prospects, the quality of its management, the prestige of its name, and that great intangible--whether the investing public is feeling optimistic about the outlook for the market as a whole. (Q) How does Wall Street figure earnings in relation to a stock price? (A) That depends on the stock. If it's stock of a company which is largely dependent on defense orders, for instance, the share price may be low in relation to earnings.

If it is the stock of a it may sell very high in relation growth company like a chemical, to earnings. (Q) Is there some easy yardstick for measuring a stock's price in relation to earnings? (A) Yes, the so called priceearnings ratio. Under a stock carning $10 a share and selling for $100 is selling at 10 times earnings. How Price Figures (Q) What price-earnings ratios obtain in the cases of General Motors and Chrysler? (A) Estimating G. M.

earnings this year at $1.75 a share and with market price of its stock around" $47, it is selling for just (about 10 selling times for earnings. around $90 Chrys- and will make around $11.50 a share, giving a price-earnings ratio of just under eight. (Q) What would Ford stock sell for at such ratios? (A) Based on estimated 1955 earnings of about $8 a share, the price at 10 times earnings would be $80 and at eight times earnings lit (Q) would Is be Ford $64. stock likely to sell at the same price-earnings ratio as General Motors? (A) Wall Street considers it unlikely, because Ford does not have the broad diversification of G. which also makes household appliances, diesel locomotives and other products.

(Q) What would be a logical price on a basis of dividends? (A) All Ford has said is that a 60-cent dividend will be paid in the first quarter of 1956. Wall Streeters think this means dividends at an annual rate of at least $2.40 a share, with possible extras bringing it to $3., The average yield of all dividend-paying stocks' the New York Stock Exchange is about per cent. If Ford shares sold for $68 with $3 dividend, the yield would he about per cent. $70 Price Seen (Q) In view of all this, where Wall 'be Street expect the Ford shares to priced? (A) Guesses vary, but it's generally agreed that price will be above $60 but is unlikely to be more than $70. (Q) If I buy the shares during the public offering, what commission will I have to pay? (A) All you'll have to pay is the net price of the shares.

The underwriters will take their fee out of what they realize for the Ford Foundation. (Q) If I can't get stock during the offering, what can I do then? (A) As soon as the offering is completed, the shares will start market and you will the able to trading in the buy them there. (Q) What's the -counter market? (A) This is a market maintained by dealers in all shares that aren't listed on an exchange. In addition, big blocks of stock that are listed on an exchange sometimes are sold over-the-counter. (Q) How many stocks trade in the over market? No one knows exactly--the figure varies.

But it's been estimated that more than 35,000 stocks have been traded in during the course of a year. Commission Rates (Q) What kind of commission will I have to pay this market? (A) Rates vary, but many dealers charge the same rates as the New York Stock Exchange. The commission of 100 shares at $60 a share would be $41. (Q) Will the shares be listed eventually on the New York Stock Exchange? (A) Yes, probably around March 1. (Q) Will this affect the price of the shares? (A) It's not likely.

Normally, a share opens four trading on the "Big Board" at around the same price that prevailed when it was traded over-the-counter. (Q) Have the stocks of any other privately held corporations been put on the market recently? (A) Yes, 1,300,000 shares of Campbell Soup stock on Nov. 17, 1934, and 630,000 shares of Owens. Corning Fiberglass on Feb. 1952.

(Q) What happened to the price of the stocks? (A) Campbell Soup was offered at $39.25 a share and began trading in the lower 40's. It soon declined below the offering price, but has since recovered and now is around $44. Owens-Corning Fiberglass was offered at $33.75 a share and started trading in the 40's. It's now around $94. (Q) What the reasons for.

these price movements? (A) Some Wall Street sources say that because public demand for Campbell stock was heavy, speculators thought they'd make a fast profit by buying some. When that didn't happen, they sold out in order to use their money elsewhere. On Fiberglass, Wall Street's view is that it was under-priced. In addition, the issue was small and the stock had 'glamor" as a growth issue. The Virgin Islands were discovered by Columbus in his second voyage, in 1493, and named Las Virgenes, in honor of St.


I'D LIKE TO EAT FUDGE IN THE SOME OF YOUR MA'S KITCHEN. JUST POTATO SALAD. YOU AN' ME A By KITTE TURMELL Loretta Young says: "Among good to develop in youth, to give life glamour and sparkle, are these three: Have fun. Smile often. Laugh a lot.

Don't be too tense to enjoy the going. Be yourself -the same person all the time--so nobody feels fooled if 'charm' worn for show to impress people slips off." HEART OF REAL GLAMOUR "Just what is real glamour?" That's what many wonder. So Loretta Young was asked for her ideas, by Kitte Turmell, during an interview, in studio dressing room. Loretta Young believes "true glamour comes from within." In today's article, she tells how to let glamour "show on the outside." Miss Young Says SPEAKING OF TEEN GLAMOUR, Loretta Young says: "Too many teen-agers try to get to glamour through external They're too anxious to 'make 'cover up' lack of confidence, copy people they consider glamourous! It's fine to practice what you admire, but don't ape anyone. If you do, you'll never be anything but an imitation--a second-rate glamourgirl.

"'It's been explained to me that that there are three stages of life. 20 years are for prepanationst The second 20 years are for production. The third 20 years, and then some, are for enjoyment of it all. "'In teens, you are forming the habits that will shape your whole life. Living is mostly habits that grow slowly--and stay with you! Here are some habits to watchand break! Watchful Habits "Don't talk too much! That's a bit of behavior I had to learn the hard way! When I was very young in teens, I was eager to talk and answer for everybody.

I made it mighty difficult for boys to get a word in edgewise. mother tipped me: 'Let them talk! Slow up on your fast answers. Even if you're asked opinion, count 10 before you "I tried her advice, and created an air of mystery. When spoke after my 'thoughtful' pause. what I said sounded like a pearl of wisdom- least to me! "For the fast-impulse talkers, I suggest, it's well to remember the words of a Greek philosopher: 'Silence is a fence around And its more modern version: 'I'd rather keep my mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all Go Half Way "Be friendly, assume others De pleasant, too! Don't afraid want to go at least hall to to start casual talk.

Why be the shy girl who can't say 'Hi' to a boy for fear he'll think she's overly aggressive? An easy, sociable manner is quite proper, under suitable circ*mstances. It shows friendly intent that none will resent. "Don't try to borrow glamourby boasting about your parents or ancestors or big-name friends, so bask in their achievements. It's what YOU are and do that counts, for keeps! "To show respect-and consideration--and thoughtfulness for everyone, anywhere is the way to earn respect-for kindly ways that are the heart of real glamour!" FOR SUM-UP-as Loretta Young, who has been the star of more movies than any other actress--thinks of "Teen "Because teen-agers are on the verge of life, they have an appeal all their own to which I'm partial. They're eager explore.

They really want to be friendly, outgoing. They have more likes than dislikes. They're vulnerable sensitive to the feelings of others, too. Teen-agers will do well to remember that glamour, like most important things, is the sum-up of little every-day things. It's what are, how you act, and how you look.

It's all that plus a little extra something--that nobody can prescribe or -because it's you. "Your kind of 'glamour' is your stamp of distinction-it can't be copied because no two in the world are exactly alike." KITTE TURMELL SAYS "What's popular in high school fads?" many of you ask. Here are some teen-trends, as reported from Lansing, by student style-scouts: "MEN have deviated from dress pants and sh*te, shirts to more casual dress. Their lower torsos are adorned in sun-tan khakis. and 'Ivy Leagues' with small belts.

Many prefer TEEN ETIQUETTE pants slightly pegged, to prevent the look. "The favorite shirt is the sharp but conservative-looking sport shirt. The colors are many and varied but not of the caliber that stands up and slaps you in the i face at 25 feet! "Shocing may be in saddlesor or black leather with a shine! "Masculine hair-styles, like clothes, are going conservative. Low, wavy swept-back affairs are scarce. Crew-cut, combed slightly by far most popular! Girls' Styles "FOR GIRLS: The majority of the hair-cuts are short pixies, making them all look like Peter Pans.

Skirts and sweaters still dominate, with black watch plaids a top pattern. Boy-coats are supposed to return to the forefront this winter. "Everybody looks like everybody else but nobody seems to mind! Students forfeit lunch money and good looks to be 'one of the Individuality has gone out with the Model and the Charleston!" Does Ho Like Her? "DEAR KITTE TURMELL: How can I tell if a certain boy really likes me? C. ANSWER: Bide time! He'll find a way to tell or show you, soon as he discovers he likes you in particular. Facts About Health Q.

"Where can we get facts to answer our questions about health?" many of you ask. A. Write to the American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Chicago 10, Ill. Address Bureau of Health Education. Ask for the catalog listing "Publications About Your Health." Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

This lists many, low-fee leaflets, covering Alcohol and hundreds Allergy of to to topics, Vision. from Voice, and Weight. Catchy titles include: "Barbiturates, Booze, Skin in Health and Disease" and Folks," a 24-page picture booklet about teen-agers 150 cents). Also of teen-interest: Skin in Health and Disease" and "What You Can Do About (15 cents each). Q.

"Please correct Bread. and Butter Piates usage of bread-and-butter plates at a party meal. L. K.11 A. Bread-and-butter plate is customary at a breakfast, luncheon, or supper, or family-style meal, not at a "formal" dinner.

Usually, it is placed at left, above fork, as part of "table-setting" before first course is served, and a removed before dessert. It may be used for placement of relishes, such as celery, olives, as well as bread butter, but things served to be eaten with other foods, such as jellies, sauces go with the meat, are put on side of "main plate," near food with which they are intended to be eaten. DEATH CLAIMS RISE IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Life Insurance New York The Institute, of death claims were paid for motor-vehicle fatalities under 31,000 insurance policies in the United States during the first three quarters of 1955. They represented a total payments of $64,000,000 and exceeded the number of claims for the like period of 1954 by 2,000 and the payments by $7,000,000. WINERY WORKERS GET SHERRY BREAKS Madrid--Employees of Spanish wineries that produce sherry don't get coffee breaks, but every 40 minutes during their working day they are given time off to refresh themselves with a glass of sherry.

Beer- Vat Bubbles Led To Theories On Oxygen London Joseph Priestley's theories on oxygen, the life essential of air, were formed while he was observing bubbles rising to the surface of a vat of beer in an English brewery. He came to America in 1794. I BROADER FIELD BEING OPENED FOR BRAIN WAVES Onc Now Will Prevent Overdose of Anesthetic Rochester, Jan. 14 (P-- New studies are solving some mysterics of what the electrical waves from the human brain are saying. New Uses for Waves And translations of the brain wave talk are bringing new uses for them, including an automatic machine to prevent your being given too much anesthetic during surgery.

These intriguing studies are headed by Dr. Reginald Bickford of the laboratory of electroencephalography of the Mayo Foundation here. Everyone has the electrical waves. The waves come in patterns, different in some mental conditions than in health. Aesthetics change the shape or pattern of the waves.

A little anesthetic excites the brain cells, producing lots of waves. As you fall deeper asleep with more anesthetic, the waves stop for brief periods, then for longer periods, then the waves flatten ultimately may stop altogether. Dr. Bickford devised a machine which uses the waves to control the amount of anesthetic a patient gets. The waves act like an automatic pilot, to cut off or reduce the flow of gas if the patient goes beyond the desired level of anesthesia.

If more anesthetic is needed, the wave talk can make the machine supply more gas. Dr. Bickford says the device has proved useful in surgery using heart machines, which bypass the patient's own heart i and lungs. Dut to that, the anesthesiologist does not have the same indications from pulse and breathing to guide him in the amount of anesthetic that is needed, or can be safely given. Brain wave talk is being used in other ways.

Some attacks of epilepsy--those cases due to damage to the brain -are brought on by such simple things as ringing of a telephone or the sound of jazz Brain wave tracings are being used to learn what happens to the brain in response to such outside stimuli, how they produce such reactions. The method also could be helpful in finding drugs which best control such seizures. In other studies, fine wires only as big around as human hairs are being placed deep within the brain, to locate areas of damage caused by birth injuries, falls, illnesses, or blood clots. The tiny wires are electrodes which can pick up electrical waves produced at different depths within the brain. Areas of abnormal discharges or waves give clues to the exact location of brain damage, the better to guide neurosurgeons in operations to remove the damaged areas.

The wires also can be used to introduce electrical currents or impulses at different depths, to make the brain go into activity. This technique can further help pinpoint the area of damage. It can also help reveal the story of what different parts of the brain do. ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements A-1 Clean Fill, Trap-rock base for drive ways; Sand, snow plows, trucking. Tel.

3-0417. A-1 chain SAN work, A trees cut. lots cleared. hour or job. ST 8-4685 LY 3-6945.

ADVERTISING from a to Z. What are your needs? Call RE 2-1067 between 7-9. ANY CLOGGED sewer or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned or no chartes. Roto Rooter, Tei. RE 4-3731.

ADVERTISERS NOTE--Mimeographing complete lotter service. Low ratos, prompt service. JE 2-A525. AAA ATTIC. cellar.

yard cleaning, rubbish removed. 3 ton dump, landscaped, Fratamico, 107 Tyler St. RE 7-0842. ANY ATTIC. collar, yard cleaned Rubbish removed.

Free estimates. Reas. rates RE 2-4254 anytime. A man with truck. cleans collars, attics, yards.

RE 6-0633. AUTO INSURANCE MOTORCYCLES -TRUCKS Time Payments. Rapid Service Open day m. to 6 D. M.

NICHOL9 Tel. RE 3-1209 Mass. 36 NEW DWIGHT ST. COMPLETE tree service. Bldr.

lots cleared, Insured. RE 6-1191. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, flushed and cleaned, quick odorless, sanit. Phone RE 4-3734. Roto Rooter, of course.

FREE Wholesale Catalog. famous brand appliances, cameras, watches, H. R. Stever, 51 McClellan Amherst, Mass. FLOORS cleaned, WaXed polished Reasonable.

RE 4-2054. I WILL put my Buffalo Punchpress, shear bar cutter to work for you on part-time basis. Very reason. Call Casey RE 4-7802. SEWER I PIPES blocked.

a Call Sewer Service, LY 2-0758, LY 8-8847. SUPER DUPER comp. simonizing job. 22 yrs. exp.

58 Seventh St. RE 7-2394. TV installation antenna repairs. Reas. W.

O'Brien. RE 3-0467. WE GUARANTEE rid roaches, mice, ants $5. Walker's RE 6-2061. Personals ALL TYPES OF PVT INVESTIGATIONS Any problems completely confidential.

THE WHITNEY DETECTIVE SERVICE Suite 208, 44 Vernon Springfield. Mass, Licensed Bonded Tel. RE 3-7170 Nights LI a 3-4930 For app't and consultation CONFIDENTIAL Investigation of an tyves Evidence obtained for domestia civil de criminal proceedings. THE ATWOOD DETECTIVE AGENCI SUITE 521 1570 MAIN SPFLD. ST 8-0471 EVES.

RE 6-2897 EXPERIENCED mother in Indian Orchard wishes to care for children in her hom*o days. Call LI 3-4771. EXPERIENCED person to drive Cadillac to Palm Beach, Florida, between Feb, 1 and 5th. All expenses paid. Write qualifications and references to Box 333 ('nion Office.

LADY seeks driver to. Main State Sta. from Island Pond Rd. Roosevelt 7.30 A. m.

Return at 5. RE 9-6327. MINOR fur remodeling repaire. Also relinings. Reasonable.

RE 4-6273. TALENT for talent night. For audi. tion call Larry March. Hotel Bridgway.

RE 6-8341 bet. 8-9 p. m. Thurs. WILL board children in my home by the week RE 2-5008.

WILL care for children in my home, any age. RE 7-5105. leaving Spild. about 6.50 a. m.

for Hartford. who returns about 4.30 p. m. RE 6-5496 WANTED--RIDE from to Billings Lv. aft.

5.30 p. m. RE 3-2118. Spencer, Hartford, daily, A Ar. 7 a.

m. WILL CARE for small child in my home 64 Suffolk St. Mrs. Elliott WILL care for child 3-4 yrs. in my home vic.

Five Milo Pond. RE 9-7696. ANNOUNCEMENTS Convalescent Homes AT BAKER'S Convanscent Home City, vacancy now open. Call RE 3-1162. SINGLE DOUBLE rooms avail.

with sun parlor. TV and tray service. Wilson Rest Home. RE 2-6872. VACANCIES hospital beds.

chronic care, TV tray service. W. Spild, RE 3-7461. Lost and Found 10 co*ckER SPANIEL lost fein. "Las" e.

Please all Perella's, 35 Tulsa St. going to have pUpp RE 3-6737. FOUND 4 white female doz. F. roe Stebbing.

T'ville. RI 9-429. LOST brown rart Co pup' mo. old. Vic.

Memorial W. Spfld. RE 7-7489. LOST will finder of wallet, on Fri. Jan.

6, return with papers to Lucille 22 LOST 18 KT. Movado Malendar men' watch. Reward. RE LOST: On East Main St. Chicopee Fella January the 10th, 13 inch black brown head.

Reward. JE 3-5000 or notify Finian Shea 1473 We tovar Chic. Falls. LOST- Gray white bobtail cat ric. of Cloran St.

CALL RE 7-7644. LOST -man's Hamilton watch ct betw. Blunt Park City Library. Re ward. RE 2-8621.

MAN'S wrist watch, lost, Central Walnut or park, lot. State St. Rew. RE 2-3383. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 AT THOMPSONVILLE FORD 1953 FORD 2 dr.

3835 1953 FORD Ranch Wagon 1195 1953 RUICK 2 dr. 1295 1953 CHEVROLET dr. 1195 1932 FORD 2 dr. 795 1951 CHEVROLET CI. P.G.

H. 695 1951 FORD 2 dr. 545 1950 FORD 4 dr. 395 1949 FORD dr. 249 1949 FORD 2 a 150 1946 FORD, "Real Nice' 150 Other: Choose From WOLF FORD SALES 815 Enfield St.

is Thompsonville, Conn. TEL. RE 5-5586, OPEN EVES. AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'. 1355 CADILLAC Eldorado Conv.

430 1955 CADILLAC Conv. P.S. P.B. 4486 1955 CADILLAC Cpe. De Ville P.S.

P.B. 4406 1955 CADILLAC COupe P.S. P. B. 4196 1935 CADILLAC Fleetwood dr.

Sedan full powered 4333 CADILLAC Conv. P.S. P. B. 3584 1954 CADILLAC aed.

full power 3395 1953 CADILLAC Fleetwood sed. P.S. 2435 1930 CADILLAC Cpe. DeVille 1495 1918 CADILLAC 4 dr. Sed.

nice 625 1941 CADILLAC 62 4 dr. sedan 1956 OLDS 88 Holiday cpe. New 2595 1954 OLDS Super 88 4 dr. P. S.

P. B. 2095 1953 OLDS 98 Holiday Cp P. S. P.

B. 1695 1953 OLDS 88 Holiday P. 3. 1795 BUICK Century Riv. Cpe.

2593 1955 Rdm. Conv. Loaded 0995 1954 BUICK Riviera Coupe 1995 1953 BUICK Riviera Coupe 1495 1933 convertible 1953 BUICK 2 dr. sedan 1949 BUICK conv. 40, 1953 CHEVROLET Conv.

1295 1951 CHEV. Fleetline 2 dr. P. G. 605 1953 LINCOLN conv.

P.S. P.B. way power scat 1126 1952 DE 4 dr. Sed, P.S. 995 1950 SOTO 4 dr.

Sedan 395 1955 FORD Fairlane 4 dr. F. O. M. 1895 1949 MERCURY 4 dr.

sedan 1952 PONTIAC Catalina Cpe. 095 1955 PACKARD Clipper dr. sed, 2195 19:1 PACKARD 2 dr. Sed. Ultra.

635 1950 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon 625 1951 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Cpe. 695 Above Cars Equipped Guaranteed THE ORIGINAL LEO'S TEL. RE 2-9453 OR ST 8-0601 1174 STATE ST. OPEN EVENINGS ALL A-1 SPECIAL LEE MOTOR SALES No Overhead Makes These Prices Possible Ford Sta. Wagon.

Clean $595 '51 Chev. 4 dr. PG. A beauty. $405 '51 Plymouth dr Real nice.

$435 '51 Ford 2 dr. (6). A-1 cond. $325 Stude. convt.

A-1 shape. $595 '50 Olds. 4 dr, Hydra. Extra clean. $395 Plymouth 2 dr.

Real nice $305 Stude. 2 A-1. $245 '50 Pontiac 4 dr. '50 Hudson dr, (6). Real nice.

'49 Lincoln Cosmo. dr. Clean TRADE TERMS TEL. RE 65 Expos' 'on W. off Memorial AV.

000 street past the BlUe Grotto. AT RICHARDS The Best Money Can Buy SAVE ON NEW OLDSMOBILES! 1958 OLDS 88 dr. sedan 1956 OLDS 88 Holiday 2895 1955 CADILLAC club CD- P.S. P.B. 4993 1955 CADILLAC Conv.

P. S. P. B. 4395 1954 CADILLAC Cpe.

Deville, P. S. P. B. 3850 1954 CADILLAC Eidorado conv.

P.S. P.B, way seat Aut. 4595 1934 CADILLAC PS PB 3595 1953 CADILLAO Fitwd, 15,000 mi. 1952 CADILLAC Conv. Cont.

wheel 2195 1953 CADILLAC Conv. P.S. 2495 1952 CADILLAC 62 dr. Sed. P.

S. 1925 1054 OLDS Super 88 dr. PS PB 1995 1951 CADILLAC 62 Coupe 1395 1951 CADILLAC Fleetwood Sed. 160.5 1951 CADILLAC 62 4 dr. sedan 1535 OLDS dr.

sedan 9495 1954 OLDS 98 Starfire Cony. P. S. P. B.

243 5 1354 BUICK Super Riviera Cpa. 2195 1054 BUICK Spec. Fistate Wag. 4105 1934 CHEV. Del.

2 dr, sedan 1104 1933 MERCURY dr. sedan MERCURY 3 dr. sedan' OD 1530 1953 CHEV. Del. 4 dr, sedan 1953 DE SOTO 4 dr.

sedan 1495 1952 dr. sedan 1025 1952 MERCURY dr. sedan 20.5 PONTIAC Catalina 1952 BUICK Super Conv. 1095 1962 NASH Rambler Country Club 795 1951 OLDS Super 88 dr. sedan 833 1851 CHEV.

Bel Air Cpe. F.G. 195 1951 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan Hyd, 795 1971 DE SOTO Conv. 795 1951 MERCURY 4 dr.

sedan 750 1951 BUICK Super Riviera cpe. 705 1950 OLDS 98 4 dr. sed. hyd. 395 1950 FORD 2 dr.

sedan 395 1950 PONTIAC Del. 2 dr. sed. hyd. 495 1950 OLDS 89 club cpe.


RE 7-8512 AT GENDEN INC. Dollar for Dollar You Can't Beat GENDEN BROS. USED CARS In Price -Quality-or Time Payments 1956 Pontiac Star Chief Catalina 4 dr. 1936 Pontiac Catalina Demo. SAVE 1955 Pontiao Star Chief Catalina 1955 Pontiaa Chief Sedan SAVE 1954 Pontlaa Chieftain dr.

Sedan 1954 Pontiac Star Chief dr. Sedan 1954 Pontiac Catalina 1953 Pontiao 4 dr. sedan 1300 1953 Pontiac Station Wagon 1790 1952 Packard 2 dr. sedan 890 1932 Mercury, hard top 1095 1952 Pontias cony. 1020 1951 Pontiac 4 dr.

sedan 490 1950 Pontiac dr. sedan 730 1350 Cadillac 4 dr sedan 1530 1950 Packa, d. sedan 430 1950 conv. 630 1950 Pontiac 6 cyl. 530 PLUS MANY OTHERS 1948 THRU 1954 SEE Car THE Carries NEW a 30 1956 Day PONTIAC Warranty GENDEN BROS, INC.

2397 Main St Tol RE 6-5481 RE AT FRANK'S AUTO SALES, INC. 1608 STATE ST. MASS. '55 Cadillac (62) coupe, full power 84295 '54 El Dorado contin. wheel 4593 '52 Cadillac (62) 1 dr.

P. S. P. B. 1993 Cadillac conv.

PS PB elec wind. 2195 1395 Cadillac (62) dr. nice '48 Cadillac (62) dr. blue 695 '53 Buick Spec. 4 dr.

Dyna 6000 mi. 2295 '54 Buick Rdm. Riv. Cpe. Loaded 2095 Buick Super Conv.

black 2095 '52 Buick Super Riv. two tone 1193 Buick Super Riv. two tone 1035 '50 Buick Super Station Wagon 695 Olds. Holiday's pick your colors 2795 '32 Olds. Super dr.

very nice 1092 '31 Olds. dr. sedan 895 '50 Olds. 98 Holiday Coupe SOE Ford Country sedan FOM 2295 Ford Fairlane 4 dr. sed, P.

S. 1895 Chev. Bel Air V8 4 dr. 0. D.

1895 Ford Country Squire 1395 '53 Ford 4 dr. Customline 1195 Chev. Stylline Del. dr. P.

0. 405 Dodze 2 dr. Sedan 593 '53 DeSoto 4 dr. St Can 1005 Tel. RE 4-6226 Open to a A 1939 Plymouth coupe, with rumble seat.

Good condition. $50. Ph. RE ask for Frank. A 1018 Chevrolet sed.

good condition, new tires, battery and shocks. Bargain $125 Cash Tel LO 7-3712. AT EATON'S 1952 PLYMOUTH conv. cpo. excellent throughout $893 1948 WILLYS 4 Jeep, metal cab 505 1947 WILLYS i W' D' Jeep with hand pump hydraulic an plow 525 1917 CHEV.

4 dr Excel. 395 1246 WILLIS 4 Jeep 305 EATONS 820 WHITE ST. RE 6-6623 5.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.